How to remove smell from a thermos?

Thermos is a useful thing, it can be used both in the summer heat and in the winter cold. But if you do not use it constantly, but from time to time, then the next time you try to pour hot tea or refreshing lemonade into it, you will probably encounter a problem how to remove the smell from a thermos. Long-term storage, and even improper storage, can provoke the appearance of a very unpleasant aroma of musty, mold. In this case, drinking from this miracle device will be extremely unpleasant. In order not to run on a new object, not to spend money on it, we offer you several ways of how to remove the smell from a thermos and how to wash the thermos inside with a minimum amount of energy.
to contents ↑Remove unpleasant odor
To get rid of the smell in a thermos, you can use various improvised means. Here are the simplest options that you can definitely use without running out to the store for a cleaner.
Method 1
This option of how to remove the smell from a thermos is ideal if you have no more than 1 hour to clean it. Proceed as follows:
- Measure out 3 tbsp. l rice - any, and pour it inside.
- Pour 0.5 tbsp. boiling water.
- Leave for half an hour.
- Rinse under running water.
Important! Rice is one of the best absorbents, so there will not be a hint of unpleasant aromas. In addition, it will even help whiten the inner surface, having absorbed all the plaque during infusion.
Method 2
Another very convenient option is to get rid of the smell in a thermos and wash it inside, for which you will need funds, which is probably at hand:
- Pour soda, dill seeds, salt or mustard inside the container - you will need a few teaspoons.
- Pour 1 tbsp. hot water.
- Close the cap and shake vigorously several times to dissolve the powder.
- Leave on for 30-60 minutes.
- Pour the solution and rinse the thermos well inside with running clean water.
Important! You can replace the powders with any acid that is at hand - acetic, citric, and malic.
Method 3
More recently, many were distrustful of the cleaning properties of such drinks as Coca-cola and Sprite, but having experienced them at least once, they are surprised to realize that it is sometimes difficult to find the best option. If you have such drinks in the refrigerator and you are not sorry to use them for household needs, feel free to act in this way:
- Pour a full thermos of soda.
- Close the cap, but not very tight.
- Leave it overnight.
- In the morning, rinse the container well with warm running water.
to contents ↑Important! Such a simple procedure with a minimum of your actions will help to easily remove the smell from a thermos.
Thermos Care
In order not to encounter such a problem, try to keep the subject clean all the time. For this:
- Always wash it immediately after use.
- Especially thoroughly wash the cap with a soapy solution with a sponge or brush.
- Dry the thermos well after washing, it is advisable to even completely dry it first, and then leave it open for a while on a towel.
- If you do not use a thermos for a long time, do not close it tightly with a lid - otherwise the smell of mustiness will certainly appear.
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Surely you could easily cope with the task of how to wash the thermos inside and now again prepare delicious drinks or food for your journey. And we are glad that we were able to help you!
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