How to choose a double bed?

Every person is in dire need of sleep, so choosing a bed should be approached with particular responsibility. When we go home, the body itself asks to lie down and finally relax from the daily bustle. At night, the body must rest for new feats of life. Healthy sleep is the key to good health and cheerful mood. Many experts agree that many diseases of the back are directly related to an uncomfortable bed. Today we will understand the question of how to choose the right bed for the bedroom.

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The size

With a place to sleep, one thing should be clear: the larger it is, the more convenient it is to relax. There are several varieties of beds that a person chooses to the best of his preferences and affordable budget.

Depending on the parameters of the bed, the beds are divided into the following types:

  • Single beds. The width of the berth is 90 cm, but you can find single beds 80 cm wide, which are purchased for children. If the scale of the room allows, then you can buy a sofa with a meter wide berth.
  • One and a half. These beds are suitable for both children and their parents, where the width of the sleeping bed is from 110 to 150 cm.
  • Double. They have a width of 160 to 180 cm. Very comfortable due to their impressive size.

Now you will not be bothered by the question of how to choose a bed in the bedroom and not lose money with size.

Important! The standard length of all beds should be two meters or more, but the width of each type is individual.

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The form

Which bed is better to choose in the bedroom so that the shape of the bed is as comfortable as possible?

  • Single and one and a half beds most often have a rectangular shape.
  • Double - square or almost square.

But the list of forms does not end there. You must have met round and oval beds. An oval berth of a more suitable shape, but a round one - on the contrary, looks unusually. Typically, these beds are made with 2 meter diameter, which can be considered double. But in fact, relaxing on them together is not very convenient, since you need to lie very close to each other.

Important! In modern furniture production, you can make an individual order for the manufacture of a round bed, where the diameter will be more than the accepted standards.

The round shape of the bed is suitable if you:

  • Prefer ergonomic postures while sleeping.
  • Have a large room and do not save space.
  • Love everything unusual.
  • Ready to buy a round mattress and suitable bedding.
  • Have a large amount of money.
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Recommendations for choosing the size and shape of the bed:

  • If you plan to sleep alone on the bed, then in this case you need to focus on your height and the growth of your loved one, adding 15 cm to the resulting figure. So, for example, if your height is 190 cm, then on a bed less than 2 meters long it will be uncomfortable for you to sleep, as your legs will constantly hang down. Due to such an uncomfortable position, you cannot rest normally. To understand how to choose a double bed, go to the store with your soulmate and come to a joint decision to choose a single bed.
  • Such actions will help determine the width: lie on the couch together, raise your hands up and spread your elbows to the sides. So you determine the necessary width of the sleeping bed for joint sleep.
  • When buying, do not forget to take into account the height of the berth. There are no common standards, but many orthopedic surgeons do not recommend sleeping on low sofas. 30 cm is the best height from the bottom of the bed to the floor. So the load on the spine will be minimal, so you will not feel tired after sleeping.
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What you need to know about the frame?

The frame is the basis of the berth, on the choice of which depends on the reliability, strength and durability of the structure. Consists of 4 panels (drawers) that rest on the back or legs of the bed

There are several types of frame:

  1. Two backs and two side panels (drawers).
  2. Hinged backs and four tsars. The hinged backs can be one (head) or two.

Given the following tips, you will choose a strong and durable frame for your berth:

  • When choosing a frame base, pay attention to such moments as design, material of manufacture, compliance with the parameters of the mattress.
  • When buying, pay attention to the fact that the frame should be made of fairly durable material, and its parameters exactly match the size of the mattress. Otherwise, the bed may not last long.

Important! Know that if you buy a bed made of MDF or particleboard material, then saving, you can lose a lot. Such designs are very unreliable, so they will not last long.

