How to hang modular paintings?

When the stage of repair work in the house is completed, the next phase begins, associated with the decorative design of the premises. Interesting and original accessories can truly transform any room. In particular, this applies to panels and other similar elements. Recently, paintings consisting of several parts have begun to gain popularity. The main thing that they are valued for is the ability to achieve a wide visual effect with a small number of elements. Moreover, applying them, you do not need to worry about the fact that the details will not be combined with each other. To make an apartment really stylish and beautiful, you need to understand how to hang modular paintings, since this process requires certain knowledge for calculations and fasteners.

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Varieties of modular paintings

Before attaching modular paintings to the wall, you must first find out what they are in general. This is important because the number of their constituent elements may vary.

Important! The main feature of these paintings is their versatility: they can be decorated with not only residential premises, but also educational institutions, even offices.

Given the versatility and versatility of segmented parts, they are classified by the method of arrangement of elements:

  1. A picture may consist of several components, identical in size and shape, which are located on the wall horizontally on the same level.
  2. The composition may include segments completely different in size and shape, which are placed on the wall in a chaotic manner.


Depending on how many segments the picture consists of, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Diptych - compositions consisting of two parts.
  2. Triptych - consist of three elements.
  3. Pentaptich - such paintings are divided into five parts.
  4. Polyptych - images consisting of five or more segments.

Which option to choose? Everything will depend on your own imagination and of course the size of the wall on which you want to hang the picture. Most often, manufacturers offer several variations of the same composition at once. In the photo studio you can even order individual compositions.

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Features of mounting segmented paintings

To really surprise and amaze guests, you need to try to properly attach the modular product. And for this you need to find out a few rules regarding how to hang a modular picture of 4 parts on a wall or with a different number of segments.

You must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. You must first decide where the central element of the composition will be located. In order to prevent mistakes during fastening, attach this fragment to the wall and circle with a pencil. At a distance of several centimeters from the upper and side lines, you need to make holes and screw fasteners into them. After this element is fixed, you can mount the remaining parts in the same way. To preserve the integrity of the image, it is necessary to observe the combination of all segments, taking into account each detail of the picture.
  2. As a rule, fragments are attached at a distance of 2-2.5 cm from each other.But, nevertheless, experts recommend using one very interesting technique: you can increase the distance between the segments if the color of the wall matches the shades that prevail in the picture. Using this trick you can create a sense of depth and volume of the composition.
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How to fix a modular picture with nails?

Now we will take a step-by-step look at how to hang a modular picture of 3 parts on a wall using nails or dowels. This process looks like this:

  • Think carefully about how the painting will fit on the surface. Be sure to consider the size of each of its segments, their total number and structure. The easiest way to mount symmetrical images.

Important! You can first lay out all the parts on the floor to visually evaluate what you get ready-made.

  • Take the main or central element of the picture, determine its location by attaching it to the wall. Define the horizon line, circle the outline with a simple pencil.
  • Attach the first element to the wall with a dowel or nail.
  • Now you can hang the remaining modules, but so that there is a gap of a few centimeters between them. Moreover, constantly check the level with a level gauge.

Important! Mounting on nails is considered the most reliable and durable option.

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How to fix a modular image without nails?

Not everyone wants to spoil brand new wallpaper or fresh paint immediately after the repair. Therefore, it will be appropriate to learn how to hang a modular picture of 5 parts without nails. In addition, not every person can handle a hammer or a drill. You can place such a composition without using nails in the following ways:

  1. Use double-sided tape. This option has many advantages, in particular, it is the availability, simplicity and speed of installation. But he also has a minus: double-sided tape leaves traces on almost all modern finishing materials.
  2. Use special hooks for fastening that have a sticky base. Its plus is that you can do everything quickly and easily. And a minus is the need to search for this fixture and calculate the weight of the module.
  3. Apply more modern fixing systems. They provide for the presence of two adhesive elements, with the first - attached to the wall, and the second - to the picture. By the way, this fastener does not leave any traces in case of removal, it is designed for a large weight of modules.
  4. You can use “liquid nails”. Everything will be done quickly and reliably, but tearing such a picture off the wall will be problematic in the future.
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Now you know how to hang and align a modular picture so that it truly decorates your home and makes it modern and original. The main thing - do not forget to correctly determine the location of each element, pre-evaluate the overall impression, and then the finished composition will look very stylish and appropriate.

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