How to decorate a dressing table?

Every woman needs a corner where she could put herself in order - put on makeup, try on jewelry, just carefully consider whether a new haircut is on and whether it is time to make a nourishing mask. For all these lovely ladies' joys, there are dressing tables. Behind him should be comfortable and calm, while the hostess should like him and not annoy other household members. How to decorate a dressing table? The fair sex came up with many options, and about some of them read in our article.

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What should it be like?

Before you come up with a dressing table design, decide where it will stand. It could be:

  • bedroom;
  • bathroom;
  • hallway;
  • wardrobe.

Important! If you live in a very small apartment and you have to use the same room as a bedroom, and as a living room, and as a dining room - well, that’s not a problem. In such cases, designers recommend zoning, and what prevents you from identifying a separate zone for beauty?

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In furniture stores you will find many models of interesting dressing tables. But do not rush to immediately buy, because:

  1. In a bedroom headset, most often there is such an item.
  2. You can make a dressing table with your own hands.
  3. Like any part of the interior, a table for cosmetics must meet a number of conditions.

If you buy a bedroom set, it is surely equipped with all the necessary items. There may be several tables and bedside tables of various types, and it is not always possible to immediately understand which of the proposed tables is a dressing table. In this case, the most useful is to look at the specification. You may not have to buy anything extra.

See which tables, shelves, or nightstands you already have. Perhaps, among them there will be an object that with a slight movement of the hand, with the help of very small additions, can be turned into a place for storing cosmetics and applying makeup.

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If you have to buy

The design of the dressing table is chosen so that this piece of furniture:

  • fit effortlessly into the room;
  • harmonized with the existing environment;
  • was convenient for the hostess.
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In the bedroom

If you decide to place a dressing table in the bedroom, the design can be very diverse. But do not forget to pay attention to the following points:

  • the height of the table and ottoman;
  • number of drawers and shelves;
  • shape and size of the mirror;
  • lighting.


As a rule, a dressing table is lower than a dining or writing table. But this is decided individually: some - like to sit almost on the floor, others - prefer to apply makeup and comb their hair while standing. Therefore:

  • In the first case, the countertop and mirror should be located very low, shelves and drawers can be higher than the surface of the table - for example, on the side of the mirror. This option is very good if the bedroom has a niche.
  • A low countertop is on the bottom surface of the niche, the central part is occupied by a mirror, and along the side walls is one or two narrow shelves.
  • If you are used to doing everything while standing, the top plane of the table should be high so that you do not have to constantly lean.The mirror can be placed above it, and the boxes can be on the side or even above the mirror, if it is not very large.

Important! Most still prefer an intermediate option. It is the most versatile. The height of the countertop above the floor is about a meter, the seat of a ottoman or chair is at such a height that the knees are not above the ears.


Number of boxes

There are no strict recommendations, because some women lack the makeup that lies in the makeup bag, and others don’t have a chest of drawers. But even the most furious fans of minimalism will be quite happy if there are at least three boxes.


A very important element of the interior! It can be tiny and full-length, with or without a frame, simple or in elaborate forms. As for the size, a mirror too small is not particularly convenient. You should fully see the face and hair, and better - if both the neck and shoulders.

Important! If the mirror on the dressing table is small, then somewhere in the apartment you need to put one in which you could fully consider yourself.


If you want to always look good, set the table so that you can see a small wrinkle, and unevenly mascara. That is, the lighting should be very good.

Have you noticed that in daylight and in electric colors look different? This must be considered when placing mirrors in your bedroom. Therefore:

  • The most suitable place for a dressing table is at the window, where there will be good, even, natural light.
  • Unfortunately, not everyone has this opportunity. A slightly less convenient option is at the same wall as the window, but at a certain distance.
  • The most unfortunate location is opposite the window. The face will always be in shadow, and what makeup you put on it - only God knows.

Important! If, nevertheless, there is no way out and you have to place the “female kingdom” in a dark corner, make sure that there are additional lamps. By the way, the original lamp can be a great decoration for this corner.

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Talk about styles

There are a great many styles of room decoration. The most popular design options for sleeping quarters:

  • Classic;
  • Baroque;
  • Modern;
  • Romanticism;
  • Retro;
  • Provence
  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Loft.


