How to remove the application from the android if it is not deleted?

In the Android operating system, many different programs that are not needed are initially preinstalled. However, these special developments consume the RAM of the smartphone, occupy the internal memory, use the update traffic, and also discharge the battery. All this especially affects the functionality of budget gadgets, which have not so much memory anyway. It is very easy to get rid of all useless software, but there are also situations unexpected for the user when this turns out to be impossible. In this article, we will look at how to remove an application from an android if it is not deleted.

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How to remove a preinstalled application from the phone?

In order to eliminate standard developments from a smartphone, you must have Root right (administrator right). Without it, it is impossible to uninstall any preinstalled software - you can only disable it, but it will still remain in memory. Obtain administrator privileges using special software products.

Method number 1 - “KingRoot”

You can use “KingRoot”. In order to obtain superuser rights, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Download and install “KingRoot”. It will automatically determine the model of the device used, as well as the availability of administrator rights.
  • Click on Try to root and wait for the process to complete.

Important! After the process is complete, the device may reboot. It's quite normal.

  • Now the user has administrator rights and can uninstall the preinstalled software.

Important! Before uninstalling useless software, it is necessary to backup (backup) all data using the popular “Titanium Backup” development. This procedure will save you from a lot of trouble if you remove system developments that are forbidden to touch.

“KingRoot” allows not only to obtain administrator rights, but also to uninstall any third-party software. In addition, it has a number of useful features.

How to remove unnecessary applications on android using “KingRoot”:

  • Launch “KingRoot”.
  • In the main menu, go to the “Uninstall programs” item.
  • Go to the “Embedded” tab, which is responsible for preinstalled software.

Important! On the “Custom” tab is located all the software that was installed by the user of the device.

  • It is necessary to identify all unnecessary software products and mark them with a tick.
  • Tap on the “Delete” button.

Important! This process must be carried out very carefully so as not to accidentally eliminate important system developments that may affect the functionality of the device.

Method number 2 - “Root Explorer”

This method involves the installation and use of any third-party conductor. We use the most popular development of “Root Explorer”. How to remove standard applications on android using “Root Explorer”:

  1. Download “Root Explorer” in the “Play Market”, install and launch it.
  2. Go to the / system / app folder, in which all installed software products are stored.
  3. Identify useless developments, tick them off.
  4. Tap on the trash can icon in the bottom line.
  5. Confirm deletion, wait for the process to complete.


Method number 3 - “Titanium Backup”

To uninstall preinstalled software, you can also use the development of “Titanium Backup”.It has great functionality, and in addition to data backup, it eliminates useless software.

How to remove unnecessary programs on android using “Titanium Backup”:

  • Download “Titanium Backup” in the “Play Market”, install it and run it.

Important! If, after starting up, a message about the system configuration appears, then you need to follow the instructions, go to the specified path and disable “USB debugging”.

  • In the main menu, go to the “Backups” tab.
  • Identify excess software and click on it.
  • In the menu that appears, tap on the “Delete” button.
  • Confirm uninstall, wait for the process to complete.

Method number 4 - “ES Explorer”

Very often, “ES Explorer” is already installed on the android, so you do not need to download any additional special developments. In order to eliminate useless software using “ES Explorer”, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Launch “ES Explorer”. If it is not installed in advance, then you need to download it from the “Play Market”.
  2. In the upper right corner, tap on the “APPs” button.
  3. In the window that appears, go to the “Installed in the device” item.
  4. In the upper left corner tap on the “menu” button.
  5. Activate the item “Root Explorer” by moving the slider to the right.
  6. In the request for administrator rights that appears, click on “allow”.
  7. Return to the list of preinstalled software, mark the extra.
  8. In the window that appears, tap on the “Uninstall” button and confirm the action.
  9. Wait for a message about the successful completion of uninstallation.

The process is completed!

Method number 5 - “Root App Deleter”

In the process of eliminating preinstalled software, the special development “Root App Deleter” will help. How to remove unnecessary programs on a smartphone:

  • Download, install and launch the “Root App Deleter”.
  • Go to “System Applications”.
  • Select the “Pro” mode.
  • In the list that opens, click on a useless software product.
  • In the window that appears, tap on the “Uninstall” button.
  • Allow granting administrator rights.
  • Confirm uninstall.

Important! In case of a successful process, a message will be displayed about this. If, however, an error occurred during uninstallation, the system will notify you of this and give you the choice: to forcefully delete or cancel this process. Select forced removal and click on “No. 1”.

  • Unclaimed software is uninstalled from the internal memory of the smartphone.

Method number 6 - “Root Uninstaller Pro”

Development of “Root Uninstaller Pro” can help eliminate preinstalled software. In order to complete the process of uninstalling useless software, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  1. Download, install and run “Root Uninstaller Pro”.
  2. Tap on the “Accept” button and confirm the license agreement.
  3. In the list that opens, identify unclaimed software and click on it.
  4. In the window that appears, allow granting administrator rights.
  5. Tap on the “Delete” button.
  6. Wait for a message about a successful uninstall.

Important! Special development "Root Uninstaller Pro" before the process of uninstalling a software product to offer to make a backup. This in the future will help to eliminate the problems that arise, if suddenly this program turns out to be systemic and affects the functionality of the smartphone.


Method number 7 - “Removing system applications”

To eliminate third-party software, you can also use the special development “Removing system applications”. How to remove the application from the android, if it is not deleted:

  1. Download, install and run “Uninstall system applications”.
  2. After launch, grant administrator rights to this special development.
  3. In the list that opens, identify useless software and tick off.
  4. Tap on the red “Delete” button.
  5. Wait for a message about the successful completion of the process.

