How to decorate a table for a child’s birthday?

Each child is looking forward to celebrating his birthday with great impatience and anticipation of a truly fabulous atmosphere. Naturally, parents try their best to make their child's dreams come true, but they are not magicians, therefore they can only provide the most festive impressions and joyful memories. First of all, this concerns the design of the table and the creation of an appropriate atmosphere. Today we will learn how to decorate a table for a child’s birthday so that he and his friends will remember this holiday for a long time.

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The specifics of children's parties

More often than not, parents are the ones who are preparing the children's holiday, because this is already a tradition that is preserved in many segments of the population. At the same time, the market of modern entertainment services offers a lot of options to facilitate the organization and holding of such events.

Of course, a certain part of the hassle can be laid on the shoulders of experienced professionals, but it’s better to buy products and prepare meals yourself:

  • It is necessary to carefully monitor that there are no dishes on the table with smoked meats, hot spices and mayonnaise.
  • It is better to replace soda with natural juice.
  • To lay the table, as a rule, have unbreakable glasses and plates.
  • When inviting children, you must definitely remember to ask your parents if they are allergic to any products.

The most important decoration of such a holiday, of course, is the birthday boy, who should look just perfect.

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Rules for organizing a birthday party table

Making a children's birthday table requires a lot of effort, since you need to consider a lot of things. To make an unforgettable holiday for your baby, use the following recommendations:

  1. Decide on the general theme of the holiday. For example, this may be your baby’s favorite cartoon, which will help you immediately determine the color scheme, festive paraphernalia and the outfit of the birthday person. Also, the theme of the holiday may be a hobby or a child’s desire for a certain job.
  2. Choose the room where the celebration will be organized. It can be either a children's room, or a kitchen and living room, depending on how big your apartment is.
  3. Make a menu in advance with the right kids recipes. Be sure to have sweets, various healthy delicacies and dishes on the table. The main thing is that children like them, it can be mini-tartlets, canapes and skewers on skewers.
  4. Prepare small gifts for guests. For example, small toys appropriate to the theme of the holiday, or sweet presents.

Important! It will be great if the kids can use them right during the celebration. Remember to also buy magic wands, dressings and pipes.

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When to start preparing?

Please note that it is better to start preparation in advance so that you can be calm, choose recipes, find suitable decorative elements or make them yourself.

Important! It is better to refuse too sophisticated dishes, because children can simply refuse to eat them - they more like the already familiar traditional food.In addition, you can not force the kids to eat something, otherwise - the holiday will be completely ruined.

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How to arrange a table for a child’s birthday?

Now we will try to figure out how to decorate the children's table for the birthday of our child, so that the holiday gatherings are a success. Table decoration should meet the following requirements:

  1. Exposure in a single color scheme. It doesn’t matter what theme of the holiday you choose - a hobby, a future profession or a cartoon, the main thing is that the table setting corresponds to two or three basic shades.
  2. The original design of the free space above the table and around it. It is better to use special garlands with inscriptions, paper decorations, fabric or paper background, flowers, and figures for this.
  3. Choosing the right, safe dishes. Naturally, plates, glasses, cutlery, shelves for fruits and sweets, vases for sweets, a stand for a festive cake, various dishes and trays must be on the table. All this should be safe, so preference should be given to plastic or paper utensils made in colors that match the theme of the holiday. White traditional dishes are inappropriate here.
  4. Festive tablecloth. It would be better to make a tablecloth for a children's holiday with your own hands, for example, cut pieces of oilcloth of the right size, which will correspond to the general theme. This is the best idea, because children's parties can’t do without constantly scattering food and pouring drinks. Some kids generally like to leave their autographs on tablecloths.
  5. Making decoration elements. You can make your own themed vases, flowers, decorate the original tubes, cutlery. Desserts and cakes also require bright decoration.
  6. Decorations for children's chairs. An important attribute at children's parties are chairs, so you can drape them with bows, decorate with balls and even nameplates.
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What dishes are best to decorate the children's table?

Decorating a children's birthday table should be thought through to the smallest detail, so special attention should be paid to selected dishes. Children's holidays are always distinguished by the presence of a large number of varied foods - tasty and simple.

Important! Most likely to be eaten by:

  • french fries;
  • nuggets;
  • baked potato stuffed with;
  • salads in tartlets;
  • macaroni and cheese.

But keep in mind that dishes should also be healthy. A lot of interesting, and most importantly - useful options can be found on the Internet.

And further:

  • Many people prefer to completely force the children's table with snacks, for example, small sandwiches, crepes, mini burgers, pies, muffins, donuts, lollipops, marshmallows, sweets and marmalade.
  • You can add a sweet table with berries, fruits, frozen yoghurts and nuts.
  • Naturally, drinks should be present on the table, and it is better if they are natural juices.
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What should i avoid while making a children's holiday?

There are a lot of ideas on how to decorate a children's table, but there is also a taboo for holidays arranged for kids. To avoid all sorts of troubles, check out the list of things that should never be on the table:

  • Burning candles. Yes, of course, it is beautiful, but for kids, first of all, it is dangerous. Such jewelry is best used to decorate adult celebrations.
  • Natural flowers. If, according to the theme of your holiday, flowers should still be present, then let it be plants without a pungent smell and dangerous parts.
  • Sharp corners and minimal space. It is also very important, because children love to have fun and run. In case of insufficient space, it is better to organize a buffet table.
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Taking into account all the above tips and recommendations regarding how to decorate a children's holiday table, you can organize your own unforgettable holiday full of vivid impressions and emotions.

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