  • Classic dressing table made of wood.
  • Strict forms, a moderate number of boxes, a simple but elegant mirror.
  • The shape can be rectangular or with a recess in the middle.
  • A full-length mirror, a low countertop, two or three drawers with shelves - a truly universal option.

Important! As a classic dressing table, you can use the dressing table or trellis.



Perhaps the most artsy style. Therefore, the design of the dressing table here will be like this:

  • Carved legs, convex drawers with bronze or gilt handles.
  • The mirror is rectangular, round, oval, or even quite unusual in shape - in the form of a drop, a heart or a petal.
  • The frame is elaborate, decorated with a complex ornament.
  • The design is generously used gilding.
  • A huge number of drawers of different sizes.
  • Part of the cabinet or bookcase can be glazed.

Important! And you can even turn your room into a boudoir. Do-it-yourself boudoir table - this is not a big deal if the husband’s hands grow from the right place:

  • You can even make it from chipboard, but it is better to take ready-made wooden plates with a thickness of 30-35 mm for the countertop and frame.
  • The legs are carved, the tabletop is cut according to the pattern, the legs too.

In principle, you can use ready-made fragments.


  • The countertop is necessarily with a recess, oval or trapezoidal.
  • The mirror is most often oval, a frame with carved decorations.
  • Most often used noble wood, without gilding.
  • Threaded elements are possible - for example, cabinet doors or drawers.

Important! A stacked countertop made of different types of wood will look spectacular.


  • Dressing table - wooden, best of light breed, or stone, marbled or granite.
  • Mirror - rectangular or oval, in a thin wooden or metal frame.
  • It is desirable that it looks like old.
  • Drawers are arranged in rows, approximately like a chest of drawers, and decorated with floral ornaments.
  • The best decoration is a vase with fresh flowers.


  • Oval or round table, mirror of the same shape in a simple frame.
  • It can be covered with light curtains.
  • The boxes are simple, but always closed - it should seem to any visitor that the real treasures lurk there.


  • The material can be any, the forms are the simplest. It may not even be a table, but simply a shelf under the mirror.
  • The mirror itself is in a narrow frame or without it at all, of a rectangular shape.
  • The fewer the details, the better.

High tech:

  • Practical metal table, durable, but very elegant.
  • The mirror is in the shape of a porthole.
  • Caskets and boxes for cosmetics - certainly metal or painted under metal.

Important! Drawers in the design of a dressing table in this style are not necessary at all, open shelves look better.



Fashionable style, and here the dressing table can look like anything. The main thing is to make him seem to be very many years old.

Such a dressing table can be made with your own hands - for example, from your grandmother’s bedside table, putting a mirror on it and making several shelves inside.


Large wooden beds, a wardrobe with a huge mirror - what should be a dressing table, as if it were in our day from the 60s?

It can, of course, be a classic dressing table with a long pedestal and a high mirror. But you can go another way - to create something nice out of a wooden or metal whatnot. On the top shelf is a mirror on the stand, on the rest - boxes and jars with all sorts of pleasant things.

Important! The whatnot can be both wooden, and metal.

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How to decorate a dressing table with your own hands?

Even if you are a supporter of Minimalism, the room should have some kind of decoration. Their task is to create a comfortable environment and delight the eye. However, jewelry can have a very practical purpose - for example, to store different objects.

As decoration elements for a dressing table, you can use:

  • jewelry box;
  • perfume bottles;
  • jars for cosmetics;
  • vases with flowers;
  • panel with pockets for trifles;
  • pictures;
  • figurines;
  • fixtures;
  • candlesticks.


Try to choose the caskets so that they fit seamlessly into the corner:

  • For Baroque and Art Nouveau, they can be oval or of the most unusual shape, with any decoration - from intricate carvings to figurines of ancient gods on the lid.
  • Lovers of Romanticism will surely like souvenir caskets made of shells or exotic fruits.
  • For Provence - modest but elegant wooden objects with beautiful ornaments.
  • Simple metal boxes for Hi-tech can also be unusual, for example, iridescent.