Method number 8 - “Easy Uninstaller Pro”

In order to uninstall preinstalled software using “Easy Uninstaller Pro”, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Download, install and run “Easy Uninstaller Pro”.
  2. In the list that appears, find unclaimed software and tick off.
  3. Tap on the green “Delete” button.
  4. Wait for a message about the successful completion of the process.

Important! The special development “Easy Uninstaller Pro” does not even require administrator rights, which greatly simplifies the uninstallation process.

Method number 9 - “CCleaner”

The popular and well-known software development for cleaning the “CCleaner” device can help with uninstalling preinstalled software. How to remove the application from the android, if it is not deleted:

  1. Download, install and run “CCleaner”.
  2. In the upper left corner of the display, press the button and select “Application Manager”.
  3. Go to the “System” tab.
  4. In the list that opens, determine the useless software product and tick it off.
  5. Tap on the “Delete” button.
  6. Allow development access to administrator rights.
  7. Next, the device will reboot.
  8. After launching the smartphone, the uninstallation process is completed.

Method number 10 - “Debloater”

To eliminate third-party software from android, you can use a computer. For this process, the special development “Debloater” is suitable.

Important! “Debloater” is only compatible with android devices with operating system 4.0 and higher. That is why for older versions, this uninstall option is absolutely not suitable.

How to remove an unnecessary application on Android using a PC:

  • Download, install “Debloater” on the PC and run it.
  • Download and install ADB drivers for your smartphone model on a PC. This is necessary so that the computer can recognize the device.

Important! Usually, all the necessary drivers are installed automatically after connecting the android device to the PC.

  • Go to the android settings and go to the “For Developers” tab.
  • Enable USB debugging.
  • Run the program “KingRoot” on the smartphone.
  • Tap on the “Manage Root Rights” button.
  • Opposite the “ADB program” click on the “Request” button.
  • In the line that appears, tap on “Allow”.
  • Go to “Debloater” on PC. This program was supposed to successfully recognize the smartphone.
  • In the upper left corner, click on the “Read Device Packages” button and wait for the process to complete.
  • A list of all installed software products appears in an open window. We tick off unclaimed software.
  • Mark the checkbox “Remove” and click on the “Apply” button.

Done, third-party software eliminated from your Android device!

Important! This method is the most difficult, so you need to use it only if all the previous ones did not help.

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How to remove installed applications?

Over time, a lot of unnecessary software accumulates in the memory of the Android device. This significantly slows down the performance of the device, consumes battery power. Moreover, these properties appear even when the software package is not running. That is why unnecessary programs must be constantly uninstalled.

Delete via the main menu

The easiest method to eliminate useless software is to delete through the main menu. How to remove an unnecessary application on android:

  1. Go to the main menu of the smartphone.
  2. Find a shortcut for an unnecessary software product, hold it with your finger for a few seconds.
  3. After this procedure, a small menu should appear at the top of the display, where the “Delete” item with a basket icon will be present.
  4. Without releasing the finger from the shortcut, transfer it to this item and release it.
  5. Confirm the uninstallation of the special design and wait for the successful completion of this process.

Important! After the liquidation of a program, you must use special software to clean the android operating system, because as a result of uninstallation, a lot of extra files still remain in memory. The most popular is the “Clean Master” program.


Uninstall via application manager

To eliminate third-party software, you can use the application manager.To do this, perform the following actions:

  1. Open the main menu and go to “Settings”.
  2. Select “Application Manager”.
  3. Go to the “Downloaded” tab, because it displays all installed software products.
  4. Identify unclaimed software development and click on it.
  5. Click on the “Delete” button.
  6. Done, useless software is uninstalled.

Important! If you need to free the internal memory of the android device, but not erase the special designs, then you can simply move it to a memory card. To do this, instead of the “Delete” item, click on the “To SD memory card” button.

Uninstall via PlayMarket

In addition to the main menu, you can eliminate unclaimed software through the application store. “PlayMarket” provides the opportunity not only to download and install, but also to uninstall programs.

How to remove an unnecessary application on android:

  1. Launch “PlayMarket” and wait for it to load.
  2. Go to the “Games and Applications” section.
  3. Select “My apps and games.” This is where the list of all installed programs on this android device is located.
  4. Find useless software and click on the “Delete” button.
  5. Confirm the uninstall and wait for the process to complete successfully.

Uninstall via file manager

You can also eliminate unclaimed software using the file manager. The standard program is “ES Explorer”. It is he preloaded on most smartphones. In order to get rid of third-party software, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • Open the file manager and swipe right.
  • Go to the Tools section.
  • Click on “Root Explorer”.
  • Grant Superuser rights.
  • Hold your finger on the “Root Explorer” item in order to configure the ability to edit partitions and files.
  • In the menu that opens, select the item “Connect as R / W” and check all the boxes in the “RW” column.
  • Go to the internal memory and go to the “/ system / app” folder.
  • Mark useless software product file with .apk extension.
  • From the context menu that appears, select “Delete”.
  • In addition to the .apk file, you must also eliminate the file with the same name and .ordex extension, if any.

Important! In the operating system android 5.0 and higher, all installed system developments are divided into separate folders. That is why you need to select and delete the whole folder.

  • Go to the “/ data / app” folder and erase all updates for excess software according to the same principle.
  • Go to the “/ data / data” folder and delete the caches and databases of the software product.
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Now you know everything about how you can remove unnecessary and standard applications on android. Keep your smartphone clean, and then you will no longer have to deal with its brakes and incorrect operation.

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