How to pack when moving?

The second largest “natural disaster” after repair is moving, because it’s not for nothing that folk wisdom says that two moving is equivalent to one fire. Most likely this is due to the loss caused, because during such an event something will certainly break, fall apart, fail, lose or crush. Therefore, the question of how to pack when moving so that this event does not amount to a fire, flood or tsunami is relevant and important.

Important! It seems to every person that for comfort and a normal life he needs very few things, but when you begin to prepare for moving, you realize the true scale of their number. The process of preparing for the move can take more than one day. But everything must be done competently and in an organized manner, then it will not seem such a terrible and improbable event.

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Preparatory stage

The preparatory phase will help you not only to organize the whole process correctly and to pack securely when moving. Most likely, you can even find something that has long been lost or “dug up” things that, in principle, you no longer need and will not benefit from them in a new place. Follow the following algorithm and you will successfully cope with the task.

Materials and packaging

How to pack when moving?
Gather all the necessary materials that you will need to pack things:

  1. Strong boxes of various sizes, as you will pack different items in them.
  2. Durable adhesive tape.
  3. Wrapping.
  4. Newspapers.
  5. Air bubble film.
  6. Scissors.
  7. Soft fabric, flannel.
  8. Large and small plastic bags.
  9. Marking pens.
  10. Stickers for marking.

Important! Pack up packaging materials at every opportunity: don’t throw away boxes of shoes, large household appliances and other bulk purchases, so you won’t have to buy containers for moving.

Sort documents

Documents are something without which it is impossible to imagine your life in society. Whatever you try to do or wherever you are going to go, you will definitely need them. Therefore, pay special attention to this moment and very carefully examine everything several times.

Gather a folder with all the important, necessary documents that will be needed during the move: a folder with receipts on ordering a car for moving, information about the carrier company (if available), money for movers, necessary contact information and other important documents in a safe place, for example, in a personal bag so as not to lose or pack it in a hurry.

Important! Personal documents, bank cards, jewelry and money must also be carried in a personal bag. If necessary, also keep medications with you.

Throw trash away

Get rid of the excess! Moving is a great occasion to reconsider the need and usefulness of each item. Do not bring extra garbage with you. If you can’t figure out what exactly is and what isn’t, here’s a short list of what you should give up 100% on:

  1. Old pens.
  2. Broken toys.
  3. Separate notebook paper.
  4. Wallpaper roll left over from previous repairs.
  5. Things that you have not used for 2 years.
  6. Items in store for "just in case."
  7. Old utensils.
  8. Broken furniture.

Sort personal items

Collect a box or suitcase of personal items for each family member. This box should contain everything that will be needed in the first few days, while the rest of the things will be packed, including:

  1. Soap.
  2. Toothpaste and brush.
  3. Towel.
  4. Home clothes and shoes.
  5. Razor (if necessary).
  6. Hygiene items.
  7. Two complete sets of interchangeable clothes.

Important! Keep the box or bag with personal items in a safe place so as not to confuse them with other items. It is advisable to immediately mark it and write what exactly is in it.

We use old things to good use

Gather clothing that can be used for upholstery. To avoid buying a huge amount of bubble wrap, review your wardrobe. Surely there you will find many things that you have not worn for a long time, but your hand did not rise to throw them away. In this situation, they will become your salvation - you can pack small items with such clothes.

Important! Clothing is much more supple than paper and bubble wrap, so with this procedure you will kill two birds with one stone: pack your clothes, items and save your budget. For example, each glass product can be wrapped in a sock, even if glass products hit each other, nothing will happen to them with such packaging.

We correctly prepare the equipment for the move

Take pictures of the wires connecting complex electronics, then to connect them correctly. So you save a lot of time and your own nerves.

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How to pack when moving?

The correct sequence during packaging is the key to the safety of products during transportation. Therefore, follow a clear plan.

Step 1:

  1. First of all, create a spacious place to pack in your home. You will need a spacious, comfortable space where you can lay out all the items before you start packing when moving.
  2. Lay out boxes, packaging materials, markers, labels, and tape at hand.

Step 2:

  1. Wrap each item thoroughly with clothing, a bubble bag, or paper. To avoid damage, put items in boxes with care and in the most convenient position for them. Pack heavier things at the bottom of the box, and take it easy at the top. Try to box as many things as possible to reduce the number of containers.

Important! Remember the rule of thumb, it refers to the weight of the packaging box: it should not exceed 30 kg. After packing, you must slide the box with your thumb. If it fails, unpack it and transfer a few things to the next container.

  1. On the packaging, mark the name of the room to which these things belong. This will greatly facilitate the process of unpacking after moving. Such a method can simplify the task for loaders, if they are not in a hurry, they will lay out all the boxes in their respective rooms. Packing when moving, start one room at a time.

