How to clean the toilet from clogging at home?

A blockage in a sink, bathtub, or toilet bowl is an unpleasant phenomenon, but quite common. The bath is relatively rarely affected by blockages, but this happens constantly with toilets and sinks if the hostess and her family members are not careful enough. How to clean the toilet from clogging at home and can this be done without involving plumbing? There are several ways that are covered in this article.
to contents ↑Causes of blockages
Actually, the reason for any blockage is one. Something got into the toilet, the water does not go away, and you cannot use it. What can get into the toilet? Most often it is:
- sponges;
- rags;
- plastic bottles;
- Kids toys;
- too large food waste;
- personal hygiene items not intended to be drained into the sewer.
to contents ↑Important! It also happens that nothing seems to have got into the toilet, and the water still lingers and does not completely disappear. This can happen if the pipes are overgrown with deposits of lime, rust or there is a global backwater throughout the riser. You can handle the overgrown pipes yourself, but to eliminate the backwater you will have to call the utility service serving your home.
Clogged toilet - how to clean yourself?
Before you start cleaning the toilet, it is very useful to determine the size of the problem. Clogging happens:
- local, when the water still leaves, but slowly;
- general - water is not only in the toilet, but also in the sink and bath;
- backwater in the whole porch or even the house.
First, determine what exactly you have clogged:
- Check the sink and bath - turn on the water, see if it leaves as always, or more slowly.
- If the water does not leave exactly from the toilet, try to determine the place where the object that blocked the pipe got. This will greatly facilitate the process.
- With a serious blockage, it is very useful to interview the neighbors from the apartment under yours and above yours. If they also got blockages for no apparent reason, plumbing is indispensable.
How to clean?
There are several ways to eliminate blockages:
- chemical;
- mechanical.
Mechanical methods are used in cases:
- if you know for sure that an object that is not too deep hit the toilet;
- if the water still leaves, but very slowly;
- if the tubes are overgrown.
In all other cases, it is best to clean the toilet chemically, that is, using various active substances.
to contents ↑Simple blockage
If an object falls into the toilet, then you will get rid of the problem very quickly - just get that failed.
Option 1
Sometimes you can free the toilet from objects that have fallen into it with your hands.
You need:
- latex gloves;
- respirator or gauze bandage.
Important! Why gloves are needed is understandable: it is hardly worth climbing into the toilet with your bare hands. A gauze dressing is desirable because the smell may seem unpleasant to you, especially if the item has lain in the toilet for a long time.
Option 2
With simple clogs, the plunger does an excellent job. On sale you can find plungers of two types:
- suction cup with a long handle;
- corrugated plastic cylinder without a handle.
For the toilet is more suitable first. The procedure is very simple:
- Sip out water from the toilet.
- Place the plunger suction cup in the hole into which water should flow.
- Press the handle firmly several times and pull it toward you.
- Try to drain the water - if it goes away more slowly than it should, repeat the procedure.
- Wash the toilet with plumbing detergent.
If the pipes are clogged
But it happens that nothing fell into the toilet, and suddenly the water stopped flowing. How at home to clean the toilet from clogging in this case? - Try one of the chemical methods. You will be helped out:
- baking soda;
- means for cleaning sewer pipes.
Option 1
Soda perfectly dissolves body fat. This is the cheapest way to clean pipes, although in severe blockages it may not be effective enough. You will need:
- 1 pack of soda;
- a basin or bucket;
- bucket;
- detergent for plumbing.
Before you fill up the soda, the toilet must be emptied. Therefore, the procedure will be as follows:
- Scoop out water - preferably all.
- Pour soda into the hole and push it as deep as possible.
- Wait an hour.
- Flush the water - one must go.
Clogged toilet - how to clean chemicals at home?
In hardware stores you can find special tools for cleaning sewer pipes. The most popular and cheapest is Mole. It is applied in this way:
- Empty the toilet from water.
- Pour the Mole into the hole.
- Wait a couple of hours.
- Flush the water.
- If the water leaves normally, wash the toilet.
to contents ↑Important! “Mole”, as well as other means for sewage, is a very caustic substance. It is necessary to work with gloves and make sure that the product does not get into the eyes or on the skin.
How to clean the clog in the toilet at home with a cable?
