How to install a sink with a pedestal?

One of the very first rooms we go to in the morning is the bathroom. It is here that we put ourselves in order, so such a thing as a wash basin becomes just an indispensable plumbing device. Today on sale there is a huge assortment of all kinds of sinks, among which moydodyrs (equipped with a bedside table for storing bath items), as well as sinks with a pedestal, which make it possible to carry out personal care procedures as convenient as possible, are especially popular.

After purchasing the device, you will need to install the sink with a pedestal. Of course, you can ask for help in the service service of the type “Husband for an hour” and use the services of a specialist. But do not be surprised if the master asks for a tidy amount for installing the product, because this process is quite laborious, requires perseverance, patience and a considerable amount of time. Despite all of the above nuances, even a beginner can cope with the installation of a washbasin. You will only need to carefully study how to install a sink with a pedestal, and we will help you figure this out right now.

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Design features

It will probably be superfluous to explain to the older generation what such a washstand is. But young people can ask what the design of this product is, because today there are a lot of new-fashioned devices for washing, which are constantly trying to push back the long-developed device.

The washbasin “tulip” consists of a washbasin and a support (legs), thanks to which the bowl is at an appropriate height.

Important! The pedestal copes with the function of masking an unsightly water supply system and sewer pipes, through which water flows to the washbasin, and vice versa, from it to the drains.

Main advantages

It seems to many that the simple design of such a sink cannot boast a host of advantages. However, this is not so, because installing a sink with a pedestal opens up a number of positive aspects:

  • Compactness - individual products can be small in size, which will solve the problem of the small dimensions of the bathroom.
  • Although nothing can be placed on the pedestal except the pipeline, but due to the fact that the support has an elegant shape, a large space remains on the floor next to it, on which you can additionally put a small nightstand or a number of shelves for things.
  • The cost of the sink depends on the material from which it is made. The simple design in no way makes the price of the product higher, which means that you do not have to overpay for ease of use and its advantages.
  • The process of mounting a sink with a pedestal boils down to fixing only a few fasteners on the wall, which are the key to the fasteners' strength for the entire wash basin.

Important! It will be necessary to devote a large amount of time to the correct installation of the siphon and mixer, but these actions are always carried out, with absolutely any kind of sink.

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If we consider the design differences:

  • sinks can be equipped with separate components - a washbasin and an attached support;
  • constitute a one-piece, molded device that cannot be divided.

Also in stores there are models with a semi-pedestal (a shortened version of the pedestal). Such a leg can hardly be called a support, because it has no emphasis on the floor. But there is an advantage - the sink can be placed at any height convenient for you.

Important! Often, if there are several bathrooms in the house, one such sink with a semi-pedestal is installed especially for young children who willingly and with pleasure use a personal device.

Installation of the sink with a pedestal can be carried out near the wall or in the corner. The latter option more efficiently uses the space of the bathroom, taking up previously empty space.

Important! Washbasins are made of earthenware, porcelain, copper, glass, stainless steel, stone on artificial and natural basis. Despite the fact that faience models are most popular, stone and glass specimens are also often chosen by consumers who want an unusual and stylish bathroom.

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What you need to know before going to the store?

First, look around the room where the sink will be installed. You might want to rearrange the machine or move the bedside table to some other place. Having decided on the place where the installation of the sink with the pedestal will be carried out, determine the maximum allowable size of the washbasin.

Important! Experts advise to focus on the length of the plumbing fixture of 55-65 cm. Experience has shown that a smaller bowl helps to spray water, and a large bowl will be the center of attention, which is not very good considering the style of the bathroom.

If we talk about the appearance, then:

  • It is recommended to select a cubic pedestal for a bowl whose shape has right angles.
  • The rounded shape allows you to select a rounded support.

The sink can optionally be equipped with a hole that is designed for the mixer. In this case, you need to be prepared to fix the additional stub. It is advisable to immediately check everything in the store.

Important! The best options are washbasins, where a hole for overflow is provided. If an emergency occurs, and the water begins to go beyond the edges of the sink, it will not fall to the floor, but will immediately go into the sewer.

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Step-by-step installation instructions

To install a sink with a pedestal, it is necessary to arm yourself with a set of required tools, such as:

  • Drill.
  • The level used in construction, which checks the verticality and horizontalness of the surface.
  • Carbide tipped drills.
  • Several types of keys.
  • Dowels, gasket elements and plugs.
  • Hammer.
  • Screws and screws that are used in plumbing work.
  • Linen tow sealing threads.
  • Marking accessories (marker or pencil).
  • Dowels.
  • Silicone based sealant.

Preparatory stage

In the place where you decided to install the sink with a pedestal, markup should be applied. This is done as follows:

  • Take a marker in your hands and, focusing on the top edge of the bowl, draw a straight line.

