How to choose a diamond ring?

Of course, every girl loves jewelry with diamonds. Why not treat yourself to such a status gift? But how to choose a diamond ring and not be deceived? Today we will discuss this exciting issue. Since this is the most precious and expensive stone, it is necessary to approach its choice with special responsibility. In order not to be disappointed in your purchase, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main selection criteria for such an instance. We will talk about them in our article. You will find out what the price of a diamond depends on, what you should pay attention to when buying jewelry in a store. Now we will consider a small plan of necessary actions, and then we will deal with the distinguishing characteristics of a faceted diamond.
to contents ↑How to choose a diamond jewelry step by step?
Before choosing a diamond jewelry, you need to familiarize yourself with important information, draw up a small step-by-step plan of action:
- Decide on the amount that you can spend on the purchase of this jewelry.
- To think for what purpose you need a diamond - for yourself or for a gift.
- Understand what design you want a ring, earrings or other jewelry.
- How will you wear the product - every day or only for special occasions.
- Choose several options in the store, and after comparing the characteristics (cut, color, clarity and transparency) make your final choice.
- View a quality certificate to verify the authenticity of the gemstone (in case of purchase of a large diamond).
- Choose a decoration where price, quality and appearance will match.
Key assessment criteria
How to choose a diamond ring? It's not as complicated as it seems. If you do not know, then a diamond is nothing more than a faceted diamond. It is the jeweler who gives the stone a shape, creating a different number of faces.
Important! For the production of a full diamond, 57 facets are usually used. So a stone, refracting light, sparkles more and shimmers with various colors.
But even this indicator depends on many factors, which will be discussed further.
Important! The size of the stone is not an indicator of high quality.
In addition, there are several systems for evaluating diamonds, the basic characteristics of which must be familiarized with before going to a jewelry store for a purchase.
Consider the main parameters for evaluating a diamond using the “4 C” system.
to contents ↑Faceting
Natural diamonds are certainly magnificent, but this is just the basis of the finished diamond. It is the cut that gives the valuable fossil that extraordinary beauty that we are used to seeing in the windows of a jewelry store. This work is done by a master who knows his “ward” very well. Most often, the stone is given a round shape, but more fancy specimens are found - a triangle, a heart, an oval, a marquise, a drop, a princess, a baguette and others.
to contents ↑Important! The cut is formed based on the size of the diamond and the presence of flaws in it, which must be profitably adjusted. The shape of the diamond should be in good harmony with the design of the future jewelry.
Clean and transparent
This criterion indicates the transparency of any semiprecious or precious stone, the absence of various inclusions, defects, dimming and turbidity. The sparkling of faceted diamond and the price policy in the jewelry store depend on this indicator.
Consider the generally accepted scale (according to the GIA system), according to which the purity of stones is assessed. According to this system, the following types of diamonds are distinguished.
FL and IF
Diamonds of the FL group are considered to be flawless both internally and externally. Representatives of the latter category may have minor external defects that are almost invisible. The stones of this group are the most valuable and, of course, expensive.
VVS1-VVS2 and VS1-VS2
- The stones of the first group have small inclusions (small dots) and color defects that are visible only at 10x magnification, but are not visible to the naked eye.
- In the second group of this category, large inclusions of a light shade can be observed.
- VS2 stones can have black dots at the very bottom of the diamond.
SI1 and SI2
If you repeatedly increase the diamonds of this group, you can notice light and dark inclusions and small cracks inside the stone.
I1, I2 and I3
Diamonds with various defects belong to this category. That is why they are less valuable and cheaper than all of the above options:
- Stones of group I1 - have light and dark inclusions that are visible only under a magnifying glass. These defects do not affect the brilliance of a diamond.
- Categories I2 and I3 include diamonds with multiple inclusions of large size. Even when examining such a stone, a person can see chips, adhesions and cracks both on the outside of the diamond and on the inside.
to contents ↑Important! If there are a lot of such defects, then the diamond will sparkle weakly, and cracks can even crack a stone, especially if they are in the lower part.
Another important factor if you want to choose a diamond according to its characteristics correctly:
- Most often, you can see transparent or yellowish shades of diamonds, which can have different color intensities.
- The most valuable are white (transparent) and colored (fancy) diamonds.
Diamonds of various shades can be seen in the store, but they cost a lot of money because of their natural origin and rare color. Since many people like these stones, the masters have found a lot of technological methods: artificial coloring, coating, nylon processing and other methods. All these actions are aimed at increasing the value of a diamond. Therefore, when consulting, ask the seller about the naturalness of the stone used.
Important! A plain white sheet will help to correctly determine a faceted diamond: put a piece of jewelry on it and carefully inspect the stone from all sides under the fluorescent lamp. Do not forget that the color of the frame can significantly distort the color of the stone, most often in the favorable direction of the seller. Therefore, be extremely vigilant!
The weight
An important role in the assessment of precious valuable minerals is played by their weight, which is measured in carats. 1 carat of faceted diamond is 0.02 grams.
