How to choose a kitchen?

The kitchen is the most fabulous place in the house. Real miracles work here - meat and vegetables turn into a delicious soup, a delicious cake is made from white powder, and in addition, you can have a secret with a friend and have fun with colleagues. But miracles are possible only if the kitchen is beautiful, clean and comfortable. But this to a large extent depends on what is standing there. How to choose a kitchen so that everyone is comfortable and well? Let's try to figure it out.

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Where to begin?

Have you started a global reconstruction of the apartment and don’t know how to choose a kitchen set? It is not necessary to begin with it, but with an assessment of conditions and possibilities. First think:

  1. What exactly is your kitchen for - is it just for cooking or for something else.
  2. Do you intend to select separate corners for some other purposes - for example, for a small workshop, a cabinet with tools, etc.
  3. Are you going to change absolutely everything or would you like to leave some of the furniture, decoration.
  4. What household appliances do you already have and what do you intend to buy.
  5. What “non-kitchen” equipment will stand in this room.
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Estimate the size

Quite often, “Napoleonic” plans for reorganization are broken up into reality. You have outlined that in the kitchen there will be a washing machine, and a corner, and cupboards for dishes, and a refrigerator, and two tables. And here is what bad luck - the furniture has already been ordered and paid, but it is not included. To prevent this from happening, accurately determine the dimensions of the space that you have to fill. To do this, all you need is a tape measure, a piece of paper and a pencil.

You need to measure:

  • length and width of the room;
  • height
  • parameters of doorways - width and height;
  • window parameters, and if there are several, then the distance between them.
  • parameters of kitchen equipment that is already available, and built-in cabinets, if you are not going to get rid of them.
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We make a project

Agree that knowing the purpose and size, repair is much easier. The next step is to draft. Yes, it will be a real project, although you are not going to order it to an architect and designer. But do not be scared, everything is very simple. To choose the right kitchen in the future:

  1. Take a piece of paper.
  2. Draw the boundaries of the room on it - it is better to do this on a scale (for example, 10 cm on paper corresponds to 1 m of the kitchen).
  3. Draw sewer pipes and ventilation.
  4. Apply objects that are already there - a stove, a sink, a built-in closet.

And now you can experiment a bit, determining the number and shape of objects that still have to appear in your kitchen. A very convenient option is to cut out squares from colored paper, each of which corresponds to a certain subject, and try to place them on the “floor”, that is, on the plan. When you like the arrangement, you can make the final version by circling the patterns on the sheet. Such an approximate plan can be made on each wall. If the kitchen is small, it is especially important to correctly distribute the hanging cabinets and, if possible, use all the corners.

Important! A double sheet from a school notebook is also suitable for such plans, but it is best to take a graph paper sheet.

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We determine the style

It is impossible to give unambiguous advice on how to choose the right kitchen, because all people have different ideas about beauty. Very often it is not possible to reach a consensus even in the family. Therefore, you just need to know what styles of kitchen furniture can be. It may well be that your household is simply scared of the words “country” or “baroque,” ​​and they will even like the furniture in this style.

In stores and catalogs you can see kitchen furniture in the styles:

  • Art Nouveau;
  • classic;
  • ethno;
  • retro;
  • high tech;
  • eclecticism;
  • minimalism.

The list is not complete, because each year brings new trends, and it is possible that in the near future there will be new styles of kitchen furniture - and indeed furniture in general.


This style is perhaps the most practical. A classic kitchen with wooden or plastic furniture, which uses traditional “kitchen” designs. The advantage of such a kitchen is that such an interior testifies to a strong financial and social position. In addition, the classic does not go out of style.


Art Nouveau style is fanciful forms, even the most fantastic ones. Getting into such a kitchen, it’s as if you are traveling in time and find yourself in a room a century ago, when you first invented the first household appliances. The complexity of the design in this style is that it is quite difficult to find the right design for the stove or washing machine.


Sweet to the heart of many, the style of the 50-60s, with round tables, knitted or embroidered napkins and curtains, wooden stools, antique refrigerators. It turns out a cozy, but not always comfortable kitchenette.


Ethno style is a great opportunity to express your imagination, since ethno is actually a lot of styles:

  • country;
  • Provence
  • Scandinavia;
  • Russian folk;
  • exotic.

Why not? Wooden benches or wicker chairs, heavy oak, or vice versa - a light Provencal table, wicker or knitted rugs, Zhostovo trays, doors “under Khokhloma”. Ecologically, functionally, in addition, in full accordance with the traditions of various nations.


The name speaks for itself. Nothing extra. Everything is extremely functional. Very comfortable style, especially for small kitchens. However, it is also popular among owners of large apartments - it’s very convenient, hygienic, when there are few items, there are practically no jewelry that can collect dust, dirt, and you can easily get to each item with a rag.