Bottles and Jars

Manufacturers of perfumes and deodorants are truly sophisticated, offering their customers not only pleasant aromas, but also exquisite packaging. In the store you can always pick up something that smells nice and looks spectacular. What is a Baroque or Modern table without elaborate crystal bottles? And for Retro something simple is suitable, like perfume bottles “White Lilac” or something like that.

The same applies to jars. Of course, there are standard ones among them, but it’s better to put them in a drawer, where they will always be at hand, but they will not catch your eye. But even standard jars can be an interesting decoration for a dressing table, if, for example, you choose the same shape, but different in color or size, and arrange them in a certain order.


Flower Vases

A very worthy decoration of a ladies corner, made in any style! The range of vases in stores is extremely large, and if you still can’t find anything suitable, you can always do it yourself with your own hands.

For this, all that is needed is a shampoo bottle and decor elements. A vase can be made:

  • from twine;
  • from wool;
  • from plasticine.

How to apply all this?

  • A lot of opportunities for the manufacture of jewelry for the dressing table provides twine - ordinary gray or synthetic. The neck of the bottle is cut off, it is smeared with glue and wrapped with twine, and an ornament of bones, beads, and beads is made from above - and there are many things that can be used.
  • With plasticine, you can coat the bottle from all sides, make a relief ornament, then cover with a water emulsion, gouache of a suitable color and varnish. Here you have an imitation of ceramics.
  • Finally, the bottle can simply be tied.

And these are just a few ideas if you do not have money to buy expensive crystal or porcelain vases and put them on the dressing table.

Panel with pockets

If you have very little space in your room and you cannot afford a spacious dressing table with a large number of drawers, just be content with a mirror with a small shelf, and hang a panel with pockets next to it. It is easy to make it with your own hands if you know how to sew at least a little. It can be an old castle or a wonderful garden, a modern city and a forest glade. Different little things that every woman needs are located in her pockets, and the panel itself is not only a storehouse for jewelry and cosmetics, but also jewelry.

Important! You can go even further and make the jewelry yourself part of such a panel, for example, if it is in the form of a miracle tree, to which hooks are attached, on which beads hang, a handbag with mascara, etc.

Paintings, statuettes, candlesticks

In the toilet area there may be pictures. It is important that there are not too many of them. One is enough - above the mirror or from the side. You can put a picture on a stand, if the table is spacious.

Important! Plots are better to choose calm: still life with flowers, forest or sea landscape. A picture depicting a genre scene from the life of court ladies, for example, can hang over a baroque table. But in general, genre painting is not very suitable, because this corner serves to ensure that a woman can focus on her own appearance, and not on someone else's.

There should not be many statuettes either:

  • For Baroque and Retro porcelain is suitable.
  • For Modern or Minimalism - casting.
  • For Hi-tech, it is something abstract or thought-provoking about science (for example, a model of perpetual motion or something like that).
  • For Romanticism, a wonderful decoration is an elegant metal or porcelain candlestick, or even two.
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How to make a dressing table in the bathroom?

Not every owner of high-quality cosmetics and exquisite jewelry can afford this option. There are always cosmetic creams or gels in women’s households that are most often needed in the bathroom, so why not keep the rest there?

Remember that the bathroom is almost always high in humidity, and temperature changes occur quite regularly. Therefore, a wooden table is not very suitable. Best if done:

  • from plastic;
  • from metal.

Important! Vases with flowers or jars with cosmetics, as well as additional lamps, are suitable as decorations. Painting or metal jewelry is not the best option for this room.

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Hallway or dressing room

Not the most convenient place to place a dressing table, but sometimes you have to place similar items there. In this case, it is especially important to make good lighting, so that the main elements of the decor are just the lamps.

Important! Important! In the dressing room, you don’t have to think about style at all. The main thing is to make the table comfortable and like the hostess. This is her personal space, where unauthorized persons are forbidden. Additional decorations may not be at all.A smooth table with beautiful jars and caskets, a simple mirror in which the face, a comfortable chair or ottoman is ideally reflected.

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We hope that the information presented was enough for you to make your “female corner” in the apartment comfortable and interesting.


