How to choose an epilator?

Fashion is a capricious lady, moreover, requiring sacrifice. Sometimes the demands of beauty directly contradict the natural physiological characteristics of women, and ladies have to torture themselves in order to "look their best." Epilation is one of such unpleasant procedures. Today we’ll talk about how to choose an epilator to minimize all the discomfort associated with removing unwanted hairs.
to contents ↑Criterias of choice
Actually, there are a lot of them. The choice of a particular model largely depends on the personal preferences of the lady. However, there are basic points that are relevant for all women, without exception. So, how to choose the epilator?
Principle of operation
The epilator differs from a razor in that it does not “mow” the hair, but removes it with the root. This is a rather uncomfortable manipulation, but hair regrowth is much slower than with conventional shaving. The skin remains perfectly smooth for much longer.
Important! Think about it: can you endure a rather painful procedure? If you are afraid of pain, then ritual worship with an epilator is clearly not your option.
There are 2 types of devices:
- disk
- tweezers.
The difference lies in the principle of hair capture - with special tweezers or discs.
Important! Tweezers work more efficiently, however, the procedure is longer.
Having dealt with the configuration of a particular model, you get a nice bonus in the form of a brush for cleaning the head of the device, a protective cap, a cover for transporting the device, etc. A large number of nozzles are welcome.
To choose the best epilator, you need to know that the devices differ among themselves in the method of eliminating unwanted hair and the method of anesthesia. Choose the model of the device, depending on your pain threshold and skin sensitivity.
Options for sale:
- Basic modification. The most simple, unpretentious and does not have painkillers. If you have a lowered pain threshold, then these models are for you. Overpay for unnecessary options - why?
- Models designed for sensitive skin. They make it possible to reduce the feeling of discomfort during hair removal. Great for women who do not tolerate pain.
- For beginners. Such epilators can be used by women who have not previously resorted to this method of hair removal. The devices help to gradually get used to the pain. Special nozzles can reduce the number of hairs removed at a time.
- Hybrid These devices, in addition to the epilator, are equipped with a device for shaving hairs. This allows you to create more interesting intimate hairstyles.
This refers not only and not so much to the appearance of the device as its ergonomics. Epilation is a rather lengthy procedure, so the device should lie in your hand easily and not cause fatigue. It is enough to hold the device in your hand and make it a few movements to understand whether this is your option.
It is important that the epilator can be easily disassembled and washed in water. To do this, you can remove the epilating head and use a special cleaning brush.
Important! Make sure when buying that all parts work smoothly, the nozzles are easily removed, and the buttons do not “jam”. There should not be any damages or defects on the device case.
Manufacturing company
Nothing new - it is better to choose an epilator from famous brands.The dubious quality of “nouns” is better not to buy. If a well-known company cares about the quality of products, then numerous Chinese nameless firms only care about sales volumes and cheap products. Such products can be harmful to the skin. There is a danger of electric shock.
Noise level
If the epilator is too noisy, then such annoying sound background for a long time begins to annoy.
Important! Continuous noise causes rapid fatigue.
Power supply
The device can work on batteries or on mains. A portable device is more convenient, because you can take it with you on a trip, including one where there is no electricity. It is advisable to choose a device that can operate both on a network and on batteries.
Important! When studying technical specifications, before choosing a female electric depilator, pay attention to how much the epilator can work offline.
The high efficiency of the device with several rows of disks and a floating head. The vibration of the device has a massaging effect that relieves discomfort.
Additional functionality and features
If you want to choose a female epilator that you will be happy to use for a long time, pay attention to such features of the device and configuration:
- The concave epilation head allows less trauma to the skin.
- A handle (like a razor) that allows you to use the epilator with great convenience.
- Protecting the housing from moisture makes it possible to carry out manipulation in a bathroom.
- Backlight.
- Anesthesia with cold air. It is advisable that you do not need to cool the nozzle before the procedure. This saves time.
Overview of the best models:
- Philips HP 6402/00. This modification is equipped with a massage nozzle that reduces pain during hair removal.
- Philips HP 6509/01 is equipped with an element that lifts the hair a little. This greatly simplifies their removal.
- Panasonic ES 2023. The device is equipped with massagers with micro-fingers, which improve blood circulation in the hair removal area, eliminating skin irritation and pain.
- The Braun Silk-epil 2370 Body Epilation is equipped with a built-in shaving trimmer in the most sensitive areas.
Instrument Care
The epilator is a personal hygiene product, so care must be taken with special care:
- Before starting the procedure, wipe the working part of the device with a disinfecting solution (streptocide, ethyl alcohol).
- At the end of hair removal, rinse the head of the device with running water.
to contents ↑Important! Particularly convenient in this regard are waterproof devices that can be washed in their entirety.
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In this article, we have revealed to you all the subtleties of choosing a device for removing unwanted body hair. We hope that with the help of our tips you were able to make a successful purchase and now this procedure is far from as unpleasant as you expected.
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