How to restore silver shine at home?

Silver is one of the oldest precious metals. At all times it was valued on a par with gold. Women are very fond of silver jewelry. Cutlery, dishes and other products adorn not only us, but also our everyday life. Although this is a noble metal, but still it has several drawbacks. The first one is the darkening, due to which the decorations become dull. How to restore silver shine at home? “By listening to our advice, everything will be within your power.”
to contents ↑Why does silver change color?
You probably wondered: why does the silver on the chain darken, turn yellow and how to make it shine? Cutlery changes color fast. There are several main reasons:
- high humidity of the room where the products are stored;
- daily contact with the skin of your body;
- connection with various cosmetics;
- contact with sulfur-containing ingredients: onions, salt, egg yolk, household gas, rubber products, and some cleaning products.
Be sure to find out the reason why you often have to solve the problem of how to restore silver to shine at home. Otherwise, the farther away, the more often it will require specific care and cleaning for all products from this alloy.
to contents ↑How to polish silver at home?
Consider the simplest and most affordable methods of cleaning from darkening and yellowness. They are very simple and effective. Previously, every housewife knew all these recipes. Make a note of it, and your silver will always have a mirror shine.
Method 1 - using ammonia
To return the silver shine in this way, you need to cook:
- ammonia, can be bought at each pharmacy;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- baby soap - liquid;
- Microfiber rag.
We describe step-by-step instructions on how to restore silver shine at home:
- Stir in a glass of water 1 tablespoon of ammonia.
- Add a few drops of peroxide and baby soap.
- Place the product in this solution for 15 hours.
Important! If there is no very strong pollution time can be reduced.
- When the stains are gone, remove the silver and wipe with a microfiber cloth.
Important! Very good, this tool removes black spots.
Method 2 - using potatoes
In this case, you need:
- decoction of potatoes;
- foil.
The step-by-step process will look like this:
- Pour the broth from potatoes into a separate bowl, cool.
- Put a piece of foil on the bottom of the container.
- Dip in the cooled broth, leave for 5 minutes.
- Remove items, rinse under running water and wipe with a soft cloth.
Important! The fabric should not be fleecy.
Method 3 - soda solution
This method can be used for items that do not have stones:
- Pour a glass of water into an enameled pan.
- Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda there.
- Bring to a boil, throw also foil and silver.
- When the foil darkens, and silver - on the contrary, turn off the stove.
- We are waiting for everything to cool.
- We get out and wipe with a soft cotton cloth.
Method 4 - table vinegar
This method very effectively removes blackened spots and allows you to restore silver to shine at home without much effort. It is very simple to use:
- Pour 9% vinegar into an enameled pan.
- Warm up.
- After 20-30 minutes, get it.
- Wipe with a soft cotton cloth.
Method 5 - with table salt
This method is very good at combating tarnishing. It is great if you have no alcohol, no vinegar, no potatoes at home.
- 1 teaspoon of salt dissolved in a glass of water.
- Put on the stove and boil for 15 minutes along with tarnished products.
- Cool.
- Wipe off any remaining dirt and polish the metal in the same way as in the previous methods.
Method 6 - toothpaste:
- Take the toothpaste. It is important that it be without a bleaching effect.
- Apply a little paste to a soft, damp cloth.
- Rub the contaminated areas, alternately moisten with water and paste.
Important! Be careful, if you notice a small scratch, stop working.
- Rinse the item in warm water.
- Wipe off with a cotton cloth.
to contents ↑Important! Be careful when using toothpaste - small abrasions may occur on the surface of your silver products.
How to save silver jewelry with stones?
When cleaning silver with stones, you need to be extremely careful, because when using chemical solutions, you can damage the stone itself.
Important! If you have the following stones on your product: pearls, coral, amber, then give these jewelry for cleaning to specialists.
If you nevertheless decided to polish silver yourself, do not spare the money. Get special solutions, pastes, cleaners and polishing cloths at the jewelry store.
Important! Follow all instructions as instructed. These materials not only remove darkened spots, but give your jewelry a long lasting mirror shine.
And of course, there is a recipe according to which you can update, polish the jewelry at home and return the silver shine.
Recipe for cleaning at home:
- Prepare a soap solution with baby soap (rub it with a knife or grater on the chips).
- Drop 5-6 drops of ammonia.
- Bring the solution to a boil and remove from heat, cool.
- The resulting suspension using a brush (you can take a used toothbrush) process only that part of the jewelry where there is no stone.
Important! To process the stone and around, take a cotton swab, and with careful movements, wetting the solution, clean.
- Rinse under warm water and polish with a soft cloth.
Using all these simple tricks, you can give your silver jewelry the original sparkle and gloss.
to contents ↑Silverware
Cutlery also has the ability to darken and fade, especially if they are in storage and you use them extremely rarely. Consider a recipe with which, at home, you can clean the cutlery.
For this you need:
- large pan or enameled basin;
- foil;
- baking soda;
- salt.
- Put foil on the bottom of the pan or basin.
- Pour boiling water.
- Add 1 tablespoon of soda and salt to 1 liter of water.
- Put silver there.
- Heat on low heat for 10-15 minutes.
- Switch off.
- Cool, remove items.
- Rinse in warm water.
- Rub each item with a towel or microfiber cloth.
How to polish silver?
Under the influence of air, silver is covered with a thin film, which does not sparkle your jewelry and tableware. With the help of our tips, you can quickly cope with the task - you can polish silver at home to a mirror shine.
Polishing silver at home:
Polishing with dishwashing detergent:
- Pour warm water into a plastic basin.
- Add detergent and stir.
- Immerse the silver for 15-20 minutes.
- We take out each product separately.
- We rinse first in warm, then in cold water.
- We spread it on a clean towel or microfiber cloth and wipe it.
Important! Check that there is no water left on the item.
- Polish off any residual deposits with a small piece of microfiber cloth.
Important! This method is perfect for polishing cutlery.
Polishing silver with special equipment
In the store you can purchase special tools for polishing silver jewelry. They are made in the form of a spray and paste.
Important! Spray is best used for regular polishing. Pasta - for highly faded and voluminous decorations.
Application of spray and paste:
- Spray (shake bottle first) or paste on a rag.
- Grate the decoration, leave for 1-2 minutes.
- Take another piece of cloth and grate - pay special attention to areas with strong darkening.
- Rinse in warm, then in cold water, while removing the remaining polish.
- Wipe off the microfiber cloth well.
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Follow our tips and your silver will delight for a long time with its mirror shine.
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