How to remove chewing gum from clothes

Each of us at least once in our life was faced with the problem of adhering chewing gum on clothes or shoes, and each one asked himself the question, how to remove chewing gum from clothes?

How to remove chewing gum from clothesThis process is quite difficult, unless, of course, trying to just tear it off from the material to which it has stuck. But there are proven methods that greatly facilitate this procedure. Use one of them - and you can easily get rid of this trouble.

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How to remove chewing gum from clothes?

There are quite a few means to solve the problem of how to remove chewing gum from clothes and shoes. If you decide to use folk methods, then before you remove the chewing gum from the fabric, look at what you have at hand. For this procedure, you will need:

  • ice;
  • ethanol;
  • plastic bag;
  • knife;
  • hard brush;
  • petrol;
  • vinegar;
  • nail polish remover;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • liquid soap;
  • tooth cheek;
  • cotton pads;
  • napkins or blotting paper.
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How to remove chewing gum from clothes?

Before removing chewing gum from clothes, familiarize yourself with all the proposed methods for solving this problem and choose the most suitable one based on what material you are removing it from and what exactly you have available at the moment.

Method 1

Use the freezing method and you can easily clean your clothes from chewing gum. For this:

  1. Take a plastic bag.
  2. Fold the thing with the sticky sticky elastic so that it is on top.
  3. Place the product in a bag, but only so that it does not lean against the polyethylene.
  4. Put a plastic bag with clothes in the freezer.
  5. Wait until the gum hardens well.
  6. Remove the bag from the freezer and pull the item out of it.
  7. Take the knife.
  8. Pry off a neatly hardened stain.

Method 2

If chewing gum is stuck on the carpet and you are going to remove it from it, then before you remove the chewing gum from the carpet, prepare ice to freeze the stain. To use this method, do this:

  1. Take the ice.
  2. Put it in a plastic bag.
  3. Attach the bag to the contaminated meta.
  4. Wait until the unwanted mass on the carpet hardens.
  5. Take a stiff brush.
  6. Remove dirt from it.

Important! In the event that after applying this method, a white spot remains, remove it with ethyl alcohol. Moisten a rag with alcohol and rub the white mark until it disappears completely.

Method 3

Before you remove the chewing gum from the skin, freeze it as follows:

  1. Take the “Freezer” special freezer.
  2. Apply it on a stain.
  3. Take a blunt metal object and carefully remove the adhering mass.

Important! You can buy this tool in radio component stores - it is used to cool microchips.

Method 4

Use a very simple but fairly effective option for freezing stains.

To do this, do this:

  1. Open the tap with cold water.
  2. Place sticky chewing gum on the product under a stream of cold water.
  3. Take a toothbrush.
  4. Wipe off dirt directly under running water.
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How else can you get chewing gum from your clothes?

To effectively remove chewing gum, warm it up initially. To do this, use one of the following options for solving this problem.

Solution 1

If you want to remove the chewing gum from your clothes with an iron, proceed as follows:

  1. Place a cloth, blotter paper or gauze in the area of ​​contamination.
  2. Take a hot iron.
  3. Iron them a stain.
  4. Remove the cloth from the ironed fabric.
  5. Repeat the procedure.

Important! If there is a white mark on the ironed place, treat it with a stain remover or dishwashing detergent and wash the product. This method is very suitable for removing chewing gum from trousers.

Decision 2

With a hairdryer, you can easily peel the chewing gum from your clothes. For this:

  1. Take a hairdryer.
  2. Use it to heat the adhering gum.
  3. Remove it with a toothbrush.

Decision 3

How to remove chewing gum from clothesRemove the mass that has stuck to the fabric with hot water:

  1. Take the stained one.
  2. Put it in boiling water.
  3. Wait until it gets wet well.
  4. Take a knife or scissors.
  5. Clean off any adhering dirt.

Important! Remove contaminated area without removing the item from hot water, but proceed with caution so as not to burn your hands.

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How to remove chewing gum with a special tool?

Remove chewing gum with Chewing Gum Removers, which are specifically formulated for this purpose. You can purchase it at a hardware store.

Important! Chewing Gum Removers has the following properties:

  • quickly removes chewing gum from carpets, upholstered furniture and other porous surfaces;
  • does not require preliminary measures for freezing - it is initially ready for use;
  • cleans effectively trampled and old chewing gum;
  • It has a pleasant citrus flavor.

To use this tool, follow these steps:

  1. Apply around sticky gum.
  2. Leave it on the fabric for 10 minutes.
  3. Take a flat blade knife.
  4. Bring it to the stained area on the fabric and gently scrub the chewing gum.
  5. Take a damp sponge.
  6. Remove any remaining cleaning agent.
  7. Repeat the procedure as necessary.

Important! Do not try to roughly remove the adhering mass from the fabric, otherwise you may damage it.

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How to remove stubborn gum?

Even if you did not immediately notice such a nuisance, chewing gum has eaten into the fabric and is ready to part with the thing - do not rush. You can still fix it.

Option 1

  1. Apply dishwashing concentrate or liquid soap to the contaminated area.
  2. Rub the treated area with a toothbrush.
  3. Take a blunt metal object and rub it with a stain.
  4. Wash the product.

Important! Apply a generous amount of cleaning agent to a contaminated area so that the fabric is well saturated.

Option 2

If you need to remove chewing gum from a thing as soon as possible, do this:

  1. Take a cotton pad.
  2. Dampen it abundantly in nail polish remover.
  3. Rub them with dirt.
  4. Wash the product.

Important! Do not use this method for delicate fabrics and it is better to choose a nail polish remover that does not contain acetone in order to avoid discoloration of the fabric with which you remove dirt.

Option 3

If you get rid of dirt on a delicate fabric, then use vinegar to remove dried cud from the item. For this:

  1. Take a tin container.
  2. Pour vinegar into it and heat it.
  3. Take a toothbrush.
  4. Dip it in hot liquid.
  5. Rub the stain with a wet brush until it is completely removed ..
  6. Remove the stubborn gum from the cloth with a brush, periodically dipping it in hot vinegar liquid.
  7. Wash the product.

Important! When using this method, act quickly until the vinegar has cooled, otherwise the removal of the dried stain will not be very effective.

Option 4

Another equally effective method:

  1. Take the product with contamination.
  2. Pour water into the container.
  3. Put it on fire and bring to a boil.
  4. Hold the contaminated area of ​​fabric over steam.
  5. Soften it over it.
  6. Dampen a cotton pad with gasoline.
  7. Rub them well with the place of contamination and leave for 5-7 minutes.
  8. Remove peeled pieces of chewing gum with a napkin.
  9. Wash the product.

Important! Before applying gasoline to the fabric, check its effect on an inconspicuous part of the product in order to avoid damage to the material.

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We hope that you have found a suitable solution to the question of how to remove chewing gum from your clothes, and you have managed to do it with ease. Undoubtedly, the purified thing again pleases you with its purity and neatness. In the future, be more careful - do not sit on dirty benches and chairs!


