How to remove facial hair?

Everyone has facial hair, someone has fair and invisible hair, and for someone they pose a serious problem, as they are dark, stiff and noticeable not only to their owner, but also to the people around her. In such cases, the question of how to remove facial hair becomes a constant companion of women. In this article, we will analyze the causes of the appearance and tell you how to remove hair.

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Reasons for the appearance

To get rid of hair once and for all, you need to know the reason for their appearance. There may be several reasons, the main ones are:

  1. Menopause. The most common cause of unwanted vegetation. The fact is that when the work of the ovaries fades, the male hormone - androgen begins to be produced intensely. It is thanks to him that this undesirable vegetation appears.
  2. During puberty, a similar picture occurs - the hormonal background changes and the increased production of certain hormones begins, among which, again, androgen.
  3. Hirsutism, a medical disease in which male hormones predominate in a woman’s body, may also be the cause. And the older a woman becomes, the more the disease manifests itself. To remove hair in this case, you need to undergo a course of treatment, and after that, contact a cosmetologist.
  4. The reason for the appearance of unwanted vegetation may even be heredity - if your mother has an antennae, then most likely you will have them too.
  5. Hormonal imbalance in the body is another factor contributing to the appearance of such unpleasant consequences as unwanted hair growth.

Important! Taking certain medications can affect your hormonal status for the worse and cause unwanted effects. In this case, before you remove facial hair, you need to restore your health.

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How to remove facial hair?

How to remove facial hair?There are many ways to remove unwanted hair from a variety of areas on your body. Figuratively, these methods can be divided into 2 categories: professional and at home.

Important! In any case, before you start getting rid of facial hair, find out the cause of their appearance - after all, this can be a sign of a serious illness.

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Medicinal Hair Removal Methods

There are several methods for removing unwanted vegetation, which are used in practice by professional specialists. Since the main reason in most cases is the excessive production of male hormones, there is a series of medications to lower their concentration in the female body. Consider some of them.

Birth control pills

Such drugs are often used in the treatment of various female diseases, in particular from excessive hair growth on the body. Some types of these pills are especially effective for hair removal.

Important! You can take them only as directed by a doctor. Uncontrolled use of medications can cause irreparable harm to your health. Then the problem of how to remove facial hair will interest you last.

Spironolactone (Aldactone)

This drug blocks the action of the hormone on the hair follicles. It also slows down the production of such hormones. Ketoconazole also acts in a similar way.

Important! These pills are not aspirin - they affect the hormonal background as a whole.Take medicine seriously!

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Professional cosmetic procedures

Also, cosmetology has advanced in hair removal methods. There are many ways to remove facial hair with a cosmetic treatment. Consider the most popular and common.

Plucking tweezers

This procedure is familiar to every woman. A cheap, but rather painful in the early stages, method to get rid of excess vegetation for a while. Yes, unfortunately, this method will not save you from excess hair forever. You can pluck hair only on sensitive areas of the skin.

Important! Plucking can lead to the growth of thicker and stiffer hair, but also have the opposite effect - reduce their number. It all depends on the individual characteristics of your body.

Wax removal

Waxing is another way to get rid of facial hair cheaply and for a long time. Cosmetic shops offer a wide selection of varieties of wax for hair removal, including for the face. The disadvantage of this method is the fact that before you remove the hair, they need to grow to the desired length. So - you have to walk around with a mustache.

Important! If you decide to choose this option, keep in mind that the procedure is also painful, especially the first few times.


How to remove facial hair?This method is not suitable for people with sensitive skin, as it can cause irritation. On the other hand, for those who do not experience irritation, this is a simple and inexpensive method to solve their problem.

Important! After several such procedures, the hair will fall off altogether and will not grow more at the treatment sites. Although there is a catch here - a good remedy for bleaching will still need to look.

Hair Removal Cream

This is the most ineffective method for dealing with facial hair. The reason for this conclusion is several reasons.

  1. This method of hair removal does not give a lasting result.
  2. The components of the cream can cause irritation and an allergic reaction.
  3. May cause the growth of thicker, darker and ingrown hair.

Important! Despite these shortcomings, many use cosmetic depilatory creams suitable for them. Therefore, to choose which way of how to remove facial hair is best for you, you can only in a practical way.


The most effective way to remove facial hair. It gives a stable, irreversible result, due to the fact that during the procedure, the hair follicle itself is destroyed when weak current pulses are applied.

