How to choose a springless mattress?

Day after day, the popularity of mattresses without springs is growing exponentially. And this is not surprising, because such products have excellent orthopedic characteristics, due to which the person's weight is optimally distributed and the maximum level of comfort is achieved. A correctly selected product will allow the body to take a comfortable position, normalizes well-being, improves sleep. If you want to replace the old mattress with a new one, without creaking springs and metal content, pay attention to springless products. In our article we will tell you how to choose a springless mattress, which you should pay special attention to so that your rest is soft, as if on clouds.
to contents ↑Advantages and disadvantages of springless models
If you like to sleep on a soft or resiliently soft bed without a springy effect, then a springless mattress is exactly the product that is ideal for you. Before you purchase this item, you should familiarize yourself with its advantages and possible disadvantages.
Advantages of springless products:
- Such products are created taking into account modern requirements for comfort and convenience.
- Provide proper body position during rest, which contributes to maximum relaxation and good healthy sleep.
- Withstand a load of more than 110 kg.
- Orthopedists recommend using a springless mattress for children and adolescents. A correctly selected model will prevent the appearance of curvature of the spine, normalize posture and will serve as an excellent prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
- Proper weight distribution provides unloading of the spine during sleep, as well as relieve pain in scoliosis and osteochondrosis.
- A sleeping item of this type can be folded quite easily, dust is not collected inside, does not creak, does not spring.
- Since the body weight is evenly distributed over the entire surface, the product does not bend or deform during use.
- Products do not accumulate static electricity, they are not hollow.
Important! High-quality products made from natural material with high-tech filler are more durable, but the cost of such products is many times higher.
The disadvantages of a springless mattress
Products made from polyurethane foam have a more affordable cost, but they have their own disadvantages:
- In hot summer weather, it is quite hot to sleep on such mattresses.
- Synthetic materials can release harmful substances.
Important! Before choosing a springless mattress, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its composition, especially if the product is intended for people prone to allergies or asthma.
- The cheap option quickly deforms and needs to be replaced soon.
Springless Design
According to their properties, mattresses are soft, medium hard and hard. A certain rigidity is achieved due to the filler and the special structure of the springless product, so it is very difficult to answer which springless mattress is better to choose. Each of the species has its advantages and disadvantages.
- They consist of one monoblock, as a rule, the filler of the mattress is not combined, but only one type of material is used in its quality.
- Easy to roll up.
- Convenient for transportation.
- This type of item for sleeping consists of several layers of different material, about 3-4 mm thick.
- For additional fixation and stiffening, each of the layers is glued together.
- Due to the combination of materials of different stiffness, the products have additional strength, while maintaining the elasticity and softness of sleeping products.
Important! Puff springless mattresses may consist of a layer of polyurethane foam, latex and hard coconut coir.
- The basis of such a springless mattress is one monolithic block and an additional two or more auxiliary plates of another material. This combination allows you to achieve different effects of stiffness and strength of the product.
- Mattresses are quite durable and durable.
Varieties of fillers for springless mattresses
The following natural materials are used to produce high-quality and durable products, as well as to give rigidity to the mattress, or, on the contrary, to make it softer.
- Natural material made of rubber tree sap, has softness and is a fairly elastic filler.
- Tends to take the anatomical shape of the human body.
- Combined latex mattress has orthopedic properties, and the cost of the product is available to everyone.
- Monolithic products from perforated latex are tactilely similar to a downy feather bed, and they quickly take their original form.
- The use of a mattress with a latex filler improves blood circulation, relaxes the muscle corset.
- The orthopedic mattress made of monolithic latex filler has special holes of different diameters, which are designed to create zones of different stiffness and support the human body.
Important! Often, the latex component in the product is from 20 to 90%. The higher this indicator, the higher the quality of the product and its value.
Coconut Coir
Durable coconut pericarp fibers are used as filler for coconut coir mattresses. To give the material elasticity, the fibers are additionally treated with latex.
- The filler does not cause allergies, has antiseptic properties, and has high wear resistance.
- Coconut coir products are quite tough.
- Orthopedists recommend using a springless mattress made from coconut coir for children and adolescents. The rigid surface of the product will protect against the development of curvature of the spine.
- For the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is also appropriate to use a springless mattress with a filler of this material.
Important! In the sales department of mattresses you can find various combinations of fillers that effectively complement each other. For example, mattresses with a layer of latex and coconut coir are in greatest demand among consumers. One side has a soft surface, the second has a hard surface, so you have the opportunity to choose which surface you want to rest on.
Cotton wool or felt
Felt or cotton wool is mostly used as a lining material between the main layers of the mattress. Also, these materials are used for surface flooring springless mattress.
Sheep's wool
It has high thermal insulation properties. In the manufacture of springless mattresses, fleece is used as the top layer of one of the sides of the winter-summer mattress.
As an alternative to natural materials, as well as to reduce the cost of a springless mattress, synthetic materials are used in the production. Such raw materials are almost as good as natural fillers in their properties.
Polyurethane foam:
- Fairly elastic, soft synthetic material.
- It does not cause allergies.
- High-quality products from this material have high wear resistance.
- Springless polyurethane foam mattress has an affordable cost.
Artificial Latex:
- Artificial latex products are notable for their durability.
- Products are very flexible and tough at the same time.
- The mattress has a lower weight and cost, in contrast to the analogue of natural latex.
