How to install a bath on bricks?

No matter how marketers praise modern showers with a lot of “bells and whistles,” the good old bath does not lose its relevance. Only in a scented foam bath can fatigue be relieved after a difficult, eventful day. And it is not so important which particular product is cast iron, acrylic or steel. It is important that the bath withstands loads and does not bend. Unfortunately, the legs that come with the product cannot please with great stability, so you have to make a more reliable support yourself. Topic of the article: how to install a bath on bricks. If you do everything right, the problem of bath instability will cease to be relevant to you forever.
to contents ↑Cast iron bathtub
Despite the fact that a wide range of composite products is on sale, cast-iron bathtubs, due to their quality factor and durability, are still popular. Of course, you can not discount such disadvantages as the large mass of the bath and the difficulties associated with the installation. In addition, if you mount the bathtub on complete legs, the design is rather shaky. It is necessary to additionally build brick supports. For safety reasons.
Important! Cast iron bathtub can be installed by constructing brick supports along the perimeter of the product, at the corners or edges of the tank. To save bricks, most often they make 2 supports under the bottom of the bowl. That is enough. In the middle part of the bowl, a support is not needed, since cast iron is a rigid material. Therefore, under the bathroom it will be possible to equip an economic niche.
To prevent the bath from moving during operation, the bricks are laid in such a way that a kind of bed forms in the center. Sometimes on the Internet you can meet the advice that the rear support should be 10-20 mm higher than the front one to create a bias towards the drain. In fact, this is unnecessary, since the design of the bowl provides for this bias. Drainage of water into the sewer will occur without hindrance. In addition, horizontal bathtub installation will help you to avoid difficulties with the installation of tiles.
Important! If you do not plan to use the complete legs, and install the bath only on bricks, it is recommended to lay the bath on a brick bed under the entire bottom.
For sound absorption, experts recommend blowing the structure with polyurethane foam.
Installing a cast-iron bath on bricks - procedure
First of all, free the room from objects that may interfere with work. Before you put the bath on the bricks, make all the necessary measurements. To prevent the cast iron product from damaging the door jambs, wrap them with soft material first.
You will need to work:
- Red bricks - 20 pcs.
- Cement grade 400.
- Sand.
- Tile adhesive.
- Foam for sound insulation.
Of the tools you will need a regular construction trowel and a container for the preparation of mortar.
Important! The work must be done carefully and accurately, since any alterations are associated with considerable difficulties.
So, the algorithm of actions:
- Bring the bathtub into the room and install it on the complete legs.
- Assemble and mount the overflow siphon. It’s better to do it right away. After the bath is mounted, it is much more difficult to complete this work.
- Cover the bottom of the bowl with soundproofing material or blow it with polyurethane foam.It is important that the foam does not protrude beyond the perimeter of the product. Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to install the bath close to the wall.
- Measure the distance from the base of the bathtub legs to the bottom of the bowl. This is the height of the foot. Another distance - between the complete bath supports in length, corresponds to the length of the bed. In addition, approximately 10 mm tolerances must be taken into account.
- Install the bath close to the wall with a slight slope towards the tailgate. Place marks with a marker.
- Prepare the mortar: 4 parts of sand fall on 1 part of cement. Then dilute the mixture with the required amount of water.
Important! If you replace half the volume of cement with tile glue, you get a plastic solution, which is much more convenient to work with. The design in this case is quite durable.
- Lay the brickwork, not forgetting the bias to the rear side. To form a bed from the sides, lay half of the brick. The masonry will harden for one to two days.
- Lay a 20 mm thick mortar on top of the brickwork.
- Apply a layer of tile adhesive to the vertical surfaces of the sides of the bath at the junction with the walls.
- Install the bath on the brick bed, pressing it against the wall as hard as possible.
- Check bias. If necessary, adjust it using legs or pieces of bricks.
- Throw mortar gaps in places where the bottom is adjacent to the brick base.
- Connect the siphon and check the bath. Fill the bowl with water, and then open the drain hole. It is necessary that the water leaves completely.
- Blow foam in the front of the bottom.
to contents ↑Important! The height of the side of the bath mounted on bricks should not exceed 700 mm. Otherwise, using the bathroom will not be comfortable.
Steel bathtubs
The procedure for installing a steel bath on bricks is the same as for a cast iron product, but there are some nuances:
- Steel product has thinner walls, it is much lighter than cast iron. Over time, this advantage may turn into a disadvantage. With a long bath, it can deform in the middle. Therefore, an additional support is made in the center of the product.
- The second point is the additional fastening of the steel bowl to the adjacent walls using anchors or dowels with a diameter of up to 8 mm.
- If you certainly want to equip an economic niche under the bathroom, you can use the "bed" for the bowl, welded from steel pipes up to 25 mm in diameter.
- For better structural stability, place the steel product on a layer of mounting foam.
to contents ↑Important! When installing a metal bath, do not forget to connect the ground.
Installing a bath on bricks: acrylic
The light weight of the acrylic product is a kind of pleasant bonus during installation. However, to think that such a bowl does not need additional support, at least naively.
How to install an acrylic bath on bricks?
- The best option for an acrylic product is a brick bed around the entire perimeter of the bottom. Saving bricks in this case is quite doubtful, since the bowl can go cracked.
- It is necessary to provide a niche to provide access to the siphon, so as not to disassemble the structure for repair work.
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Knowing how to put a bath on bricks, you will make the operation of this product much more comfortable. The work, as you see, is simple, it can be done independently.
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