Important! It will come out more accurate if you lay it, focusing on the seams of ceramic tiles. Marking accuracy can be verified by applying a building level.

  • Next, the sink should be brought to the wall plane, pressed firmly, while the upper edge of the bowl and the line just drawn should coincide.
  • Now, on the back side of the product, apply the areas for fastenings with a marker.
  • Check the wall for reliability when installing the washbasin. If it seems to you that the wall is not strong enough, then first you need to create a supporting frame.

Important! Note that the floor must also be flat, otherwise - even a very expensive product will begin to swing.

All existing flaws are eliminated by applying a cement mass.If your wall construction does not cause you any concerns, then you can proceed to preparing the holes and the base for the pedestal:

  1. Using a rotary hammer, drill holes in the required places, the diameter of which should be slightly smaller than the size of the dowels.
  2. Place glue and expansion plugs in the voids formed inside.


Installation of washbasin, siphon and faucet

In the process of installing a sink with a pedestal, your task:

  1. Screw into self-tapping holes. They are designed to fix the sink, which will then be put on the bowl. It must be combined with the pedestal so that the drain hole is in the center of the structure.
  2. Now you need to put cushioning tires on the fasteners and carefully, in order not to damage the integrity of the product, screw the mold to the wall plane.

On this installation work on the washbasin is completed, you can start installing the mixer and siphon. For this:

  1. The siphon outlet must be attached to the sink.
  2. Place a net that has a screw and gasket in the drain hole.
  3. It is absolutely necessary to use cushioning material, which provides a tight fit to the drain without the formation of distortions and crevices.
  4. Then you need to tighten the screw, and fix the siphon to the outlet.
  5. In turn, the branch pipe should take a place in the socket of the sewer pipe.

Of course, a sink with a pedestal, like any other plumbing model, should be equipped with a mixer, which consists of a faucet and a flexible hose connected to the water supply. When installing the mixer, use a special winding, in the role of which the FUM tape is often used. It seals areas at the joints of parts and protects the device from leaks.

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The subtleties of installing a semi-pedestal

Allow yourself a sink, consisting of a bowl and a half-pedestal, can only the owner of the bathroom, where the sewer is located in the wall plane, and the drain is at a height of 0.5 meters from the floor. It is especially important not to forget about this nuance in the process of building a private house from scratch.

Important! Of course, adjustments can be made to any pipeline system, however, this procedure can only be entrusted to highly qualified specialists.

So, if you take into account all the features, and there is no longer any interference with the installation of a washbasin with a semi-pedestal, then you can start installing it using one of the popular methods.


The mounting option for the support using a spring mount consists of the following steps:

  1. Attach the washbasin to the wall.
  2. Place the spring in the hole of the metal hinge located at the bottom of the sink.
  3. Distribute the loops at the ends of the bolts and secure them with nuts.
  4. Establish a pedestal.



Installing the legs of the sink with studs, first of all, involves installation work in the wash basin. Moreover, the studs, which are designed to mount the semi-pedestal, are fixed in the wall structure along with fasteners for the bowl. It is on these studs that they put on the support of the product, sealing nuts and washers are placed in the top.

Important! In order not to damage the integrity of the sink, they must be rotated very carefully.

Hanging shelf

Some owners prefer washbasins that are on a hanging shelf made of the same material as the bowl. This installation method is not very popular so far, but the designers say that the future of plumbing devices is precisely behind this placement option.

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Possible installation errors

Inattention or inexperience when installing a sink with a pedestal can lead to errors that will subsequently affect operation. The most common errors are:

  1. Tilt the washbasin to the side. This can happen if the mounts are not in a straight line. You can eliminate a slight bias by adjusting the mount.If the slope is quite large, then to fix the problem you will need to install a new mounting hole.
  2. Leaking water or sewer. The most common cause of this problem is loose connections. They should be tightened again, lubricated with silicone at the joints of the sections of the sewer pipes.
  3. The gap between the sink and the wall. In this case, water will inevitably hit the wall, which will eventually lead to dampness and damage to the coating. The gap must be sealed with silicone sealant.
  4. The washbasin “walks”. The reason for this may be poorly tightened self-tapping screws or uneven floor under the pedestal. In the first case, you need to carefully tighten the screws so as not to damage the sink. In the second, you will have to dismantle the equipment, level the base, and only then install the structure again.
  5. In the sink, water does not leave well. Difficulties with the flow of water may arise due to kinks or twisting of the corrugation. It is necessary to carefully inspect the water corrugation. If it has kinks or twists, then loosen the joints and try to straighten the corrugation.
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Installing a sink with a pedestal is a feasible task for many. This will require very little time, patience and careful observance of all points of the instructions. As a result, you will get a well-installed washbasin that can perfectly serve for many years.

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