How to choose a bread box?

Previously, the breadbasket was an indicator of good wealth in the family. But today it is in almost every house, and how well it will retain its taste will depend on its proper choice. How to choose the bread box, from what material and what else needs to be considered when buying it? We will deal with all this in this article.
to contents ↑The main rules for storing bread
On any table, the main and honorable place is bread. And especially nice when it is soft. And so that it stays fresh, tasty and aromatic longer, it must be properly stored. Therefore, so that the bread does not deteriorate and remains fresh longer, it must be stored in the bread box.
Here you need to know some tricks, because with high humidity the bread is moldy, and if it is too dry, it is stale:
- Do not store bread of different grades together. Rye bread is too wet. White bread from such a neighbor can also mold.
- Bread should be kept closed, but not completely clogged. Otherwise - he will suffocate.
Which breadbox should I choose?
The purpose of the bread box is already evident from the word itself - this is a container for storing bakery products. Where to start when choosing this product?
- First of all, size matters. Estimate how much bread is bought in your family, and from this “dance”.
Important! If you like to buy bread of different grades, then you should pay attention to two-tier models.
- The second selection criterion is the shape of the bread box itself. Here you also need to focus on your preferences. If you buy round loaves more often, then you need to select the appropriate shape so that you do not solve the puzzle later, how to put a large round loaf in a small square bread box.
- If you have a small kitchen and you can’t find free space to put this important kitchen attribute, then you should think about hanging models.
- Pay special attention to models with your cutting board, it may be worth a little overpay for this additional convenience. But you do not have to think every time where to cut the bread.
If you purchased a single-tiered large breadbasket, not equipped with internal partitions, then you will have to think about how to isolate different types of bread from each other. For these purposes, you can use polyethylene, paper or fabric:
- The most popular way is a plastic bag. He is a good insulator, just do not wrap hot bread in it, otherwise it will get wet. You can make small holes in it so that there is an influx of air.
Important! Reusing the same package is not recommended.
- Paper for such purposes is more suitable, as it passes air well. Moreover, in recent years, bread producers have already sold it in paper bags.
- The oldest and most proven method is to store baked goods wrapped in cotton or linen. This is the most correct storage method that our grandmothers used.
Production material
The main criterion by which to choose a bread box is, of course, the material from which it is made. Let's figure out which breadbox is better - made of wood, stainless steel or other material.
Wooden bread box
Wooden bread box is a classic of the genre, it:
- environmentally friendly;
- has a beautiful appearance;
- creates optimal conditions for storing bread, which does not deteriorate for a long time, does not dry and does not grow moldy.
But there are also disadvantages:
- Such products are capricious in leaving, it cannot be washed with chemical means and you will not cram into the dishwasher.
- The tree absorbs smells well and is reluctant to part with them, so be prepared for the fact that you have to change it every 2-3 years. And since quality products are not cheap, such a service will cost you a decent amount.
If you still decide to buy a product from wood, then consider the following points:
- Do not buy a product made of coniferous wood, they have a specific smell, which they will gladly share with your bread.
- Try to find a non-Chinese breadbasket. It is better to use the products of a domestic company.
- If the product is decorated with paintings or patterns, then pay attention that the varnish layer is not too thick, otherwise the tree will not breathe well.
- All parts must fit snugly together without creating gaps. If there are many gaps, then the bread will dry out from a large influx of air.
Important! Do not put warm bread in a breadbox made of wood; let it cool down first.
Birch bark
Birch bark is the top layer of birch bark, the healing properties of which have long been known. An alternative is a juniper bread box. But such products have become rare in our time. If you still find such a specimen, then you will not lose, because these bread biscuits are famous for the following characteristics:
- It is an environmentally friendly material.
- The glue is replaced with resin during cooking.
- They have the properties of an antiseptic - in such a breadbox, your bakery products will not mold, and their aroma and freshness will be preserved for a long time.
Just don’t buy Chinese fakes, they flooded the market. In the case of the purchase of such a product, you run the risk of birch bark instead of positive energy getting a bread box from seaweed, which means that the bread will smell like fish. Worse than them are only products where plastic fibers were used.
Important! Many craftsmen now make bread boxes from newspaper tubes with their own hands. However, one must understand that it is not worth storing bread in such a craft for a long time - it is more for decor.
Plastic bread box
The main advantage of plastic is the ease of care for it, such products are easy to clean and inexpensive. But they have very significant disadvantages. Plastic, especially if it is not very high quality, often has a specific smell, which literally soaks all the bread. And poor-quality plastic can also release substances that are harmful to health. As a result, you have an allergy and an upset stomach, and a minus - money spent on the product and a good mood.
Therefore, if you still opted for a plastic model, then adhere to the following recommendations:
- Try to take products from well-known and trusted manufacturers.
- Buy plastic products in stores.
- Inspect the breadbox - it must be of high quality cast and not have the slightest odor.
Stainless steel bread box
Now stainless steel products have become very popular, which have several advantages:
- This is a reliable metal that will withstand even careless handling.
- It is easy to clean, does not absorb odors, can withstand any cleaning, it can even be washed in a dishwasher.
- Such a product will provide your bread with the right microclimate.
- Fits into any kitchen design.
Important! The only thing that can be presented to her is quick pollution. But since it’s not difficult to clean it, this is not a terrible drawback.
Metal bread box
An alternative to stainless steel bread bins is multi-colored metal bread bins that look very interesting, and the streamlined shapes of the product look very stylish and attractive.
Ceramic and glass:
- Ceramic or glass bread box can decorate any interior.
- These are environmentally friendly materials that will keep your bread fresh and fragrant for a long time.
- In care these materials are also simple, but have a big minus - fragility.
Important! The price of such products will be rather big. When buying, pay attention to whether the product has ventilation gaps.
Combined Models
Now they produce many combined products. In this case, various materials are combined in the breadbox: stainless steel and wood, glass and wood, etc.
Vacuum Bread Bins
Such models appeared relatively recently, but are already very popular. Manufacturers argue that you can store there not only bread, but also other perishable products. The bottom line is that after loading the products into the container, all air is pumped out of it by the pump. Thus, the lack of air helps to preserve products for a long time.
to contents ↑Important! But in this case, you can only store one type of bread.
Helpful hints:
- Put a little salt in the breadbox - this will help the bread maintain its freshness for a longer period. A cut apple or potato will also do just fine with this task.
- A piece of sugar or a lemon peel will help to cope with the smell problem in a plastic bread box.
- If the bread has become too sharp, it can be steamed or dried, making tasty and fragrant crackers.
Stock footage
In this article, we examined all the nuances regarding how to choose a high-quality and beautiful bread box that fits into the interior of your kitchen. We hope these tips have helped you, and now there will be no problems with the storage of bakery products so that they remain soft, tasty and fresh longer.
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