How to decorate a table for an anniversary of 50 years?

The most favorite holiday of any person is a birthday. Such a day happens only once a year, and it is especially nice to prepare for it if a round date is planned - an anniversary. This symbolic date in your life means that you have passed a certain stage in life. That is why it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. It is not necessary to do this in a restaurant or in a banquet hall, a celebration can be noted at home. True, at home you have to do everything yourself - and cook, and decorate the table. Therefore, it is advisable to think in advance all the nuances of your celebration. We will tell you how to decorate a table for an anniversary of 50 years and beyond.

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Who to invite?

Before thinking about table setting, you need to decide who you will invite to your anniversary, especially if you are 50 years old. This is a very round date and I want to note it in a round. It all depends on your capabilities, but if possible it is advisable to invite:

  • Work colleagues. It is necessary to invite especially close people who helped and supported the hero of the anniversary throughout the whole time of his work.
  • Friends and family. Those whom the birthday boy wants to see next to him on such a significant day.
  • Spouse (s), children, grandchildren.

Important! A very motley company is going to, but these will be those people whose congratulations and kind words will be important for the birthday man.

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For everything to be solid and formal, it is necessary to prepare invitation cards. You can order ready-made ones at a printing house or find a suitable design and print it yourself on a color printer, if you have one. You need to send them in advance - about a month before the celebration. The invitation must indicate the place and time of the holiday, note the conditions of the dress code if a theme party is planned.

Important! In the end, it is advisable to make a postscript with a request to inform the possibility of their presence within two weeks.

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Seating Card

When you decide on the number of guests, make a seating card for guests at the tables and individual cards that you put in front of each guest.

Important! Cards can be made to order or printed on a printer. This, of course, is not necessary, but it gives the holiday a more solemn form.

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You can prepare a comic menu and put it on the table, so that the guests know what kind of dishes await them. Zveztopad salad, “Tourist's breakfast” snack and “Lovely Potion” wine will surely attract the attention of guests. Well, the dishes themselves should be:

  • bright;
  • matching;
  • varied;
  • delicious.
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Room decoration

The room in which the celebration will take place must be decorated. Holiday design depends solely on the chosen style and preferences of the hero of the occasion. We can bring to your attention several different options for room decoration.


The numbers emphasize the solidity of the celebrated date, and the material for their manufacture can be used any to your taste:

  • The numbers from the balloons are voluminous and look very impressive.
  • You can make numbers from photos of the birthday.
  • Figures from shiny paper can be hung from the ceiling - this design is suitable for decorating the holiday for both men and women.
  • You can make numbers not only spectacular, but also delicious. For example, from fruits or sweets.



Bright inscriptions will fit perfectly with any room design.You can buy ready-made extensions, you can make them yourself.


You can make a custom banner with a large photo of the birthday. And you can make a semblance of a school wall newspaper, stick on old photos, write wishes to the hero of the day.


What a holiday without flowers? Any flowers will add solemnity to your anniversary. You can use bouquets, compositions, it all depends on the style of the event.

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Decorate the table:

  • Table decoration begins with a choice of a festive tablecloth. It can be a plain tablecloth - such are used as a background. Or a bright colored tablecloth if a theme birthday is held. Beautiful additions to any tablecloth will be beautiful plates, festive glasses and delicious dishes.
  • The most important attribute of the festive table is dishes. Just do not put too many dishes on the festive table. Often use dishes that match the color of the basic design of the table. White dishes look good.
  • From napkins you can make excellent decorations. If they are beautifully folded and laid out on a table, they will delight and surprise your guests with their appearance.
  • The festive table can be decorated with flowers. For example, place a large vase of flowers in the middle of the table. Or arrange in several places miniature flower baskets.
  • If you arrange a birthday in a certain theme, then your holiday will be remembered not only by you, but also by your guests. Subjects there are a huge number. Just keep in mind that this will require certain accessories. It is not necessary to buy expensive items, it is quite possible to get along with cheap ones. Based on the subject, you can come up with competitions for guests with prizes.

Important! A small fireworks, launching balls or lanterns will help to beautifully end the holiday.

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As you know, there are more than enough ideas for decorating a table for an anniversary of 50 years or another significant date. Focus on the nature, interests, style and manner of communication of the intended guests, and then you definitely will not lose with the design!

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