How to humidify air at home without a humidifier?

The microclimate in the house is very important - it should always be warm and cozy. But with the onset of cold weather, the humidity level in each apartment decreases, and it is very important to maintain it normal. Your health and the health of your family directly depend on this. How to humidify air at home without a humidifier? “It's easier than it sounds.” Simple ways to solve this problem you will learn from this article.
to contents ↑Why air humidification?
Humidity should be around 40-60%. Why is it so important to humidify the air at home - without or with a humidifier, if the indicators are below these values?
The answers are very simple:
- Dry air is a convenient environment in which bacteria spread perfectly, as a result of which everyone in the house takes turns to suffer from acute respiratory infections and various colds for a long and tedious period.
- Even because of the dryness of the air, the upper respiratory tract, as well as the mucous membranes, can be damaged.
- The dry air in the house so negatively affects the floor, furniture, musical instruments and wood products. They begin to crack, crack.
- Dust can not settle, all directly hanging in the air. And then we breathe these. In addition to everything else, dust causes allergies.
- Your hair and nails become brittle, your skin loses its attractiveness and doesn’t your usual care help? The throat and the airways are dry, the eyes are watery. Perhaps humidity is one of your main problems.
to contents ↑Important! But here it is important not to overdo it, because of the high humidity, the appearance of fungus on your walls is possible, and this is another danger of viruses.
How to humidify the air at home? - 8 best ways
In order to humidify the air in an apartment without a humidifier, there are several ways.
Have you dreamed of a small greenhouse? This is a great opportunity to moisten the air at home without a humidifier, because plants clean and moisturize oxygen. But if you already have plants in the house and their leaves wrinkle and dry, then this is a signal for action - they obviously lack moisture.
You can list several plants that moisturize the air well and growing them will be a fascinating hobby for you:
- indoor lily;
- fern;
- Cyperus
- hibiscus;
- dracaena;
- ficus.
Important! Pay special attention to fern - it completely removes harmful substances in oxygen, such as toluene, formaldehyde and xylene.
Airing the room
It is not necessary to keep windows open for hours. It is enough to air 2-3 times a day in the apartment, a maximum of 10-15 minutes. This is especially effective in the cold season.
This is an ingenious invention that can be used to humidify air at home without a humidifier. As a result, it is beautiful and easy to breathe in your home. Just remember to add water as it evaporates quickly.
Water containers
This option is very effective and favorably affects the microclimate. Of course, if the house does not have a small child who will regularly turn the containers on a carpet or wooden floor. If there are children, simply place dishes with water out of their reach.
Wet towel and hot battery
There is also a very simple option to bring the humidity in the room back to normal - put a wet towel on a hot battery.That's just it periodically have to re-wet.
Jar with gauze
We take a jar, pour water inside, put it near the battery, dip gauze (or a bandage) into the water and stretch it onto the battery so that it is lowered into the water and transferred to the battery. Water will rise over the gauze as it evaporates. The result - the air in the room will become more pleasant for breathing.
Drying clothes
Some dry clothes directly in the apartment, thus maintaining a moisture balance. It is enough to just have a dryer or just hang things on a heating radiator.
It can be used as an interior item, and the murmur sounds - as a way of relaxation. It is often necessary to fill it with water.
to contents ↑Types of Humidifiers
In addition to all sorts of improvised means, in order not to think every time about what else to do to moisten the air at home, you can take advantage of modern technical benefits. The widest assortment of household humidifiers, which have a different operating principle and a wide price range, is presented on the home appliance market today. Choosing the right one for you according to all the criteria is not a problem.
Important! Electronic humidifiers determine the humidity level in the room, that is, a hygrometer is built into them. You just have to monitor the water level in the tank.
In order to better navigate when choosing such a device, consider the following characteristics of each type:
- Ultrasonic humidifiers are the most popular. Energy-saving features, cold vapor effect, innovative cleaning system. Using ultrasounds, steam is obtained, water gets between the plates and small splashes are obtained.
- Steam humidifiers. I work due to boiling water. Large areas are not a problem for him. One of the most important advantages of this type of humidifier is that it can be used as an air freshener: just add flavoring to the water. But it’s dangerous for children - they can get burned with steam, in which case we choose places for its installation so that the child does not get it, or we choose another option for the humidifier. Humidifiers are traditional. After the operation of this technique in the apartment, the air is clean and moist, as after rain. It works on the principle of steam. Energy saving.
- Climatic complexes. These products are configured to thoroughly clean, moisturize and flavor the air. Such models come with built-in technology "silver rod", that is, purification of air from viruses and bacteria. Strong cleaning, 3 step filter. Only the price can upset you, but you have to pay well for the good.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Today we have found out why air humidification is necessary. Make your home as comfortable as possible for you and your children, and we will be happy to help you with advice.
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