How to install a closer on a kitchen cabinet?

Surely you are familiar with the mechanisms that allow you to smoothly close the doors of the kitchen cabinet. These fixtures are called closers and use them to maintain furniture integrity. Are you tired of the constant clapping and knocking? Urgent measures must be taken to ensure comfort. Today we will get to know how to install a door closer to a kitchen cabinet.

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Choose and install the fixture

To have a general idea of ​​all the nuances of the device, it is necessary to cover some aspects. The closers are the simplest spring, which is located inside the capsule with oil. Closing speed is regulated by special valves.

Even beginners in this field will be able to carry out all the manipulations. The most important thing in this matter is the right choice of mechanism for the right type of furniture. By the way, no one bothers you to take a consultation with a specialist right in the store.

Basically, these gadgets are fixed on ordinary screws. Three locations are known for the mechanism:

  • The surface of the furniture.
  • Hinges.
  • The space between the loops.

Important! If you are interested in the second installation option, then you need to make sure that the loops have special sockets, which you can meet very rarely. If there are no such recesses, then closers are mounted using Euroscrews. Such fastening components can be installed directly on the surface of the kitchen.

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Classification of mechanisms

The most reliable devices are mounted on hinges. Unfortunately, this type of device is used only on furniture doors. Drawers are deprived of attention, but they also have a special kind of mechanisms, which is composed of special guides.

Conventionally, two large groups can be distinguished:

  • Oil type.
  • Gas type.

To understand how to install a closer on a kitchen cabinet, you need to know the following:

  • The first ones close slowly and smoothly. Such closers are very popular in the market, and the price range is simply ambitious, which allows anyone to choose their device.
  • Gas - have a lower price. The principle of work is that you apply some force and the box will begin to close quickly, only at the end of its path it will slow down sharply and smoothly close to the end. Of the advantages of such a device, it is possible to distinguish that oil does not leak here, which can ruin the interior.
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The price range is simply amazing - from the cheapest to the most expensive, but the average cost is somewhere around 3-6 dollars. Middle-class closers do an excellent job, but some models fail quickly, so you should be selective in this regard.

If your choice is based on the fact that you need a part for pull-out shelves, then hurry to prepare a larger amount, since such devices have a high cost, but they provide convenience and comfort.

Important! If the kitchen has not yet been purchased, then you have the opportunity to choose a finished cabinet with built-in mechanisms.

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We begin installation

The mechanism is purchased and you undertake to install it. How to put a closer on the kitchen cabinet? Now we will try to put everything on the shelves. First, you should think about the services of a specialist, but if you are overwhelmed with confidence, then you can safely take up the procedure yourself.The following tools will help you achieve a secure fit:

  • Phillips and flat head screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Pencil.
  • The highlight of the program is the closer.

In order to install a closer on a kitchen cabinet, it is best to follow these tips:

  1. Before the procedure, it is better to remove the furniture from the wall, as these actions will simplify the task by several times.
  2. Place everything in a convenient and comfortable place by turning the cabinet on the side on which the mechanism will be mounted.
  3. As you can see, the holding part of the device is much longer than the rest of its parts.
  4. We pick up a pencil or marker and mark the opposite side of the cabinet. There will be fixed the entire existing case of the mechanism.
  5. Now you have to arm yourself with a hammer and self-tapping screws. You need to make small holes.
  6. Attach the device with extreme caution. Slowly tighten the screws using a screwdriver.
  7. If you managed to firmly fix the mechanism, we recommend that you check the quality of work again. Open and close the cabinet doors and follow the progress. If the movement is free and smooth, then you coped.
  8. We hang the headset in its rightful place and enjoy the result.

Important! How to adjust closers on kitchen furniture? The device has a special valve that allows you to change the pressure inside the capsule. Just spin it and set the level that suits your individual preferences.

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If you figured out how to install a door closer to your kitchen cabinet, then we hasten to congratulate you - you are a good master!

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