How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor?

A cat is an animal that gives owners a lot of pleasant emotions. However, you need to be prepared for the fact that while the animal gets used to the tray, you will have to quite often encounter puddles and piles, and in places where you least expect them. Punishing an animal is useless. Horrible people throwing the cat after the first puddle, in general, leave out of brackets. We will figure out how to remove the smell of cat or cat urine from the floor, if it has been marked.

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The cat is crap: what is the reason?

If you took a small kitten to the house, then he can write anywhere, either because he is not used to the tray or because of stress and fear of an unusual environment. Sometimes it happens when an adult and generally hassle-free cat begins to mess out. The reason may be:

  • The tray is not clean enough.
  • Use when cleaning the tray of strongly smelling household chemicals.
  • A tray inconvenient for the animal (as an option - a filler).
  • Stress.
  • Tags in the mating season.
  • Urinary system diseases.
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What to do with this disgrace?

The most unpleasant thing is that you can wipe the puddle, but the unpleasant smell remains. The fact is that the composition of cat urine includes uric acid, insoluble in water.

Important! The most difficult thing is to remove the sickening amber from items of clothing or shoes (due to the introduction of urine into the reaction with human sweat), as well as from wooden and plastic porous surfaces.

If you wipe the puddle and wash it with an ordinary detergent, uric acid will remain. You can deal with the source of aroma using the following means:

  • Baking soda.
  • Potassium permanganate.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Laundry soap.
  • Vinegar.
  • Lemon juice or citric acid.
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How to wash the floor from cat urine, or the secrets of “smart” cleaning

How to wash the floor and how to remove the stinky smell of urine? Any of these tools will help get rid of bad smell. The main thing is to use them correctly to remove or kill for good the smell of cat urine from the floor.

Enzymatic purification

An enzymatic cleaner can be purchased at a pet supply store. The composition of the cleaner contains substances that break down protein in cat urine and help eliminate odors. You can even apply it to items of linen or clothing. For example, if the cat wrote on the bed.

Important! If your beast shows an enviable constancy, and you have already used another purifier in places of “vengeance”, then this remedy may not work.

White vinegar Urine removal

If you do not know how to interrupt the smell of cat urine from the floor, vinegar will help you:

  1. Mix white vinegar and water in equal proportions.
  2. Wipe the cat's puddle and apply vinegar to the problem area.

Important! Acetic acid completely neutralizes the sickening ammonia aroma, even from old stains.


We are talking about bleaching agents without ammonia. It is enough to apply the product on the stain, and then wipe it with a damp cloth.

Important! Do not use bleach when it comes to colored fabrics. Bleaching agents often damage the color or structure of a material.


Apple vinegar

Mix apple cider vinegar with washing powder (60 g powder, 60 g vinegar), apply to a stain, rub, and then wipe with a damp cloth.If the use of apple cider vinegar turned out to be insufficiently effective, and the aroma is still present, the enzymatic cleanser, which we talked about above, also helps.

Baking soda

How to remove the smell of cat urine from a wooden floor? Sometimes it’s enough to sprinkle the place of feline “vengeance” with ordinary soda. It is an excellent odor absorber. Rub it into the problem area with a sponge or brush, and after 2-3 hours, clean it with a vacuum cleaner or a broom.

Lemon juice

Put freshly squeezed lemon juice on a sponge and treat the cat's spoiled clothes and upholstery.


Add 1 drop of iodine alcohol solution to 1 liter of water and treat the stain. Wait 15-20 minutes and wipe the iodine solution dry. The iodine solution dissolves uric acid crystals.


How to remove the smell of cat urine from a laminate or wooden surface? Mouthwash will help eliminate the smell of fresh urinary stains. Wipe the puddle and wipe the stain with rinse aid. The unpleasant amber will certainly disappear.

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What should not be?

Here are the tools that you can’t use when considering how to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor:

  • Substances that contain ammonia. For example, a wiper or ceramic tile cleaner. The reason is that the use of these substances will only provoke the beast to repeated “revenge”. While the cat smells ammonia, he will stubbornly crap in the wrong place.
  • Deodorant, cologne or perfume to mask odor. First of all, you will not succeed. Secondly, a “cocktail” of perfume and cat-like stool is a very harsh thing.
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Shop preparations

In fact, finding a truly effective “odor eliminator” is not easy. But still, high-quality drugs are on sale.

Important! Before you get this or that “liquidator”, be sure to study the composition. The most effective ones are those that contain enzymatic agents for the rapid breakdown of uric acid.

So, here are the best odor eliminating drugs:

  • OdorGone. Natural product sold as an aerosol. The drug is not only effective, but also safe for people and animals.
  • Zoosan. According to consumers, a good tool, without a strong “scaring” smell. A clear advantage is the attractive price.
  • Urine Off. Safe tool. However, with regard to efficiency, consumer opinions are diametrically opposed: from complete delight to disappointment.
  • DesoSan. This is a quality and user-friendly tool. It eliminates odors even from old spots.
  • Bio-GM. There are few reviews about this drug, but the manufacturing company guarantees the complete elimination of the smell, without trying to “hide it”. The composition of the product is completely natural.
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First of all, a useful tip: how to detect the “act of vengeance” if the pet is secretly mutilating. With Wood's lamp, you can detect all areas damaged by an insidious beast. Now about preventive measures:

  • Keep your cat toilet in a place convenient for the animal. Cats - a beast, contrary to popular belief, is not arrogant, but very shy. The cat loves to do its job in a secluded place.
  • Clean the places where the cat was caught “at the crime scene” with a store spray gun.
  • Put citrus peaks or pine cones in flower pots. This will discourage the pet from hunting for spoiling in flowerpots.
  • Change the filler in the tray regularly. The cat is too aristocratic and neat to walk in a dirty tray.
  • If the problem is that the cat is marking the territory, consider the question of castration of the animal. You decide.
  • Do not scold, and even more so, do not dare to hit the pet. She will take revenge!
  • If the cat is crap that is completely trouble-free in the past, show it to the vet. It is possible that the animal is suffering from a urinary tract infection or kidney disease.
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How to wash the floor from cat urine, you have an idea. However, it is necessary to find out and eliminate the causes of non-standard pet behavior. Then you will receive only positive emotions from the cat.

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