Black color in clothes 🥝 how to save, restore at home

Black color never goes out of style. A black evening dress gives the woman a unique charm, and a shirt or sweater of any color is suitable for black trousers or a skirt. However, black fabrics tend to fade. Things become dull, grayish, or even whitish spots appear on them. And what to do in such a situation, how to refresh a thing, give a second chance to your favorite pants? Favorite, but cheap t-shirt hardly makes sense to carry in dry cleaning. About how to return black things to color at home, we’ll talk now.

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How to wash black things?

In order for black clothes to remain elegant longer, they need to be looked after constantly, and not from case to case, in order to avoid recovery in the future. There is nothing complicated about this, just like any clothes, black requires some attention:

  1. Wash black items separately from white and color.
  2. Separately, and only by hand, wash the black knitwear.
  3. Use powders and gels for black fabrics - as a rule, they are marked black.
  4. Do not throw away old black things that molt - they will still be useful to you.
  5. Do not use the powder, which includes whitening substances - this can be found out by carefully reading the instructions on the package.
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Tobacco solution

An old folk remedy for black things is tobacco. Tobacco solution is suitable for any fabrics, it will equally well return the color to a faded knitted T-shirt, woolen skirt or grandmother's velvet dress, which miraculously survived in the closet and is now back in fashion. True, things of different sizes should be handled in different ways.

Option 1

Small things from inexpensive fabrics are best placed in the solution completely:

  1. Pour 1 liter of water into a suitable container.
  2. Bring the water to a boil.
  3. Throw 15 g of tobacco into the same container.
  4. Insist tobacco in a water bath for about half an hour.
  5. Let the infusion cool, then dip a clean thing in it, hold for half an hour, and then rinse and dry.

Important! This method is suitable for cotton t-shirts, scarves, socks, etc., if you are planning to return the color to these black things at home.

Option 2

If the item is large and sewn from wool, silk or velvet, do not completely immerse it in the solution. Make the infusion as in the previous case, and then:

  1. Lay out the clean and dried thing on the table.
  2. Moisten with infusion those places that need to return color.
  3. Wait for it to dry.

Important! Tobacco smell is not pleasant for everyone, therefore, after treatment it is better to get rid of it. A large thing is best dried in the open air, and a small one can be washed with powder for dark fabrics after processing.

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Coffee is great for bringing black to your home. In addition, after processing with coffee solution, you do not need to think about what your dress, coat or jacket smells like as if it was worn by a real smoker.

Important! Coffee is suitable for anyone, but it is desirable that it does not contain any additives.

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve 50 g of coffee in 1 liter of hot water.
  2. Allow the solution to cool slightly.
  3. Process the product and dry it.

Important! This treatment is carried out after washing and drying.

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Shed dark things

A black t-shirt that shed a bit? Do not rush to throw it away, it will still help you out. She will tell you how to return color to black things. If the fabric has the ability to give color - then it will help restore the beauty of another product.

Before washing a black dress, wrap it in an old one that has the ability to shed a t-shirt. The T-shirt will shed again and will help to return the dress to its former brightness and elegance.

Important! It is even better to use an old black woolen sweater - dyes for wool are very unstable, such things fade even many decades later.

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This method not only returns color to black things, but helps to preserve it. However, he will return the former beauty to slightly faded products:

  1. Wash and rinse the item.
  2. For the last rinse, draw cold water into the basin.
  3. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar.
  4. Soak the product and leave for half an hour.
  5. Rinse and dry the product.

Salt and soda

A great way to give dark things their pristine shine is to rinse in saline-soda solution. The product must first be washed and rinsed a couple of times. To do this correctly:

  1. Pour cold water into a basin.
  2. Dissolve a pinch of salt and 1 tablespoon of soda.
  3. Soak the product for a few minutes, rinse and dry.

Important! You should not soak things for longer than half an hour.

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Dyes for fabric

How to restore the black color of clothes at home, if folk remedies do not save? There is only one way out - coloring. In the store you can easily find dyes for fabrics, the assortment is quite large, but there are a few points to consider:

  1. Choose a dye strictly for the fabric from which the product is sewn.
  2. Try to choose high-quality dyes - cheap ones are often washed off after the first wash.
  3. Strictly follow the instructions.
  4. Use for painting with steel or enameled dishes.
  5. Do not forget to buy rubber gloves in the same store.

Important! Things are better to color each separately, it gives more chances to get an even and saturated color.

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If your favorite thing has faded, do not rush to throw it away, its color can still be updated! Now you have some cheap and easy-to-use ways to bring black things back to their homes. We hope you were able to choose the option that is more optimal in your application and you have succeeded. This means that extra expenses for the purchase of new expensive clothes will not be required.

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