How to grow Kombucha from scratch 🥝 a simple recipe on how to cook Kombucha in a jar

Europeans learned about the healing properties of Kombucha, or as it is also called Medusomycete, a little less than a century ago. Since then, it has spread across almost the entire continent. Today, it is very popular with us, and not without reason. But the fact is that this mushroom has a unique miracle power that allows you to use the product for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. But for it to really benefit, it is important to know how to care for the tea mushroom in the jar. In this article we will talk about this.
to contents ↑Conditions of detention
Depending on the conditions in which the medusomycete is located, not only taste qualities will change, but also useful characteristics, as well as chemical composition. In order for the medusomycete to develop correctly, the following conditions of detention should be adhered to:
- Medusomycet can live and develop perfectly in a spacious glass container, for example, in a three-liter jar. But it can be other dishes, the main thing is that it fits the size.
- The container containing the mushroom should not be in a bright place. Direct sunlight slows down the growth of mass, so it is not recommended to put the container on the windowsill.
- The necessary temperature for development is in the range of 23-27 degrees. If the temperature drops, the development of the fungus may slow down. This can lead to the appearance of algae and its death.
- After the medusomycete is ready, do not close the container tightly with a lid. In this case, oxygen deficiency occurs, which is necessary for the fungus to breathe.
Important! To prevent this from happening, you can fold clean gauze 3-4 times and put it on top of the container.
- It is undesirable to fill the Kombucha with raw water, since it is saturated with calcium. Use boiled water for these purposes.
- Before pouring water, dissolve the tea leaves and sugar in it. Do not pour tea on top of the mushroom or put the mass in water in which there is undissolved sugar. After such actions, the jellyfish can get a burn and become brown spots.
Important! The same applies to tea brewing - granules or petals from brewed tea must be completely removed.
- To ensure the normal development of medusomycete, it is necessary to periodically wash the Kombucha with clean water. You can use tap water, but it is still better to do this with boiled or spring water.
- Care must be taken to ensure that Kombucha does not die. This can happen due to a long stay in one solution. A sign may be a color change on the upper part - it becomes a dark brown hue. In this case, you should remove the mushroom from the container, rinse with clean water, remove and discard the upper part.
- If you left somewhere for a long time or simply forgot about your “pet” and he was left without fluid, then he can be reanimated. To do this, fill it with tea solution or sweet water - the jellyfish have the property of being stored in a dry form.
What and how to pour into it?
As a drink from the jellyfish is consumed, it becomes necessary to replenish the habitat in which it lives.Therefore, in order for him to be healthy, his proper nourishment should be a regular procedure. Take care of tea mushroom in a jar as follows:
- Prepare a tea solution diluted with sugar. In boiled one percent tea solution, dilute sugar in a ratio of one to ten.
- In this prepared solution, you can put the mushroom itself or add liquid to the one in which it is already located.
Important! Make sure that the prepared solution is not too saturated or strong. This can lead to growth retardation. Concentration can be reduced by adding boiled, cooled water.
Feeding or replacing the solution must be carried out regularly, about once every 3-4 days. When lowering the temperature in the room, this procedure is reduced to once a week. However, in order to make the drink more saturated, top dressing can be carried out more often.
to contents ↑How to wash?
Medusomycetus needs constant care and attention. It’s not enough just to place it inside the container, drain the healing drink and sometimes add liquid there. So how do you care for a mushroom in a jar? So that the mushroom does not die, it must be washed periodically:
- As a rule, it is washed with running, cool and clean water. Moreover, it must be washed with extreme caution, because if the pressure is too strong, the structure of the fungus can be damaged. At the end of the “bathing” the mushroom is returned to its usual environment and poured with a sweet solution of tea.
Important! During washing, the mass must be kept very gently - any mechanical “injuries” can lead to a violation of integrity, and the jellyfish will die.
- In summer, at a higher temperature in the room, the mushroom is somewhat more active than in winter. Therefore, wash Kombucha and change the solution more often.
Important! The washing process is preferably carried out once every 3-4 weeks in cold weather and at least once every 2 weeks in the summer.
- Besides the fact that it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance of tea mushroom, a thorough cleaning of its “house” is also necessary - the container inside which it is located. It must be thoroughly washed, removing all mucus, possible algae or other substances. Only after that the jar is filled with another tea solution and a new product is prepared.
How to share?
Reproduction of medusomycetes is very simple. For this:
- Separate the top.
- Move it inside a clean container with slightly warm water.
- Leave the new mushroom in a dark place for a day.
- As soon as the film begins to rise and exfoliate, move the young mushroom into a sweet tea solution.
- After 2-3 days, it should significantly increase in size, and the drink can be consumed.
to contents ↑Important! The period of life of Kombucha, when it can produce a quality drink, is a couple of months.
Beginner Mistakes
The jellyfish drink is not only very tasty, but also incredibly healthy. However, all the healing and taste properties of the drink are preserved, if you properly care for the mushroom in a jar. Some novice mushroom pickers sometimes make mistakes that prevent the fungus from making a drink:
- Having placed a very young Kombucha inside the jar, do not wait for an instant result. It should have a period of growth and maturation. Be patient and let him grow.
- You can’t tear off the lower layers from the jellyfish - this is where the elements are produced that make a tasty drink.
- Make sure that the jellyfish swim exclusively horizontally, with the smooth side up. Otherwise, there will be no drink.
- It is necessary to regularly refresh the liquid in the mushroom after drinking a drink. If the liquid does not freshen, the acidity in the solution will increase.
Important! If you do not want to drink a drink, just pour a portion and pour a fresh solution.
- Do not use metal dishes under the solution. The reaction of metal and acid can cause the product to deteriorate.
- Most often, the mushroom dies when hot tea is poured onto it from a mug or teapot.
to contents ↑Important! If you inadvertently “cooked” your jellyfish, do not rush to throw it away. Remove the top of the Kombucha, it may survive and will continue to delight you with a tasty and healthy drink.
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As you can see, it’s easy to take care of tea mushroom in a jar. Adhering to the above tips and recommendations, you will always have a tasty and healthy drink on hand.
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