Step 3:

  1. First pack all of the mezzanines and cabinets. Put bedding, blankets, tablecloths, curtains and other products in plastic bags.
  2. When packing books, stack them in stacks of 15-20 pieces and wrap with thick paper to protect delicate corners. Pack brochures in stacks no more than 45 cm high. Do the same procedure with the discs. Carefully place all items in a cardboard box. Fill voids with flannel, garments or bubble wrap. Seal each box with tape, and for strength, tape over the seams with tape. Remember to mark and sign.
  3. Before packing clothes and shoes, divide the things of all family members so that there are no problems when unpacking and searching for personal items. Demi-season, summer clothes sorted into packages or smaller boxes, observing the principle of thematic selection.

Important! Pack things that cannot be wrinkled, pack them in fabric covers and place them in large boxes if they cannot be translated by hanging them on your shoulders.When packing things in suitcases, fold them correctly: put the shoes to the very bottom. Shoot cosmetics and other small things in the corners to save space. Put things that are crumpled on top.

Step 4

How to pack when moving?Collect the kitchen utensils:

  1. Be sure to wrap sharp objects in thick cardboard and place them in boxes so that they cannot damage anything. At the bottom, lay a layer of foam or old newspapers.
  2. Pack all individual small items found when emptying boxes in the kitchen in plastic food containers.
  3. Place dishes and glass with an air bubble film or thin cardboard.
  4. Place the plates when packing vertically, like plates. Use towels, flannel and various soft cloths to pack.
  5. Rewind pots and pans with newspapers so as not to scratch the surface.
  6. Carefully put all the things collected in the kitchen into a box, and fill the voids with soft material so that in case of shaking or falling, delicate glass objects remain intact.

Important! To properly pack when moving, put smaller dishes into the pots after wrapping them in rags.

Step 5

  1. Disassemble the furniture if possible. Be sure to sign all panels and, wrapping them in air bubble film (or stretch film), put in large boxes. At the bottom of the package, lay sheets of corrugated cardboard for cushioning. For small accessories (handles, screws, nuts, fasteners), select a separate bag or plastic container.

Important! If you decide not to disassemble the furniture, seal all the drawers and doors with tape. It is also a good idea to photograph furniture of complex configuration and number the parts before disassembling.

  1. Mirrors, paintings, glass doors, pack in cardboard sheets and drag with tape.

Step 6:

  1. Pack household appliances very carefully, it is better to transport it in its original packaging, fixing it with foam. If not, use bubble wrap or flannel. Put documents for each device. If the box is not native, be sure to indicate the top and bottom of the item.
  2. Protect screens of monitors and TVs with layers of a bubble film and fix with a stretch film. Disconnect all wires and cables and stick them with adhesive tape to the equipment.
  3. It is separately necessary to pack flammable substances: varnishes, solvents.

Important! On each large package write a list of groups of things with a marker and put a number. Duplicate the notepad to save time and effort when unpacking.

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The final stage

Assemble a box called “open first” that will contain the items needed during the move. It should contain:

  1. A roll of paper towels.
  2. Dishwashing liquid.
  3. Sponge.
  4. A few pens.
  5. Plastic or paper plates.
  6. Forks.
  7. Spoons.
  8. Towels for every member of the family.
  9. Pan.
  10. Frying pan, etc.

Important! People who will help you pack when moving, take out, bring them in, will need to wash their hands, eat, after you have finished unpacking.

We load things into the car

How to pack when moving?When loading things, monitor and control the process:

  1. First of all, immerse the overall things.
  2. The heaviest and most stable must be at the base, and on top - light little things and suitcases to make a kind of pyramid.
  3. Plants and fragile things are best immersed in a passenger car.

Important! After you vacate the rooms, be sure to tidy up all the rooms to leave a good impression about yourself to the new owners.

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Helpful hints:

  1. To fix the boxes, use a special packing tape, not tape.
  2. You can use trash bags to pack towels, T-shirts and unbreakable items - just take the largest and with a good density.
  3. Use pillowcases to pack portraits, paintings, photographs.
  4. Use clothing bags as barriers between fragile items or fill empty spaces in the truck with them.
  5. Chest drawers can not be emptied.Fragile things in them, cover with towels or socks so that they do not break.
  6. To protect your hands while moving, keep work or garden gloves with you. They will be needed for both loading and unloading.
  7. Do not take empty boxes from grocery stores, as they may contain insect eggs. Use boxes for office supplies or buy new boxes at relocation companies.
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If you use our advice and recommendations, then moving to you will not be a natural disaster, just start collecting things as soon as possible to avoid rushing.

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