How to install a swedish wall?

Almost every modern parent tries to instill a child with a love of sport. As you know, exercise strengthens the body and boosts immunity. A person becomes more resistant to various diseases, the body remains in excellent physical shape. Therefore, having a Swedish wall home is not a luxury, but rather a necessity.

This simulator will allow you to do physical exercises at any time, and over time, such advanced computer games among the younger generation will fade into the background. But so that the training does not lead to injuries and bodily injuries, you need to know how to install the Swedish wall. This is what we will describe in detail in our material.

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Basic recommendations for fixing the Swedish wall:

  • The first and most important condition for installing the simulator is to follow all the instructions indicated on the product packaging, since the Swedish walls produce a variety of configurations.
  • It is not possible to firmly fix the complex to the suspended ceiling, since there is no strong support in it.

Important! Fastening the Swedish wall to drywall is also impossible. If you decide to attach the wall to the profile under the drywall, the necessary stiffness cannot be achieved. Periodic load on the mount will lead to loosening of the simulator and its instability.

  • The best option for installing the complex is a concrete or brick floor.
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How to install a swedish wall to a wall?

As we mentioned above, the walls can consist of different simulators. In our article, we will tell you how to attach a Swedish wall to a wall using standard equipment as an example.

Important! The basic set of the simulator includes a ladder, rings, a horizontal bar and a press board. All lintels and solid elements are made from natural materials, hard wood.

Assembly sequence:

  • First of all, it is necessary to assemble the elements of the Swedish wall according to the attached instructions.
  • Using self-tapping screws, the frame is assembled, rings and other parts are installed.
  • To attach the complex to the wall, it is necessary to purchase mounting anchors in advance. On sale, there are two types: for manual installation (using a wrench) and professional (using a screwdriver).
  • In order to prevent physical activity from causing injuries, we recommend that you also fix the steps of the stairs with self-tapping screws. Fix each step with self-tapping screws on two vertical guides.

Important! Due to the loose fit in the recessed grooves, the horizontal steps of the stairs often begin to scroll.

  • In the same way as the steps of the ladder, fix the upper jumpers of the horizontal bar.

Important! The process will take less time if you use a professional screwdriver. If it is not in the home, use a screwdriver. Such work will take a little longer, but will not affect the quality of the fastener.

  • After all the elements are tightly installed in the holes, you can begin to fasten the complex to the wall. For installation, you will need six metal corners. Screw them evenly over the entire height on both sides.
  • Next, install the simulator in place, press it firmly against the wall and mark the places for drilling through the holes in the corners on the wall.

Important! To qualitatively and correctly make the markup, you definitely need an assistant.

  • After the marking is done, move the ladder for a while.Using a hammer drill, drill holes in the wall at exactly the designated points.
  • If you use an anchor under the nut, remove it and insert the anchor into the hole. If installing with anchors under a screwdriver or screwdriver, unscrew the screw and insert the second part into the hole.

Important! The reliability of such an installation is due to the fact that, while a screw is screwed in or clamped with a nut, the wedge on the anchor expands in the hole and holds firmly in it.

  • At the end of the installation, check for any play. For greater safety, place a mat underneath.
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As you can see, installing a Swedish wall with your own hands does not take much time and does not require special knowledge and the availability of a special tool. A securely attached simulator will allow your child to physically develop, always be in good shape. The love of sports from an early age may in the future become the main hobby and form a real Olympic medalist.

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