- Hypoallergenic material.
- Withstands heavy weight loads.
- Relatively soft material.
- It does not cause allergies.
- Consists of hollow fibers polyester.
- Moisture resistant.
- The filler does not accumulate dust inside and does not absorb odors.
Memory Effect Material:
- Such material reacts to temperature and pressure.
- It takes the form of a human body in contact.
- Quickly restores its original form.
to contents ↑Important! The manufacturers of springless mattresses in the manufacturing process use different combinations of natural and synthetic materials - this way additional elasticity and rigidity of the product is achieved.
Criteria for choosing a springless mattress
To determine which springless mattress is better to choose, it is necessary to take into account individual preferences and a number of the following criteria. So rest on the mattress will be as comfortable as possible:
- Before choosing a springless mattress, try it tactfully, namely: lie down or sit down on different types of mattresses, compare your feelings.
Important! The most important task of a springless mattress is to support the body of a sleeping person.
- In case of diseases of the spine or lower back, doctors recommend the use of hard or semi-rigid mattresses.
- For children and adolescents it is advisable to use a mattress made of a material with sufficient air permeability. For example, you can choose a product from a coconut coir; for older children, semi-rigid options, for example, from artificial latex, are suitable.
- For older people, semi-rigid or soft mattresses will be an excellent option.
- Pay attention to the mattress cover. The fabric from which it is sewn must be breathable, not to accumulate moisture and dust.
Important! Covers with a zipper located along the perimeter of the mattress are very convenient to use.
- The density of the mattress and its weight, as well as the cost of the goods are an important factor when choosing. The denser and heavier the mattress, the more wear-resistant it is.
- Give preference to well-known and trusted manufacturers of this type of product.
Springless Mattress Care Tips
In order to extend the life of the mattress, you need to follow simple rules for caring for bedding, namely:
- Several times a year should be dry cleaned from dust and dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
- Every 2-3 months, turn it on the reverse side - this way it will retain its shape longer, will not be pressed.
- In case of stains or other contamination, the surface is cleaned with a damp cloth or a slightly dampened sponge.
- Dry spills in a well-ventilated area.
to contents ↑Important! Do not dry the mattress with an iron, hair dryer or heater; avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.
How to choose a spring mattress?
Spring mattresses have been very popular since ancient times, and many of us do not stop using them to this day. Over time, spring mattresses underwent a number of significant changes, although springs remained the basis.
Varieties of spring mattresses
Manufacturers of spring sleeping mattresses produce them in two design options:
- Springs of continuous weaving "Bonnel";
- Mattresses with independent spring blocks.
How to choose a spring mattress? What to look for when buying? And what are the main differences between them? All this is described later in the text.
Spring block “Bonnel”
The Bonnel spring system is familiar to many, because all mattresses from the USSR were made on this principle. This type of product is considered the cheapest and oldest way to produce sleeping products. Today, products manufactured in this variation are considered economy class products.
Important! This design is one large unit, the springs in which are firmly interconnected. When pressure is exerted on one of them, neighboring ones are forced through.
Advantages of block mattresses:
- Durability.
- Durability and endurance of big weight.
- Durability of fastening of springs.
- Good air permeability.
- The acceptable cost of the product.
Product Disadvantages:
- Completely no orthopedic characteristics. Due to the rigid connection of the springs, such a mattress tends to sag like a hammock.
- If you lie on the surface of the mattress, then not only the springs, which bear the main load, but also adjacent ones, are compressed, therefore the body shape is repeated only approximately.
- With a constant load on the same springs, they lose their properties, wear out, and the surface is pressed through.
Important! Despite a number of fundamental shortcomings, the products have an acceptable cost, so the Bonnel block system is still much better than the old crushed mattress.
Independent spring unit
This type of product has an order of magnitude higher than the previous one. Each spring in the mattress is in a separate case and works independently of the others. The number of springs affect the quality and wear resistance of sleeping products.
Important! The most important drawback of this type of product is its cost, which is not accessible to everyone, but fully justified by the orthopedic properties of the mattress.
Advantages of products with an independent spring unit:
- At the time of sleep, the pressure on the human body is distributed evenly, due to which proper blood supply is achieved, hands and feet do not flow, pressure sores are not formed.
- Orthopedic mattresses with an independent spring block follow the contours of the sleeping body, so all the muscles on the body relax, the spine remains in its natural position.
- The risk of pain in the cervical vertebra and the development of osteochondrosis are reduced.
- The life of this type of sleeping products is much higher than the previous version.
So, what type of spring mattress do you prefer? Naturally, a product with an independent unit will be the best option for purchase. It has more advantages, the main of which are orthopedic properties and a positive effect on the state of health. But nevertheless, this judgment is relative, and when choosing a mattress, it is worth starting from personal preferences, taking into account financial opportunities. For instance:
- if you decide not to save, take a block system;
- if your old mattress is completely worn out, and there is no way to spend a large amount or you need a mattress for a summer residence, a mattress with a Bonnel block will be an excellent alternative.
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Having familiarized yourself with the main types of spring and springless mattress products and their features, you will undoubtedly get a good and high-quality mattress for yourself and your family members. Proper care of the product and careful operation will allow you to use it for a long time, without loss of strength, elasticity and freshness, and your vacation will be as comfortable and enjoyable as possible for many years.
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