How to choose a blanket?

About a third of our lives we spend in a dream. Therefore, it is very important that this watch is as pleasant and comfortable as possible. A good blanket is a prerequisite for a healthy and relaxing sleep. Each buyer always has his own ideas about convenience and comfort. But the bedding market at the moment is striking in its diversity, every day there are more and more different new fillers and making a choice is becoming increasingly difficult. Let's look into the jungle of various blanket fillers and find out how to choose the best blanket. Before buying, you need to think about all the basic qualities of the product in advance: size, sewing technology, material, filler, warming properties.
to contents ↑Choose a blanket
How to choose a good blanket? First, let's look at what selection criteria exist. The most important and, in fact, the only criterion is convenience. However, this parameter is subjective and may consist of a variety of requirements.
The size
To choose a blanket of a suitable size, you need to determine the size of the bed, and, of course, how many people it is intended for. The size of the blankets are divided into the following categories:
- one and a half;
- double;
- baby;
- for newborns.
There are no unique parameters for blankets. Standards are different in all countries.
Important! Before you buy a custom-sized blanket, ask if you can pick up bedding for it.
The weight
Not everyone likes to sleep under a heavy blanket. And for people suffering from heart failure, as well as pulmonary diseases, for medical reasons it is not recommended to hide in such products. Therefore, to choose a blanket in such a situation, you need to know the following:
- Heavy models include cotton, made of camel and sheep’s wool.
- To the lungs - with fillers from eider or goose down, synthetic fibers.
Sewing method
If the blanket is filled, material distribution matters.
Important! The volume of the product is quite large, and if the filler does not hold in anything, it quickly knocks into lumps. The fiber loses its structure, does not retain air, which means it ceases to retain heat.
The firmware is carried out in three ways:
- Quilt - the product is stitched in one direction. This is the worst way to sew stitches, since the distance between the stitches is quite large, and the filler stitches along these stripes.
- Cassette - the blanket is stitched in such a way as to form separate small sections, beyond which the filler does not move.
- Carostep - stitch is made in the form of a pattern, forming cells with different sizes. As a rule, the finished product is flashed, and over time, through the holes left by the needle, the filler will be visible.
Of paramount importance, for what time of year you choose your blanket. Models of such bedding are:
- Winter - the warmest and thickest, in the summer you can not sleep under such - it's hot.
- Summer is a lightweight option. Cotton or wool products keep heat to varying degrees, here you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.
- Bilateral - a stitch is formed from different sides from different materials. This is suitable for any season, but, of course, in regions with a temperate or warm climate.
- 4 seasons - a product consisting of two parts, which are connected by buttons, zippers or Velcro. You can use each part individually or both together. But, of course, if winter is characterized by severe frosts or the heating in the apartment leaves much to be desired, a real winter clothe is indispensable.
Usually the blanket is upholstered with natural, environmentally friendly and practical fabrics that provide hygroscopicity and air permeability to the finished product. Most often, the following materials are used as upholstery:
- cotton;
- knitwear;
- silk;
- jacquard.
These materials hold filler well and allow air to pass through.
How to choose a blanket for filler? There are quite a lot of fillers for blankets. They maintain the necessary body temperature, provide hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity of the product for comfortable sleep. Let's look at the most common blanket fillers - this will help you determine which is best for you. All fillers can be divided into natural and synthetic.
Natural Fillers:
- Duvets are light, airy, soft and adequate in volume. The warmest and lightest blankets are made from eiderdown, which does not absorb moisture compared to other downy counterparts. However, such products are expensive and not everyone can afford them. More accessible, but less warm and light - a combination of fluff and feather.
Important! When choosing a filler from fluff and feather, you need to look so that the amount of feather does not exceed 40%.
- Woolen blankets are heavier than down comforters. They are especially recommended for those who cannot stand the cold, as well as for older people with sore joints, since such blankets have healing properties. The warmest product is made of camel wool.
- Silk blankets have many advantages. Depending on the amount of filler, such a product can warm you both in summer and in winter. It will not cause allergies, mites and bacteria do not appear in it. But with all its advantages, it is very moody in leaving and at the same time has a high cost.
- The quality of bamboo blankets is not inferior to silk, but at the same time they have an affordable price. They are hygroscopic and breathable.
- Due to its naturalness, a cotton blanket provides good thermoregulation and hygroscopicity. But over time, cotton wool dries, gathers in lumps and absorbs all the smells.
Important! It should be noted that microbes, fungi and dust mites, which can cause an allergic reaction, live in down and wool blankets. Therefore, allergy sufferers are ideally suited for synthetic blankets.
Synthetic blankets
By their operational characteristics, they are in no way inferior to their natural counterparts. But they have a low cost and do not cause allergic reactions, unpretentious care, easy to machine wash and dry quickly.
The most practical options include the following:
- One of the most affordable fillers is sintepon. Products from it are lightweight and have high thermal insulation properties. But at the same time, they quickly lose their shape and do not pass air well.
- Polyester - very pleasant to the touch, products made of it are soft and warm, since this material is able to hold heated air well.
- Hollofiber - in its properties resembles fluff, but at the same time it is hypoallergenic. Such a product can be easily washed in a washing machine, without fear of any dirty tricks on its part.
There are many ratings of sleeping blankets for various criteria and a lot of debate about which filler is best for a blanket. Someone prefers naturalness in everything, someone likes inexpensive synthetic fillers. Therefore, which blanket is better, with which filler - from bamboo or holofiber, fluff or wool, or maybe polyester, you decide.
to contents ↑Choosing a blanket for a child
The fundamental here is only one question: does the child have an allergy and if so, on which materials. All other parameters coincide with the criteria for “adult” blankets.
The size
It is undesirable to buy a blanket “for growth”. Of course, a margin of length is needed, but within reasonable limits.
The weight
The smaller the child, the easier should be his blanket. Wadded and even woven wool products are too heavy for the baby.
The smaller the child, the better his clothes should be washed. A blanket is no exception, so you should prefer those that are not capricious in leaving and are easily washed in a typewriter.
to contents ↑How to choose a blanket for a newborn?
Typically, a newborn needs three blankets, each of which performs different functions.
Blanket at the hospital
Of course, for the summer this question is not relevant. Here it’s quite possible to get along with an elegant envelope for the baby or just dress it beautifully. But in winter you can’t do without a warm blanket.
Important! Since it is not known whether there is any allergic reaction in the baby or not, it is more rational to use a sintepon product.
Blanket for walking
A blanket for walking is a must. It is not recommended to put a blanket for sleeping in a stroller - there will be many opportunities to stain it on a walk. You need to choose an easily washable product:
- cotton or knitted - for the warm season;
- synthetic winterizer - for winter.
A blanket-blanket for a newborn is also suitable.
Blanket for sleeping:
- The best option, if not allergic, is wool and silk. Both materials can accumulate or remove heat if necessary, therefore children are not exposed to the risk of overheating under a woolen blanket.
- The summer blanket is usually thin cotton.
- For the off-season, it’s nice to have an additional fleece or bike - it is used on top of cotton.
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In this article, we examined all the criteria for choosing bedding, gave a lot of useful tips. If you correctly review this information and use it when buying, a comfortable dream is definitely guaranteed for you!
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