How to choose compression stockings?

In recent years, health problems associated with foot disease have become even more common. Manufacturers do not sleep, create various devices and products for the treatment of such diseases. Many women are familiar with such a serious problem as varicose veins, which causes a lot of inconvenience and very bad effect on overall health. Thanks to special compression stockings, it is possible to establish natural blood flow in the veins and greatly simplify the life of patients. But in order to get the desired effect, you need to know exactly how to choose compression stockings to give your legs such necessary sensations of lightness and comfort.
to contents ↑Compression underwear and its varieties
If a person does not have significant manifestations of varicose veins, but all the reasons for its development and the formation of venous blockages are already present, then compression stockings designed to prevent this disease can be dispensed with.
Important! With their help, you can get rid of seizures, prevent the occurrence of blood stasis and eliminate heaviness in the legs.
It must be noted that these products do not have any contraindications.
If varicose veins are already present on the legs, then you will have to buy medical stockings, which, unfortunately, have some contraindications. Therefore, before buying them you need to consult with a specialist and get tips on how to choose the size of compression tights or stockings, how to use them.
Important! Such products are labeled in millimeters of mercury, which corresponds to the pressure parameters in the tissues.
So, it is necessary to choose stockings, starting from their level:
- First level. Such products are used in cases of dilatation of small vessels, pain in the legs and with edema, which often occurs due to prolonged stress. In addition, they are used when dents remain with light pressure on the skin.
- Second level. Such stockings are used for significant manifestations of varicose veins after an operation on the veins.
- Third level. They are used for complications of varicose veins, which, as a rule, are manifested by various disorders and venous insufficiency. Often stockings of this compression level are prescribed after surgery and with severe vascular insufficiency.
- Fourth level. They are prescribed only for the most serious violations in the body, in particular, when a post-thrombotic syndrome occurs.
to contents ↑Important! During pregnancy and after childbirth, women are often prescribed to wear special hospital stockings that look not very beautiful and stylish, but, nevertheless, do not give the opportunity to develop thrombosis. They are also prescribed before surgery.
How to determine the size of compression stockings?
To ensure the desired effect, you need to correctly answer the question of how to determine the size of compression stockings. Properly selected stockings will certainly have a positive effect and help to quickly cope with an existing ailment.
Use the following tips and you will find the product of the right size:
- To determine the exact size, it is necessary to take the necessary measurements on the legs, and it is advisable to do this in the morning, even before the appearance of edema. If you can’t do it yourself, you can ask for help from a consultant in a specialized salon who will do everything correctly.
- Many manufacturers offer standard product sizes that include several options. But do not forget that the more features stockings will have, the more measurements will be required, while clearly following the instructions. This approach indicates the decency of the manufacturers, because in this way they make sure that the products are correctly selected to achieve the desired result.
- The pressure they exert with a knitwear is strictly dosed. Based on this, it can be concluded that the tibia has the greatest load, near the knee the pressure is one and a half times lower, but in the thigh area it is reduced by half. Therefore, when choosing the right size, you can not be guided only by the ratio of the weight and height of a person.
to contents ↑Important! There is a special table that helps you quickly and easily choose the right size of compression underwear. To determine the appropriate size, you need to take into account parameters such as the circumference of the calf, hips, ankles, foot size and the distance from the middle of the thigh to the floor.
How to choose high-quality compression underwear?
To ensure lightness in the legs, it is very important to choose the right compression stockings for the operation. We have already figured out how to choose the size, but we still have to figure out which of them are the highest quality. When choosing stockings, pay maximum attention to their quality, because it depends on how successful the treatment will be. And you need to do this like this:
- First of all, carefully study the packaging. All quality products have badges of certification leading centers in Germany or Switzerland, confirming the high quality of their composition and the strength of the material.
- Products that meet environmental requirements have certain marks. They mean that it has passed all the tests and checks internationally, it does not have any chemical components.
- Attention should also be paid to the service life of the products indicated on the package, since the therapeutic effect lasts only for ten months.
- Compression fabric has a double braid made of synthetic or natural thread, which, in fact, provides the desired level of compression. Microfiber is considered an ideal option, because it is in this fabric that hundreds of thin polyamide threads are intertwined.
- Excellent compression is provided by stockings made of rubber threads. They are very comfortable to wear immediately after the operation, since the porous structure allows normal air circulation.
- Even in such medical stockings, you can look beautiful and stylish if they are clearly sitting on their feet.
- There are special models for sleeping on sale, and this is very convenient, because during the day the legs can rest from them.
to contents ↑Important! It is recommended to buy compression stockings only in pharmacies or specialized stores, because inexperienced supermarket consultants can sell you a product of the wrong size and type.
Key Features of Compression Stockings
Only a specialist can explain how to choose compression stockings for the operation and after it. First, he collects all the necessary information about the patient, assesses his state of health and takes into account the existing complaints. All these data are necessary in order to choose the most appropriate underwear for all parameters:
- Basically, after operations and with severe varicose veins, doctors prescribe stockings that reach the middle of the thigh in length, since this is the best option.
- We must not forget that most of the models of medical stockings are made with special rubber bands made of silicone, tight-fitting leg. Therefore, if you are allergic to this product, then it is better to prefer tights.
Stock footage
If you choose the right stockings, then you can get rid of even the most severe pain in the joints, your muscles will always be in good shape, and you will forget about the feeling of constant fatigue.
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