How to decorate a room by February 14 with your own hands?

Valentine's Day is a holiday for all couples in love, which takes place on February 14. Each year, on the same day, partners give each other small cards in the form of hearts, calling them valentines. It is better to prepare for such an event in advance, because you need to prepare a festive wardrobe, pick up a small gift for your soulmate, and think about how to decorate the house. Many often have a question precisely about decorating a room, because no one knows exactly how to decorate a room by February 14 - you will learn about this in this article.
to contents ↑Holiday symbols
Before you start decorating the room, you need to understand what the symbols that we used to see on this day mean:
- The heart is the main symbol of Valentine's Day. Many years ago, people believed that all human feelings, such as love, devotion, anger, fear, are in his heart. Later, everyone began to believe that only bright human qualities can live in it.
Important! Of course, it has now been proven that no feelings are associated with this body, however, the tradition remains - everyone believes that love, like all other positive qualities, lives in the heart.
- Lace used to be a mandatory element in the image of a woman - any of the representatives of the beautiful should have had at least a lace scarf. He became another symbol of Valentine's Day. To attract a young man, she seemed to accidentally drop a scarf in front of him. He, in turn, had to pick up a lace handkerchief and hand it to the fair sex.
- The goddess of love Venus had a favorite flower - a red rose. In ancient times it was a symbol of love, fragility and beauty, and red color always meant depth and strength of feelings. If you want to decorate the room by February 14, buy more red roses and spread their petals throughout the apartment - this option is classic.
- Cupid was the son of the same goddess. When a boy shot from his bow with a love arrow at some earth resident, a person almost immediately fell in love with his future partner at first sight.
- The glove symbolizes strong love and marriage. Maybe that's why when a young man calls his beloved to marry, he asks for her hands and hearts.
- Pigeons are called birds of love. Not surprising, because they always remain faithful to each other and very often are paired. For this reason, they decorate the premises not only on Valentine's Day, but also on a wedding celebration.
We decorate the room
So that you do not rack your brains in searching for interesting ideas on how to decorate a room for Valentine's Day, we offer you several options from which you can choose your own one.
Using paper balls
To make such accessories is very simple, and you will need a minimal set of materials for work. The final work will look very interesting and truly festive.
Important! With these balls you can decorate not only one room, but the whole house. They can be hung on chandeliers, doors, cabinets and other furniture.
Let's move on to manufacturing:
- Lay 5 napkins on top of each other.
- Collapse them into an accordion.
- In the center, dress with a thread of the same color as the napkins.
- Start lifting up each of the layers of paper towels from all sides.
The result is an interesting fluffy paper ball. Having made several of these elements, you can decorate the apartment on February 14 with your own hands.
No holiday can do without balls. Valentine's Day is no exception. The ideal option is to fill many balloons with helium so that they soar in the air, but at the same time they cannot fly away, as they crash into the ceiling. They can be tied to a valentine with original declarations of love or compliments to a loved one.
In addition, you can make an original composition of balls in the form of the main symbol of the holiday - the heart. In order to do this, you need to follow this algorithm:
- Cut a big heart out of cardboard.
- Clerical knife cut the core.
- Inflate the required number of balls - their sizes should be approximately the same.
- Start tying them to a blank of cardboard until you achieve the desired result. All balls should be pressed tightly against each other.
The composition is ready!
Decorate the walls
You can effectively decorate an apartment for Valentine's Day with your own hands, decorating the walls in various ways: garlands, decorative panels, natural or artificial flowers.
Panel of little hearts
To decorate the wall with cute hearts, you must perform the following steps:
- On paper frame to fix paper or old wallpaper.
- Take a thick paper sheet and paint it with paints, creating beautiful color transitions.
- Cut small hearts from this sheet - they should be the same.
Important! It is recommended to make a template in advance so that all parts have the same dimensions.
- Bend the cut hearts in the center.
- Attach them to the paper on the frame.
- Hang the finished composition on the wall.
You can transform the room by hanging an ordinary garland. However, it will look much more interesting if you decorate it to match the theme of the holiday.
To do this, follow these steps:
- Cut small hearts of the same size on paper. To do this, use the template.
- Make a hole in the center of each element - it is necessary that the light bulb in the garland creeps into the hole left.
- Thread blanks into light bulbs.
- Garland the wall.
Pink petals
Decorating a room by February 14 with rose petals is the most common option, it can be called classic. Moreover, you can use not only live, but also artificial petals.
Thus, you can decorate the apartment in different ways:
- Lay out a rose petal heart on your bed.
- Sprinkle on the floor so that you get a path to the festive table or to bed.
- Decorate the holiday table by sprinkling them on it.
- You can fill the bath for your soulmate and pour petals into the water.
Well, what kind of romantic atmosphere can there be without candles? You can place them all over the house and turn off the lights - dim lights created by small lights will really please your partner.
Candlesticks can be made independently using an ordinary apple as a basis:
- From a green apple you need to cut the “hat”.
- Carefully cut the hole with the knife where the candle should fit.
- Insert it into the prepared place.
- Set her on fire.
Thus, you can long admire the fire from the candlestick, which you made yourself.
to contents ↑Stock footage
From this article, you learned how to decorate a room by February 14 with your own hands. In fact, everything is extremely simple here: the main thing is to use as many decorative elements of red and pink colors as possible. Following these tips, you can be sure that your soulmate will remember this holiday for a long time.
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