A plumbing cable is a very useful thing in the household. You can buy such a construction or hardware store. It is a long wire with a knob. Before working with this simple device, the toilet, of course, is better to be freed from water, but in emergency situations you can not do this. In order to clean the toilet from clogging at home with a cable, you still need:
- a large rag;
- rags;
- gloves.
Important! Spread a rag on the floor - you put a cable on it, because after work it will not be the cleanest object in the house.
Then proceed as follows:
- Slide the cable into the toilet hole.
- Twist the knob and push the wire as deep as possible.
- Turn the gate in the opposite direction so that it exits.
- Put the rope on a rag and then clean it with a rag.
- Try to drain the water - if it doesn’t leave as fast as you would like, repeat the procedure.
- After work, clean the cable.
to contents ↑Important! If there is no cable, you can use just a long rigid steel wire - this, of course, is less convenient, but quite doable.
If you live in a private house
Toilets, unfortunately, are sometimes clogged not only in city apartments, but also in private homes. And there may be options:
- the house is connected to a common sewer;
- the house has a local sewer system;
- the house does not have sewers, feces enter the cesspool near the house.
Option 1
The simplest case is when the house does not have a sewer, and the toilet is installed above the cesspool. To eliminate backwater, it is necessary to clean the cesspool, and then wash the toilet with special detergents for plumbing.
Option 2
If the house has a local sewer system, you can use any means - both chemical and mechanical. However, it may turn out that neither the plunger, nor the cable, nor the “Mole” will help. Then you need to deal with the system itself, and this is unlikely to be within your power. You will need a plumber - best of all, the one who has already serviced your house.
Option 3
In a private house connected to the city sewer network, the same rules apply as in an apartment building. That is, small blockages are eliminated chemically or mechanically, with the exception of using a cable. To clean the sewer pipes it is better to call the plumbing, otherwise - there may be trouble with the service company, and with the neighbors too.
to contents ↑Blockage prevention
Like any disaster, blocking the toilet is easier to prevent than messing with caustic substances and dirty wires. There are several rules to help you avoid troubles:
- Do not flush large objects into the toilet.
- Keep track of children - often in the toilet are toys.
- You can flush toilet paper into the toilet, but newsprint - no.
- On the packages of personal hygiene items it is usually indicated whether they can be flushed down the toilet or not, so be sure to read the instructions.
- Get rid of the habit of throwing solid food waste, such as bones, cartilage, etc. into the toilet.
- To wash the toilet, a brush on a long handle is much more suitable than a rag or sponge - it certainly will not fail anywhere.
- Do not wait for the clog to become global - if the water begins to drain more slowly, clean the pipes.
Cleaning the surface of the toilet
The surface of the toilet should always be clean. Of course, the dirt on the toilet and the tank does not directly affect the blockages, but it can greatly affect the health of the inhabitants of your house. In addition, detergents, although they do not dissolve objects in the toilet, but prevent the formation of deposits on the pipes. To wash the toilet you need:
- brush with a long handle;
- special detergent for plumbing;
- sponge;
- rags.
It is better to wash in this order:
- tank;
- foot of the toilet;
- cover;
- the inside;
- the seat.
What and how to apply:
- The foot, the tank, the seat and the cover can be washed with a sponge - to the extent of the hard, for example, the hard part of the sponge for washing dishes.
- After washing, these parts must be wiped with a rag.
- Metal washcloths are not very suitable, they can damage the surface.
- A brush with a long handle is ideal for washing the inside of the toilet. It is better to store it somewhere nearby in a special container with a solution in order to timely eliminate small impurities.
- It is better to use special detergents, where the marking indicates that they are intended for washing plumbing products. Some home remedies like soda are suitable.
- But what is absolutely unsuitable is the various acids - they not only harm the surface, but can also damage metal pipes. Plastic pipes are usually more resistant to such influences, but it's still not worth the risk.
- It is also not recommended to flush the toilet with boiling water - it will not bring any benefit, but plastic joints can leak.
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Now you know not only the answer to the question of how to clean the toilet bowl from clogging at home, but also how to prevent it, as well as how to properly care for plumbing so that it lasts longer. Adhering to these simple rules and recommendations, problems with blockages will occur much less frequently, which means that it will always be more comfortable in the house and it will be much easier to achieve coziness.
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