How to install a water filter?

Water is one of the core values ​​for man. Despite the fact that it does not have any nutritional value, without it, no vital processes in the body are possible. Through water, processes such as the conversion of food into energy or the regulation of body temperature occur. It also helps to remove waste from the body. At the same time, water quality is of considerable importance. Unfortunately, far from always people have the opportunity to drink truly pure water, without the risk of getting various diseases. In addition, the taste of the dirty liquid flowing from the tap leaves much to be desired. Therefore, today we will tell you how to install a water filter so that you receive from it all only the most useful.

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Tap water can not be called absolutely clean, so many people use special filters. The installation of such a device is a reasonable solution, since it makes it possible to use purified water for drinking and cooking. It should be remembered that the choice and installation of the filter is a responsible decision. It is important to know what water filters are, by what principle they function, as well as the scope of their application. Correctly and responsibly made a choice will make it possible to obtain clean life-giving moisture in the required quantity.

All hydraulic filters can be divided into 2 categories:

  • Pitcher
  • Flowing.


Pitcher filters are not expensive. But their productivity, in comparison with flowing ones, is much lower. The quality of cleaning is also lower than that of flowing ones. This is an option for those who are looking for the simplest way to clean water from impurities. Passed through a jug filter, it becomes completely drinkable.

Important! Appliances of this kind can only be used for water from a centralized water supply system.

The simplest device is a container that closes with a lid, with a replaceable filter element.

Important! The average working life of a pitcher device is 300 liters. For many models, filter elements are interchangeable.


These are relatively expensive structures that connect to a centralized water supply system. Installing a flow filter for water requires accuracy and a set of specific tools. Currently, several types of them are presented on the market.

The whole variety can be sorted into 3 groups:

  • Nozzles on the water tap.
  • With connection to the crane.
  • Stationary models.


Nozzles for cranes

Products belonging to the first group operate on the same basis as the jug type models. The water purification rate is very low. In addition, there is no way to connect filter elements of several types.

Important! When using combined nozzles, the quality of the filtered water increases. However, the working life of the filter elements is small. Such products have a significant drawback: frequent replacement of cartridges.

With connection to the crane

Flowing hydraulic filter - an effective solution for cleaning. Installing a water filter under the sink is a rather complicated matter. At the same time, the system cleans water well of impurities, has a good working resource and relatively high productivity.

Important! Hydraulic filters of this type are used not only for sorption, but also for electrochemical cleaning.Water at the same time turns out to be better. The system may include several modules, which increases the efficiency of water purification.

Another specific point: the flow filter must be operated continuously. Pauses in use cause pathogens to multiply in the cartridge. Therefore, after a break in use, changing the cartridge is required.

With water connection

The principle of connecting products to the water system is the same as for any water intake equipment. This avoids the breakdown of the device, even if the pressure in the system increases significantly.

Another design feature of this type of hydraulic filters is replaceable cartridges. This leads to some increase in the cost of water treatment. However, all this is fully offset by the excellent quality of filtration.

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How to install a water filter under the sink: procedure

The best place to install a flow filter is the space under the sink. This approach has its advantages:

  • Simpler installation.
  • The device does not “eat up” the useful space in the kitchen.
  • Ability to quickly replace a used cartridge.

If you need to install a tap for a drinking water filter, you need to redo the wash in a certain way:

  1. It is necessary to make an additional 12-mm hole in it, which is designed for an additional tap connected to the filter.
  2. The whole cold water supply system as a whole will also require improvements. An outlet tee is installed next to the filter. In this case, the following options are possible:
    • Partially cut the pipe and install the tee into the resulting cutout.
    • Apply bend clamp. With the help of a clamp, the tee is pressed against the pipe above the hole that is cut out in it.
  3. After installing all the filter elements under the sink, they need to be connected with a flexible eyeliner.

Important! After the system is fully installed, it will take about ten liters of water to flush it. After that, you can use the hydraulic filter in normal mode.

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Which hydraulic filter is preferable?

We figured out the procedure for installing water filters. Now about which model is preferable. First of all, factors such as the quality of water supply and the need for purified water are taken into account:

  • If tap water contains mechanical impurities, then the best option would be a nozzle on a faucet or jug ​​structure. Such a filter will be enough to provide clean water to an ordinary family.
  • If the water is too hard, then the jug hydrofilter will not help to solve the problem completely. The best solution is to connect a flow structure to the water supply system. However, the installation of a stationary product is an expensive event. Savings are possible only if the system is used for a long time. Replacing the hydraulic filter is not fully, but partially (only a cartridge with a filter element must be replaced).

Important! Cartridges need to be changed in a timely manner. If the cartridge has exhausted its useful life, then the pollution accumulated in it falls into the water, and it becomes even more dirty than ordinary tap water.

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The use of a hydraulic filter is a reasonable and correct solution. The right choice and installation of the product will give you the opportunity to provide your family with good drinking water.

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