How to remove the smell of fish from the hands?

Cooking tasty and healthy fish dishes can cause a lot of trouble to the hostess if she does not know how to remove the smell of fish from her hands, dishes, clothes. The main problem is that this aroma is not only specific and far from pleasant, but also very caustic. If it is wrong to approach the issue of how to remove the smell of fish, and take the wrong funds, you can only make it worse and persistent stench will be in your apartment for at least a week. To avoid this, check out the simple ways to flush the smell outlined below. With the help of improvised tools you will get rid of the smell of fish in a matter of minutes.
to contents ↑We clean hands
To remove or wash the smell of fish from your hands is very simple if you rub the skin with one of the following remedies:
- celery;
- lemon slice or juice;
- sunflower oil;
- parsley.
If such products are not at hand, but vinegar is available, proceed as follows:
- Prepare the solution by mixing 1 part vinegar with 2 parts water.
- Dip your hands in vinegar or use a cotton pad to thoroughly treat your skin.
- Wash your skin with running water.
We clean the dishes
The fishy smell strongly eats into the dishes and kitchen items that you used to prepare the dish. To clean them, you can use the same means that you used to get rid of the smell of fish from your hands - this:
- vinegar - wipe them with all surfaces, cutting boards, knives, countertops;
- lemon juice or acid dissolved in water - similar actions;
- raw onions or potatoes - cut vegetables into 2 parts and wipe in half all the necessary objects.
Also, other substances that are likely to be at hand will also perfectly cope with the problem of unpleasant aromas.
Method 1
- Take dry mustard powder.
- Rub it with all the appliances.
- Rinse well under running water.
Important! If there is no ordinary powder, then you can use the mustard that is sold in the form of seasoning.
Method 2
- Brew tea and pour it into a large container.
- Put items with unnecessary aroma directly into the tea.
- Leave for 1 hour, covering the dishes with a lid.
- Rinse with clean water, you can additionally use your usual dishwashing detergent.
Method 3
If there is beer in the refrigerator and you do not mind using it for cleaning, wipe it with all the kitchen utensils that you used to prepare the fish. Beer aroma is sharper, but at the same time it disappears faster.
Method 4
If persistent fish spirit appears in the refrigerator, place a few tablets of activated carbon on the middle shelf. In a couple of days, not only this one, but also all other unpleasant and unnecessary aromas will be removed.
to contents ↑We clean clothes and towels
If fish scales or spray got into the apron, towels, or even your home clothes during the cleaning process, proceed as follows:
- Prepare a solution of 4 liters of warm water and 2 tbsp. vinegar.
- Soak the right things in it for 2-3 hours.
- Rinse well and wash in the usual way.
to contents ↑Important! This method is great for solving the problem of how to remove the smell of fish from clothes, but do not increase the concentration so that the colors on the fabric do not change.
Remove the smell from the fish itself
If the fish itself has an obvious smell of rot or mud, before you cook it, proceed according to one of the following methods:
- Soak the fish in vinegar for 2 hours. A good effect is achieved if you take a proportion of 1 liter of water per 2 tbsp. acids.
- Rub each fish with coarse salt and set aside for 15-20 minutes. Rinse before cutting and cooking.
Remove the smell of fish in the kitchen after cooking
After cooking, it is necessary not only to remove the smell of fish from hands, kitchen items, but also from the air. The easiest way to do this is:
- Pour salt into a clean pan.
- Heat it on fire.
- Leave the salt pan on the stove.
to contents ↑Important! Salt will draw out all the smells, if partially they remain - do the same procedure, but with lemon or orange zest.
Helpful hints:
- Fish aroma is very specific and immediately eats up on all surfaces and kitchen items, so remove it immediately after cooking.
- Do not store uncooked raw fish and other products in the refrigerator - the aroma will pass to them and it will be impossible to remove it.
Stock footage
Now you know how to remove the smell of fish from your hands and other objects in the kitchen after cooking. Create your own masterpieces from this valuable product and enjoy the food, and do not waste time on long cleaning!
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