How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed?

A correctly selected mattress will save you from problems with the spine, ensure a healthy sleep and, ultimately, will help to improve the quality of life. Today we’ll talk about how to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed. A high-quality mattress design is able to protect and relieve not only pain in the spine, but also from dust mites, fungi and other “joys”.

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Design specifics

Take a look at any specialized store (it doesn’t matter, online or offline). You will immediately be convinced that the choice of products from different companies is simply gigantic. Distinguish between soft and hard, spring and springless designs. For the manufacture of mattresses, natural and artificial materials can be used. Products can be classified by the presence or absence of an orthopedic effect, as well as by price category.

Important! So that a night's sleep was not torture, but pleasure, you need to carefully approach the choice of a mattress design. Optimally, if you take into account not only the parameters of the bed and your own aesthetic preferences, but also body weight, condition of the joints and spine, as well as age.

The cost of branded models is the highest, but their quality is impeccable, much better than that of budget counterparts. But before deciding to buy, you need to understand the design features in order to choose the best option.

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Types of mattresses for beds - which are better?

The design properties are largely determined by the materials of manufacture, or the “filling” of the product. For example, you liked the case of a beautiful and durable jacquard. At the same time, it may hide springs under it (by the way, the springs may be different), or it may not have springs at all. All mattress designs are divided into 2 types - spring and springless.

Spring loaded

Such mattresses can be equipped with dependent (bonnels) or independent spring blocks. In the latter case, the orthopedic effect is more pronounced. Each of the springs is packaged in a separate case, and the entire structure is “adjusted” to the individual characteristics of the body. If you are thinking which one is better to buy a mattress for a double bed, then among the spring models “independent” are more preferable.

Important! The best option is mattresses with 256 independent springs based on the “square" area. Of course, such a product is by no means cheap, but the orthopedic effect is worth it.


These mattresses have a filler made of different materials, including high-tech. Inflatable and water structures are also classified as springless.

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Types of Fillers

With spring designs, everything is more or less clear. “Bonnels” are cheap, but not so practical, and independent springs are exactly the opposite. Much more difficult is the case with springless structures, which use a variety of fillers. These can be innovative materials, and variants that have been tested for decades (the same buckwheat husk) can be used. Consider the most common materials to understand what to choose an orthopedic mattress for a double bed.

Latex (natural or artificial)

Anatomical, hygienic and hypoallergenic material. At the same time, it is not hard, it is comfortable to sleep on it. It is latex that best supports the spine during rest.

Coconut Coir

Natural harmless material, provides high rigidity. In addition to environmental safety, coconut coir has an antiseptic effect.

Important! Due to its increased stiffness, the material has a limited area of ​​use. For example, it is contraindicated for elderly people.

Memorialform, memorilatex

These are innovative materials with the effect of “remembering". At the heart of these materials is polyurethane - a strong, durable material that is completely safe for health. In addition, polyurethane foam is elastic and has a “breathing" effect.

Important! Sold in stores and mattresses with foam and even batting. Their cost is small, but they can only be considered as a guest option. Such products are short-lived, quickly deformed, and using them for constant sleep - as they say, is more expensive for themselves.

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How to choose a mattress for a bed? Bed options

Of course, a lot depends on the presence or absence of springs, as well as manufacturing materials. First of all, the convenience, comfort of sleep, ultimately, well-being and performance. But before you go shopping, you need to measure the bed. Questions, how to choose a bed and a mattress, can be said to go alongside. If the mattress did not fit, there can be no question of a healthy sleep. In fact, you need to choose the right bed, and after that - the mattress:

  • The optimal bed length is the growth of a taller spouse +15 cm:
  • Variability of the standard width of the “double” mattress is 1.6-2.0 m.
  • It is necessary that the length of the mattress and the length of the bed are perfectly matched. It’s bad when the mattress “travels” on the bed. There is nothing good if he rests against the back. In this case, the entire orthopedic effect either decreases or disappears completely.
  • The optimum thickness of the spring structure is from 180 to 260 mm. Springless models are thinner.

Important! If you like springless models, pay attention that the bed is equipped with special orthopedic lamellas, preferably beech or birch.

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Degree of rigidity and loading capacity

In no case can you ignore these moments if you want to choose a high-quality mattress for an orthopedic double bed. Be sure to read the characteristics of what load the product can withstand. There is such a pattern: the stiffer the product, the more large a person it can withstand.

Important! If people in a pair are very different in mass, it is advisable to choose a combined model, taking into account the characteristics of both people. You can also purchase two mattresses with different properties for a double bed.

We determine the appropriate option:

  • Soft designs can not be called useful, but for the elderly or fragile physique, they will come in handy.
  • Mattresses of medium hardness with orthopedic effect is a universal option. They are suitable for people of all ages.
  • An unambiguous choice of a rigid mattress design is a mistake! The purchase of hard products must be approached with some caution. In most cases, such an acquisition is justified if there are special recommendations of a specialist (for example, with diseases of the joints and / or spine).

Important! Two-sided models with different degrees of rigidity are very convenient, which, if necessary, can be turned to the other side. Recently, models with a rigid latex “belt” around the perimeter appeared on sale. This new product significantly increases the service life of products, making them even more convenient.

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The right choice of upholstery

To choose the right mattress for a double bed, we must not forget about the properties of the outer shell.Strength, elasticity, ease of care, hypoallergenic - these are the basic requirements for external upholstery. Therefore, such fabrics are suitable:

  • The optimal material for the manufacture of mattress covers is jacquard. A mixture of synthetic and cotton fibers is unusually strong. The greater the specific gravity of cotton in a fabric, the more expensive it is.
  • Calico is inferior to jacquard in strength, but it is completely natural.
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According to experts, to operate the same product for several decades is not only unreasonable, but also dangerous. The waste products of a dust mite, particles of human hair and epidermis become simply dangerous over time. Therefore, you do not need to save, but just need to buy a new mattress for the bed in time. How to do it - now you know!

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