High tech

Very modern kitchen, sometimes resembling a spaceship cabin. Metal and plastic. Any colors are appropriate - from traditional white or beige to black. Boards, panels, sensors - convenient and effective.kak_vybrat_kuhnju-02


Perhaps the most popular style - or rather, the lack of a specific style as such. The advantage of eclecticism is that you can use existing objects, including your beloved grandmother’s chest of drawers, an old, but faithful and reliable dishwasher. Any forms and materials. Ideal style for a family with not very big income. The main problem is that things of a different kind, of any color, somehow harmonize with each other.

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Something about the main

Having dealt with the styles, consider a few more points. The kitchen, of course, should be beautiful. So stylish design is far from the last. However, besides him, it is necessary to take into account a number of points:

  • durability;
  • functionality;
  • convenience.

You do not choose a kitchen set for one day. It is advisable that he served for ten years, or even more. So when choosing, you should pay attention:

  • on the material;
  • on hinges, locks, latches;
  • on mounts.

Important! As for functionality, pay attention to ensure that everything that your family will use fit into kitchen cabinets and shelves. In addition, you must know exactly what this or that object is intended for and where it is better to put it.

The kitchen should be comfortable, otherwise - cooking, cleaning will not be a joy. The modules should be such that you can cook, eat, open cabinets, and just walk around the kitchen without inconvenience.

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What should a kitchen be made of? Facades, aprons, countertops, cabinet walls? This is an important point, since in this room there is always high humidity, temperature fluctuations, and other adverse factors. Therefore, it is impossible to ignore the material when planning to choose a kitchen.

Most often used for facades:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • glass;
  • Chipboard or chipboard,
  • wood;
  • MDF.

Important! It is very rare that the entire headset is made of the same material. As a rule, combinations are used - wood or particleboard with glass, metal with plastic.

Pay particular attention to the materials:

  • countertops;
  • apron.

In addition to the listed materials, of which both facades and countertops are made, the following can also be used:

  • stone - both natural and artificial;
  • ceramic tile.
  • the apron can be mirrored.

The main criterion in both cases is wear resistance.

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What will happen in the lockers?

Determine what should be in the cabinets in order to choose the right kitchen set - dryer, bar, basket-carousel. Manufacturers offer a ton of options. All kinds of sliding drawers will make your life in the kitchen more orderly, comfortable.

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White is not the only color available for kitchen furniture. It can be gray, beige, bright red, even black. However, note a few points:

  • the size of the kitchen;
  • the style you have chosen;
  • tastes of your household.

Useful tips on how to choose a kitchen:

  1. A small kitchen will seem smaller if it is painted in dark colors and dark furniture is put there.
  2. On the contrary - light walls, light furniture visually increase the size of the room.
  3. Plain kitchen is not the best solution. It is better to choose a combination of different shades. Of course, the color scheme should appeal to all family members.
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You have already determined where the dishwasher, microwave, refrigerator and everything else will stand. Now it remains to decide where and how you buy them - or leave those that already exist.

You can purchase household appliances:

  • together with a headset in the same cabin;
  • separately in a household appliance store.

Important! The first option is more convenient in the sense that in the store you can easily pick up suitable items not only for their intended purpose, but also for design. But the second option may be more budget.

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We go to the store

Having decided on the goals, objectives, materials, location, we go to the store. One of the most popular is IKEA. There you can find cuisines of German and Italian manufacturers, relatively inexpensive. But Italian cuisine is most often intended for large rooms.

Russian kitchen sets are cheaper than Italian or German. Their advantage is that they can be designed for a small kitchenette. However, there are more expensive models for large rooms. They are designed for economical people who will not follow the vagaries of fashion and change furniture every year.

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How to choose a kitchen? - Useful tips:

  1. Once it was believed that the sink, stove and countertop should be on the same level. But the designers and owners of the kitchens finally came to the conclusion that it is better when the hob, countertop, sink are at different levels.
  2. Absolutely all items in the kitchen should be available.
  3. Choose a material that is easy to care for. For example, if you compare wood and glass or tile, then wood in any form loses significantly. Even the face will be less practical if it is of inadequate quality.
  4. Do I need draperies in the kitchen? - Of course, it is difficult to do without light curtains. But do not hang heavy curtains from fabric.If you really want to completely close the window, choose lightweight blinds - metal, bamboo, plastic, depending on the design of the kitchen.
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Stock footage

Before finally deciding, wander through specialized sites. Perhaps it is there that you will find interesting solutions - and you can certainly determine the prices. We hope that now you have a clearer idea of ​​how to choose a kitchen, and you will succeed in doing this so that the headset will please you for several years.

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