  • Feel free to check the frame for durability directly in the furniture store. The number of panels should correspond to the size of this type of structure. The larger the bed, the more various fasteners the product should equip.
  • Never save money on buying a bed. We recommend buying expensive furniture from the highest quality material once, than buying cheap furniture and regretting your choice for a long time.
  • The most reliable frames are made from such valuable species of wood as oak, ash, beech.
  • If you decide to purchase a wooden frame, then you should pay attention to the naturalness of the goods offered. Many manufacturers can deceive people and make a bed not of valuable species of wood, but of low-quality materials imitating wood.

Important! Most often, furniture is covered with various compositions in order to hide from the consumer the fact of the absence of a natural massif. The tree does not need additional coating, since it is the natural shade and texture that adorn any design.

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Choose a base

The basis is the support on which the mattress rests. Represents wooden, plastic or metal lamels (lattices). For example, a single bed can have 15 racks, and a double bed can have 30. Instead of natural slats, ordinary plywood can be used. If you sleep on an orthopedic mattress, it is better to choose a wooden grill for maximum effect from sleep. Let's figure out which bed base is better.

The bed base is of the following types:

  • Rack and pinion (wooden). The structure is made up of wooden or metal frames to which horizontal slats are attached. Typically, wooden mattress bases are made of birch or beech. The rack support is well ventilated, has a low cost, but after a long service life, the original shape and elasticity of the structure are lost.
  • Metallic This is the very first appearance of a base for a berth. Such a support will last a long time, has high orthopedic properties and is much cheaper than wooden bases for a mattress. This design has one drawback - the surface rigidity of the lamellas.
  • Plastic Equipped with spring-loaded plastic elements.Such devices are equipped with a remote control that allows you to change the position of the bed. Due to its strength and ease of use, this type of support will last 15 years or more. But there is also the opposite side - poorly ventilated lower part of the mattress and high pricing policy.
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The headboard serves as a headboard for the bed. It can be either present in the structure or completely absent. What do you think, what to choose a double bed - with or without a headboard?

To make your sleep complete, we recommend staying on a bed with a headboard. Often the pillow slips or completely falls to the floor, which can create discomfort and not a cheerful state in the morning. Of course, you can lean the headboard against the wall and then the pillow will not move out, but if you like to read before bedtime, then the best option for you is a bed with a high headboard.

There are two types of headboards:

  • Whole.
  • Separate.
  • Attached.

Headboards are:

  • Low.
  • High.
  • Solid.
  • With gaps.
  • Soft.
  • Tough.
  • Simple.
  • With decor.
  • Rectangular
  • Square.
  • Semicircular.
  • Irregular shape.

What kind of headboard to choose - it's up to you! In any case, you will not lose if you decide to buy a bed with such an important addition for a comfortable sleep.

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Useful Tips

What you need to pay attention to when inspecting goods in a store in order to understand which bed is the best of all:

  • When choosing a bed in the store, you should carefully examine every detail. All fasteners must have strong joints. Defects such as scratches, chips, and cracks are not acceptable on new furniture. Choose a bed with a flat surface. Paint and varnish should be applied without smudges.
  • Try to buy a bed only from environmentally friendly materials.
  • Ask the seller for a warranty certificate of quality for the selected design.
  • Feel free to sit down or lie down for blood in a furniture store - you have every right to do so. So you can check the strength of the berth, where it should be as comfortable as possible first of all to you.
  • To check the correspondence of the mattress to your weight and height, you need to lie on the sofa and put your hand inside on top of the mattress. If your hand will be cramped, then this bed is suitable for you.
  • Often in the store they offer a bed with a mattress, which is not always of high quality. Therefore, we recommend buying a mattress separately from a berth, and preferably orthopedic.
  • A transforming bed is perfect for a small bedroom.
  • Such low “platform” boxes will perfectly fit into the modern interior.
  • A very high bed can decorate the space of the room, so if you are the owner of a small room, then do not choose this option.
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We hope that your sleep will be deep and comfortable as you now know which beds are best to buy. Correctly chosen sleeping place is the key to good health and good mood!

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