Divide the carat on a special scale, which consists of 100 units. It follows from this that one carat of stone can be divided into 100 equal parts. Stones less than 0.01 carats are considered to be chips or fragments.
Important! Weight depends on the size and final value of the diamond. The more carats in stone, the higher the price. But this only happens when the color and purity meet the high standards of the generally accepted scale.
Jewelers evaluate small gems precisely by weight, and not by individual characteristics. Now we will consider the main groups of faceted stones:
- Small - weighing up to 0.29 carats.
- Medium - from 0.3 to 0.99.
- Large - with a weight of 1 carat or more.
We have no doubt that now you know how to choose a diamond ring for yourself or for a gift.
to contents ↑Important! The exact weight of such a precious mineral can be measured on special scales for jewelry, and the mass of the stone can be approximately determined by the diameter of the stone.
How much does a diamond ring cost?
We figured out how to choose the right diamond ring, now let's talk about the price. The money question worries the buyer at the very beginning or at the very end of the purchase in the jewelry store. We advise you to familiarize yourself with all the factors influencing this figure in advance in order to think about whether to buy a cheap diamond or save money for a more expensive option.
So, the price of a diamond depends on such important factors:
- The weight.
- Color.
- The form.
- Quality.
Knowing these indicators, you can easily pick up the ring according to your monetary requests. Natural colored diamonds are much less artificial, so the price of them will be quite high:
- The most expensive is a red diamond, which is almost never found in nature.
- A black diamond is evaluated only by its shape and color, since such a stone does not have clarity and transparency due to multiple carbon inclusions. Currently, jewelry with black diamonds is leading among fans of something original and unusual. Therefore, jewelry stores do not miss the moment and increase the price of this type of stone. As for the quality of a diamond, the main thing here is to pay attention to cleanliness, not color.
to contents ↑Important! In the jewelry store, ask the seller for a magnifying glass with multiple magnification to carefully consider the selected stone, possible inclusions, chips and other defects. Pay attention to the clamp of the stone in the paws, which could very well scratch the diamond during manufacture.
Verify Authenticity
It is better to know everything about diamonds so as not to throw a lot of money for a fake. This information should be known to both girls and boys. How to choose a diamond ring by characteristics, what should I look for in a store?
A list of basic tips in order to check the diamond for authenticity and not buy a fake.
Tip 1
To counterfeit diamonds, cubic zirconia, quartz, rock crystal, and even faceted glass are most often used. Due to different material indicators, the density of natural diamond and cheap fakes is also different.
Important! In order to check what exactly you are dealing with, ask the seller for a table of correspondence of the size of the stone with its weight. So you can figure out what they are offering you - natural stone or fake.
Tip 2
If you take an X-ray of a faceted diamond, then on the film you will notice a void, as the rays will pass through a natural stone. The fake is completely impervious to x-rays.
Important! Of course, such an X-ray of a stone can be made already after buying a jewelry with a diamond, but this is one of the ways to distinguish the original from a copy of the diamond.
Tip 3
In the event that you decide to purchase a faceted diamond without a rim, you can verify the authenticity as follows: put a stone on a newspaper with a flat surface and try to read the text through it. If the letters are not clearly visible from all sides, then you are dealing with a fake diamond, which you must refuse to purchase.
Important! Any ray of light passed through a faceted diamond is not visible from the back of the stone - it simply dissolves in it.
Tip 4
Check the authenticity of the stone will help ordinary sandpaper. To do this, gently wipe its surface with a fine-grained sandpaper. If the diamond is natural, its surface will remain the same as before the start of the procedure.
Important! A low-quality fake can have a stone gluing line that can be well seen in water.
Tip 5
An occasion to think about the naturalness of a diamond is a cheap frame with a large stone. Do not hesitate to ask the seller for a certificate (gemological passport) for the stone you are interested in.It should indicate all the characteristics: category, weight, purity, color and shape.
Important! Such a document has only diamonds weighing 1 carat or more. Therefore, if you are looking to buy a small stone, then there is no need to request this document.
Tip 6
Pay attention to the fastening of the faceted diamond. This is a very important parameter when choosing a large stone in a gold frame. The foot for fixing can be a different number. The most important thing is the quality of capture and fixation of the stone in the frame.
Important! Try not to purchase category I3 diamonds. The price of such stones, of course, is acceptable, but think about whether to buy a cheap jewelry with cracks, chips, and other irreparable defects.
Tip 7
The most accessible and simplest method is comparison. Place two selected stones on the table facing you and consider which one is more transparent and even. And by moving the product closer and closer, you can determine the light refraction and the color scheme of the diamond.
Important! Ask for a seller discount if the price and quality of the cut diamond do not match.
Tip 8
If you still find it difficult to understand the authenticity of a valuable mineral, then turn to the services of an expert gemologist who can give a more accurate assessment about the quality of a diamond.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you can safely go to the store for jewelry, because now you are an expert on how to choose a ring with a diamond. We have no doubt that following our useful recommendations, you will make the right choice. We are very pleased to have helped you in this difficult matter. Let your precious diamond please its owner every day again and again! You deserve such a status decoration!
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