How to choose a refrigerator for a summer residence?

Previously, the question of how to choose a refrigerator for a summer residence often did not prevail in the minds of our citizens. As a rule, everything old and unnecessary was brought “to the hacienda”, so the decrepit, but still working electric refrigerator also went there. Now the priorities have changed and many families are leaving the country to enjoy nature and relax, while wanting to have comfortable living conditions. But even now, many believe that the model is smaller and cheaper - this is exactly what you need for a country house.

Important! When thinking about which refrigerator to choose for the country, focus primarily on your needs and the rhythm of life. Some come to the country on short visits, a couple of days a year, others spend the whole summer there, and still others organize noisy parties for a large company. In each of these cases, refrigerators that are completely different in size and functionality will be appropriate.

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Criterias of choice

When choosing a refrigerator for a summer residence or at home, you should pay attention to such parameters:

  1. Type of refrigerator.
  2. The location of the freezer.
  3. The number of compressors.
  4. Management method.
  5. Climatic class of operation.
  6. Energy class.
  7. Standalone cold preservation.
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What type of refrigerator is suitable for summer cottages?

There are such refrigeration devices:

  1. Single chamber.
  2. Two-chamber.
  3. Multi-chamber
  4. Side-by-Side.

Single chamber models

Single-chamber refrigerators have one door, behind which there is a refrigerator compartment and a small freezer. Sometimes freezers may not be at all.

Important! Such models are suitable if you are rarely in the country and a small company.

Two-chamber models

Two-chamber refrigerators are widely available. In such devices, the freezer and refrigerator have separate doors, which allows you to maintain the optimum temperature in each compartment. As a rule, such models are larger in volume than single-chamber.

Important! It is worth taking a two-chamber refrigerator for a summer residence, if you have a large family or you stay out of town longer than for the weekend.

When choosing a two-compartment refrigerator, it should also be borne in mind that most of them are quite high, so there may be difficulties with transportation or skidding into the room.

Important! If you prefer to freeze a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits for the winter, we recommend looking for models where the freezer occupies most of the useful space of the refrigerator.

Multi-chamber models

Multi-camera devices are often presented with three-chamber options, but there are even five-chamber ones. They are suitable for very large families and lovers of cooking. For example, a three-chamber refrigerator has three doors and, unlike a two-chamber refrigerator, has an additional chamber with zero temperature. It allows you to extend the shelf life of perishable products, while not freezing them.


Side-by-Side refrigerator is suitable for a country house or large kitchen. In form, this technique is similar to a double-wing cabinet. One casement is a refrigerator, the second is a freezer.

Important! Such models are very roomy, the total volume of cameras can range from 560 to 800 liters.

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Freezer Location

Options for the location of the freezer in the refrigerator:

  • In the refrigerator compartment behind the common door.
  • Behind a separate door at the bottom or top of the refrigerator.
  • On par with the refrigerator in Side-by-Side models.

Important! To understand which refrigerator to choose for the country, think which camera you use most often. You must get products out of it without bending over or standing on a chair or ladder.

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Number of compressors

Modern refrigerators can have one, two or even three compressors. A compressor is the heart of modern technology, and the more there are, the more reliable and convenient the refrigerator is in operation.

Important! The number of compressors in the refrigerator is not directly related to the number of doors.

How to decide?

  1. In compact devices one “heart" is quite enough.
  2. But two-chamber refrigerators can have one or two compressors. Their number depends only on the decision of the manufacturer - there are no clear regulated standards in this matter.

Equipment with two compressors is more suitable for giving. In this case, each camera has its own separate control device, which allows you to set its own mode in each individual compartment and even turn them off independently of each other.

2_-620x331The last moment has already been appreciated by many housewives. For example, if you need to wash, for example, a freezer, you need to turn off only it separately, and put all the products in the refrigerator for a while. But, if the family rarely comes to the country, but stores frozen food there, then during the absence you can completely turn off the refrigerator compartment.

Important! Two compressors, surprisingly, can also significantly save energy. For example, if the temperature rises in one of the chambers, the device of only this compartment is turned on at full power, and not the entire refrigerator.

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What type of management to choose for the refrigerator to the country?

Refrigerators can be controlled by:

  • Mechanics - by turning the control knob.
  • Electronics - select the desired parameters on the display.