Important! The disadvantage of this procedure is its pain, especially for people with sensitive skin type. To obtain a result, it is necessary to conduct 5-6 such procedures, sometimes more, but they are by no means cheap.

Laser removal (photoepilation)

The best option to remove facial hair is this method. It has many of its advantages, among which: speed, painlessness, long-term action (removal occurs forever), and there are relatively few contraindications compared to other methods. During this procedure, thermal burning of the hair follicles occurs, as a result of which the latter is destroyed and the hair stops growing. The disadvantage is the cost of this procedure, but doesn’t beauty require some sacrifices?

Important! Remember, never shave facial hair! This will lead to the fact that each time they will be thicker, thicker, their number will increase and a full-fledged male bristle will appear every day.

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Folk methods

In addition to professional methods of removing excess facial hair, there are also folk, the so-called “grandmother’s recipes”. Now a little and talk about them.


Melted sugar is an analogue of wax from the store, but it is a natural remedy and acts on the skin more gently.Melt it and gently apply it to the skin where there is excess hair. After it hardens, remove it from the skin with the hair.

Important! The disadvantage of this method is the same minus as with waxing - pain.

Homemade Hair Removal Clay

How to remove facial hair?You will need: 1 kg of sugar, a bottle of green tea, ½ cup water and vinegar. Follow the instructions below.

  1. Pour sugar into a saucepan.
  2. Mix water and vinegar, add them to sugar.
  3. Put the mixture on low heat and gently stir until the sugar is completely melted.
  4. Add there ⅓ of a bubble of green stuff and continue to mix until the mass becomes one dark color.
  5. Turn off the heat and let the clay cool slightly.
  6. Pour it until it cools completely into a shallower container, not plastic. First lay a plastic bag on its bottom.

Important! You can use such a tool, like regular clay from a store, in the form of a mask.

Walnut peel

This recipe is one of the most unusual. But still used to remove hair. You will need 3 green walnuts, more precisely a green peel from them.

To prepare the mixture, follow these steps:

  1. Peel the nut with a knife.
  2. Put it in a dry place and leave it until it is completely dry.
  3. Burn a completely dried peel.
  4. Add 1 tsp to the resulting ash. water.
  5. Stir the mixture thoroughly.

Important! Using the resulting cream is very simple: apply it several times a day on the hairs, and they will disappear for a long time. The disadvantage of this method is that the cream paints the skin brown, and is washed only a few days after application.

Baking soda

This home remedy needs to be done at night. As a result of application, all the hairs on the face fall off. For this:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water in 1 tsp. (with a slide) of soda.
  2. Stir and let cool slightly.
  3. Moisten cotton or gauze, squeeze it slightly.
  4. You need to fix this impromptu lotion in the place where you want to remove your hair (you can use a simple adhesive plaster).
  5. Leave it overnight.

Important! Somewhere after 3 such procedures, unwanted hair will be removed. But keep in mind that soda can cause flaking and dry skin.

Potassium permanganate

A solution of potassium permanganate periodically should moisten problem areas. Better to do it at night. Potassium permanganate, like soda, can dry the skin, so be careful when using this method.

Iodine tincture

The most positive reviews can be heard about this tool. For use:

  1. Mix 1.5 g of iodine with 5 g of castor oil, 2 g of ammonia and pour 50 ml of alcohol.
  2. Leave this mixture for several hours until it completely discolors.
  3. For 3-4 weeks, lubricate the place from which you want to remove hair.

Important! There are allegations that this tool allows you to remove hair permanently.

Nettle seeds

The chemicals that are found in nettle seeds have a destructive effect on the hair follicles. To remove facial hair with this tool, do the following:

  1. Grind the seeds on a coffee grinder, mix them thoroughly with vegetable oil.
  2. Let it brew, it will take about a month.
  3. Filter the infusion.

Important! Apply the infusion is the same way as other means. But be prepared for 2-3 weeks to pass before it works.

Green grapes

Squeezed juice from green, still unripe grapes can also help you remove hair. The biggest advantage of this method is that it is applicable to all skin types, does not damage even the most delicate skin, including on the face.

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Whatever method you use when reading our article, remember that any method can cause you to have an allergic reaction.In order not to harm yourself and your health, find out the reasons for the appearance of unwanted vegetation at the doctor, consult with him about how you better remove hair. In this case, it is more likely that you will be individually selected a suitable safe remedy, and possibly other problems with your health will be eliminated.

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