How to decorate a photo frame with your own hands?

It is difficult to meet a house in which there would be no large album or box with photographs. We all love to sort through them from time to time, view them, recalling the most important moments in life. But there are some photos that are especially dear to us. In the photo products store, you can buy ready-made frames and insert your favorite pictures into them. But it’s much nicer to decorate it yourself. Today we will learn how to decorate a photo frame with our own hands, make it truly charming, beautiful, original. To do this, consider the most successful, simple in terms of execution ideas.

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How to decorate a photo frame in vintage style?

Even in our time of actively developing technologies, it is absolutely irrelevant to store photos on a flash drive or in an album. Therefore, many are interested in how to decorate the frame on their own, so that it is worthy to become the edging of the most expensive pictures to the heart. You can make several original frames at once, arrange them on shelves or arrange them nicely on the wall. But the first thing you need to decide on the decor option, tune in to creative work.

Below you will find a master class for which you will need music paper or a picture with notes printed on a printer.

Important! Using simple musical paper for decoration, it is desirable to artificially age. This is easy to do, the leaves are lowered into a bowl with strong tea, dried, then ironed. As a result, you get perfectly aged paper.

For work, prepare:

  • Ready frame, if you decide to simply decorate it.
  • A few pieces of cardboard.
  • Cardboard rectangle for the leg.
  • Tea bag used.
  • A piece of gauze.
  • Lace ribbon.
  • PVA glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Ruler.
  • Matches or wooden toothpicks.


Next, we decorate the photo frame with our own hands, clearly following the pattern:

  1. You can use the store frame or make it yourself from two pieces of cardboard and a rectangular leg. You need to take a piece of cardboard, measure the dimensions of the frame on it, about 16 by 21 cm, or as little as possible. On the upper piece, a window should be noted where the photo will be located, then cut it out. We pass glue along the inner corners, then glue both pieces of cardboard. We paste over the finished frame with music paper.
  2. Now we will decorate our frame with roses made of tea bags. It can be roses of black, brown, pink shade - it all depends on what tea you drank the day before. First, take a bag, cut it, take out everything that remains inside. From one package you will get four strips that should be dried. Then you need to bend the ends of the strips, roll up the roses, while tightly pulling them in a spiral.
  3. We collect a vintage bouquet from ready-made roses using matches or toothpicks. Wrap it with a bandage or gauze, painted with strong tea leaves. Scissors cut off the excess from the bouquet, coat with glue.

The main elements of the decor are ready! You can make them as many as you wish.

Important! You can add bouquets with ribbons, buttons, keys. The most important thing is to ensure that every detail is exclusively vintage.

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How to decorate a photo frame with pasta?

Your interior will be able to decorate another original frame, decorated with improvised materials. Also used ice cream sticks or wooden medical spatulas will take part in the decor.

Important! Such frames are ideal for small shots.

Prepare pre-requisite materials:

  • Medical spatulas or ice cream sticks.
  • Pasta.
  • Lacquer.
  • PVA glue.
  • A beautiful napkin or sheet music printout.
  • Acrylic paint of white and golden color.
  • A piece of cardboard corresponding to the size of the frame.

Next, follow the simple instructions, which step by step describes how to decorate a wooden photo frame with your own hands:

  1. Take 16 sticks or spatulas to decorate the frame.
  2. Glue them together.
  3. Glue pasta on top of the frame with glue.
  4. Paint the product white.
  5. Glue a napkin or music paper, walk on top of it with a sponge dipped in golden paint.
  6. Varnish the frame, leave to dry for a day.
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Other options for decorating photo frames

In fact, if you search, you can find a huge variety of ideas on how to make a photo frame with your own hands. What do the craftswomen not think of, what kind of parts, materials, devices do not use for this. This can be organza, the remains of cardboard, felt, polymer clay, children's toys, volumetric pendants, popular decor techniques. Naturally, each method should be considered separately.

Polymer clay

This material is incredibly easy to use, allows you to create your own a variety of elements for the decor of photo frames. With its help, you can make an incredibly beautiful floral decor, which is ideal for a wedding photo.

Important! In addition to flowers, you can make small candies, cakes, horns with ice cream, fruits, berries. Then decorate them with a finished frame with a photo of a child, for example. The mosaic made of clay looks stylish, beautiful, relevant.


The decor of the photo frame with your own hands, made of the same polymer clay, only baked in the form of a mosaic, looks great.

Important! You can also make a mosaic from plastic, glass, ceramics, give it any shape, give preference to any color.

Ready pieces of the mosaic can be originally laid out the entire surface of the frame, the main thing is to use a flat baguette to make it more convenient to glue it.

The presented variety of ways to design frames is once again confirmed by the fact that you can draw ideas from anywhere - from the Internet, glossy magazines or on thematic forums.

Lego constructors

To use this idea, in principle, you can use any constructor, not necessarily the original Lego. The main thing is that it should consist of a large number of rectangular or square parts of the same size.

Important! To decorate a children's room with such an original frame, it is better to use bright colors. But in fact, even in the living room such a stylish frame will find its place.

Parts are glued to it using special thermal glue. But first the surface is degreased, only then can you start to create.


Decoupage technique

Using the now popular decoupage technique, you can decorate a photo frame in a variety of ways, in particular:

  • Using special cards for decoupage.
  • Ordinary napkins.
  • Beautiful images or favorite photos printed on the printer, then fixed with varnish.
  • Over the entire surface of the frame or fragmented.
  • Use texture pastes to decorate in bulk, as they can simulate snow, brickwork, and other interesting effects.
  • By means of elements swept.
  • Acrylic painting.

Scrapbook paper

This is a special paper designed to work in the scrapbooking technique. Making photo frames with your own hands with its help is done by gluing it with PVA glue on a wooden base.But for such a product to last as long as possible, it is necessary to observe the following condition during its manufacture: on top, cover the frame with only colorless matte or glossy varnish.

Important! Another incredibly simple idea is to draw a frame with a geographical map, then protect the decor with varnish from above.

Volumetric pendants

What can be made of a frame without glass? It can be an ideal edging for your favorite, most vivid photos, if you decorate it with glass, metal or plastic pendants. As a result, we get a fashionable, spectacular frame, and the second one you definitely will not meet anywhere.

Important! You can put into business not only pendants; beads, beads, and rhinestones are also useful. Finishing from the largest parts begins, then the remaining space is filled with small elements.

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Stock footage

As it turned out, for an independent decor of frames it is not at all necessary to be a professional designer or seamstress. It’s enough to find suitable materials, little things lying around at home, seashells brought from vacation, unnecessary decorations, that is, almost anything.

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