For giving, it is preferable to take models with a mechanical type of control, since they are less sensitive to voltage drops. But in the technology with electronics, in the event of “surges” in the power grid, the control board suffers, first of all, the replacement of which can cost a tidy sum.

Important! If you bought an electronically controlled refrigerator for a summer residence, be sure to also get a voltage stabilizer.

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Climatic class of operation

The quality of the refrigerator, as well as its durability, greatly depends on the temperature conditions in which it will work. That is why, when thinking about which refrigerator to choose for the country, do not forget to check the external temperature regime of the selected model.

There are currently four climatic classes, each with a corresponding letter designation:

  1. N (normal) - suitable for most regions of our country. The refrigerator is designed to work at a temperature of + 16-32 ° C.
  2. SN (subnormal) - the device in normal mode can operate at + 10-32 ° C.
  3. ST (subtropics) - designed for a temperature of + 18-38 ° C.
  4. T (tropics) - can work in very hot conditions + 18-43 ° C.
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Energy class

If you leave the refrigerator on during your absence, then you should think about how to choose a refrigerator for a summer residence, based on the energy class. Depending on the “gluttony”, all devices are marked with letters from A to G:

  • “A” - the most economical;
  • “G” - consume the largest amount of electricity.

For a summer residence, it is preferable to take equipment marked “A” or “A with pluses,” since the wiring in some villages is not designed for heavy loads.

Important! The difference in energy consumption between devices with the designation “A +” or “A ++” is so insignificant that it is a more marketing move than a significant factor for the buyer. Therefore, do not overpay only for the “pluses”.

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Standalone cold preservation

Quite often, outages occur in remote villages. Therefore, before choosing a refrigerator for giving a specific model, you should pay attention to the indicators of autonomous cold preservation - this is the time during which the device, provided that the doors do not open, will keep a low temperature.

Depending on the selected manufacturer, this parameter can be in the range from 8 to 30 hours.

Important! The autonomous cold preservation time is indicated by the manufacturers on the basis that the temperature at the indicated time will be within acceptable limits, but not kept stable. So, for freezers it is permissible to raise the temperature from -18 ° C to -9 ° C.

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How to keep products in the country? - All options

Of course, the refrigerator is a wonderful modern device that slows down food spoilage. But what if there is no such equipment or if it is, but all the stocks are not placed? - Let's look at all the options for storing products in the country:

  1. Cellar. More recently, this was the most common way to store products that have been used successfully for generations before us. The advantages of this method - there is no need for electricity, and also no need to pay bills.

Important! Of the minuses, it should be noted that in addition to the arrangement of such a room, for its proper functioning, it needs constant care, temperature adjustment by opening or closing a ventilation hole, etc.

  1. Temporary cellar. A small amount of food can be placed on a makeshift cellar for a short time. To make it, it is enough to bury a metal bucket and a flask in the ground in a shady place.
  2. Box refrigerator or bag cooler. Such devices do not produce cold, due to the thermal insulation material, they simply help to keep the temperature of the food placed inside and prevent it from heating for some time. Extend the "cold mode" can help purchased or home-made cold batteries, as well as the laying of very chilled and frozen foods.

Important! The refrigerator is the most convenient way. When thinking about which refrigerator to choose for the cottage, do not forget about portable compact models that work from the mains.

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What if there is no electricity at all?

Of course, it’s difficult to choose a refrigerator for the cottage, where it is difficult to turn off the light periodically. But can one hope to use a refrigerator if there is no electricity at all? - In this you will come to the rescue:

  1. Car refrigerator or household thermoelectric. The principle of operation is absolutely the same - based on Peltier elements. Such a device can operate from a spare battery or from another source of 12 V. Of course, their capacity is not very large - on average from 15 to 35 liters. But this is quite enough to provide a company of 5 people with food for a day.
  2. Uncompressed or absorption refrigerator. In such devices, instead of freon, ammonia and other substances are used for the cooling system. And the heater can acquire the temperature necessary for operation due to electricity or gas. Also, some “folk craftsmen” remake devices in such a way that they can work from any heat source: kerosene, firewood, gas, etc. The usable volume of such refrigerators is from 25 to 140 liters.
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As you can see, there are many nuances in the question of how to choose a refrigerator for a summer residence. But at the same time, a wide range of household appliances allows you to keep food fresh in almost any situation.

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