How to decorate a glass jar with your own hands?

Take your time to throw away empty glass or tin cans - you can make a lot of beautiful things out of them that will be a great decoration in your home or in the country. You can beautifully decorate a glass jar using the simplest materials, such as rope, burlap, twine, narrow ribbons, newspaper vines, buttons, and even salt. If you put a little patience and labor, from tin and glass containers you can make a vase, a glass for spoons and forks, wicker dishes or a fabulous candlestick. Let's consider different ideas on how to decorate a glass jar with your own hands.
to contents ↑Vintage burlap decor
Glass jars or coffee containers can be decorated with twine, burlap, lace or any ribbon. Let's look at how to decorate a jar for a candle or for storing various little things.
You will need the following:
- Glass jar.
- Sacking (white and gray).
- Twine.
- Lace (you can take the finished, but you can crochet).
- Small buttons or beads.
- Glue gun or Moment glue.
- To get started, remove the label from the can with hot water and a sponge.
- Dry it.
- Cut a rectangular piece from the gray burlap, apply glue to the surface of the can and glue the cut in several places.
- Stick a strip of white burlap or a piece of lace onto a gray fabric.
- Make flowers of different sizes from twine, twisting and fixing them with glue.
- Glue the twine flowers on the burlap.
- Next, on these twisted flowers, attach paper flowers, pieces of lace, bows.
- Free space can be filled with small buttons or beads.
- Attach lace or burlap to the neck, and buttons or beads on top.
Tin vase
We all quite often buy products in tin cans: tomato paste, baby food, olives, cucumbers. You can give a beautiful decor to the banks for the kitchen with your own hands. For this:
- Take the jar and any glue available.
- Apply glue to the surface.
- Twist the twine in a spiral, firmly pressing it so that the turns are located as close as possible to each other.
Newspaper cans decor
Nowadays, weaving technique from newspaper tubes is very popular. Let's see how to decorate a jar with your own hands with the help of this simple material.
Types of weaving from newspaper tubes:
- Single rod - racks are braided with single rods, layering round the wall.
- Layered weaving - weaving occurs with several twigs, simultaneously for several racks. Moreover, they are directed like this: the first twig - for the first rack, the second - for the second, the third - for the third, and so on. When the rod ends, each tube goes beyond the next column - until all the tubes run out. Next comes a new similar layer. The tips are hiding inside the work.
- Square weaving - the tube goes through two risers for the third until 10 cm is left until the end of the tube. The second tube is weaved on the right side of the second riser. Working through two risers, the tube is brought out, and so on. Such "square" rows are woven to the required height.
- “Rope” - in addition to the fact that the tubes encircle the risers, they still cross among themselves.
We braid the jar with newspaper tubes
Let's try decorating a jar with newspaper tubes. For this you will need:
- Newspaper tubes.
- Scissors.
- PVA glue.
- Cardboard.
- Water based varnish.
- Acrylic paint.
- Brush or sponge.
- Cut 2 circles from the cardboard with the diameter of your jar.
- On one circle, draw with a pencil notches at a distance of about 2 cm from each other. There should be 17 tubes.
- Bend the tubular racks up.
- Each tube should be brought under the next, and then up.
- Weave in two tubes using the “Rope” method.
- Fix the racks on the jar with clothespins, for easy weaving.
- Braid the whole jar.
- Having reached the top of the can, finish the work in the form of a chain.
- At the end, paint the weave with acrylic paint and open with varnish.
Salt decor
A very beautiful and simple decor of cans for the kitchen with your own hands can be done using ordinary table salt. For work you will need:
- Glass jar.
- Salt.
- Food coloring.
- PVA glue.
- Paints, sparkles, fragments of old broken Christmas toys.
- Pour salt into a bowl and mix with dye.
- Spread the jar with PVA glue.
- Roll the jar in colored salt.
- Leave the jar to dry for several hours.
- After drying coat the product with varnish.
Stock footage
As you can see, it’s not at all difficult to turn a boring and simple jar into a beautiful and original home decor. To decorate the jar with your own hands, you need very little - simple and affordable materials that are likely to be in every house, a little time, a little patience and your imagination.
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