How to choose a wig?

Probably, many will agree that it is difficult to meet a woman who would not like to change regularly. And what could be better than to please yourself with a new haircut or hairstyle? As you know, it is thanks to such a powerful “weapon” that a woman can radically change her image, though for the better and for the worse.

To be able to change without prejudice to their native hair, there is a wonderful option - the use of wigs. This accessory will always help you look your best, as well as change your image as often as you would like. However, you need to know about some of the nuances regarding how to choose a wig that is suitable in shape, hair structure, material, color, which we will tell you about in this article.

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What are wigs?

Before you go to the store for a new thing, you need to know what kind of wigs are and which of the presented options will best fit into your image. First of all, wigs are divided into two main types, these are:

  • Natural.
  • Synthetic (artificial).


It’s not hard to guess what natural wigs are made of - these are natural hair that undergoes a thorough and lengthy treatment, from sorting by thickness and length, to disinfection, washing and drying.

A product from natural hair can be purchased ready-made in the salon, or you can make it to order, where you will be measured, and after a month or two of the painstaking work of the masters, you will receive a ready-made wig of an individual size.

Important! If necessary, before creating a wig, human hair is trimmed, dyed, and sometimes even polished for further ease of use.

Such products can last you from two to five years with proper care. They can be “washed”, done in different styles and dried, dyed and cut - in fact, you can carry out all the same manipulations as with natural hair.



At first, a product made of synthetic material may practically not differ from options made of natural hair. But after a month or two of active use, such a wig may become worthless.

Of course, such a model is much easier to buy, because they are inexpensive, but still it is undesirable to get a wig of artificial hair, since the quality of such a product will certainly upset. Such wigs look a little worse, the hairs begin to cut very quickly, and they feel tougher and coarser than natural hair.


For those who want to find a middle ground between quality and price, you can choose a wig of a mixed type - models made half of artificial and natural hair.

Another good option is Kanekalon products - such products were invented in Japan. Due to its good qualities and composition (seaweed), kanekalon quickly spread throughout the world. Such wigs look natural - here you can even note the maximum resemblance to live and healthy hair.

Important! A product made of Kanekalon will last about a year, even with intensive wear - it keeps its shape perfectly and always looks well-groomed.

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Wig base

When choosing a wig, it is very important to pay attention to its basis - a hat from which hair “grows”:

  • The most comfortable option is when the base is made in a technology called monofilament.This is a mesh that mimics the scalp where hair is woven manually. Such a product will be the most inconspicuous, parting on it can be done anywhere.
  • Another option is tess. This technology assumes that the hair is attached to a hat, which in appearance resembles a tulle. In this case, the hairstyle will be fixed - here you can make a parting only in one place, and upon closer inspection, the base does not look like scalp. However, such accessories are very popular as they are cheap, comfortable and lightweight.

Important! Make sure that the base of the wig is not made of explicit synthetics, since the scalp in the wig must necessarily breathe and sweat should evaporate from it.

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How to choose the right one?

After we have decided what kind of wigs are, now we need to figure out how to choose the right wig. To do this, pay attention to some points:

  1. For owners of fair skin, cold tones of light brown colors, red, black, as well as ashy shades are most suitable. Brown, red and light wigs are more suitable for swarthy girls, and all shades of red go to young ladies with freckles.
  2. If you would like to look a little older, then choose darker colors, but for those who want to seem younger, you need to pay attention to chestnut and golden tones.

If we talk about the shape of the face, then:

  • Ladies with an oval shape are subject to absolutely any experiment both in terms of shape and hair length. A win-win option is long straightened curls and a classic parting in the middle.
  • For girls who have a round face shape, wigs with a short haircut and curls elongated on the sides are more suitable. For this type of face, it is better to avoid too invited hair - they can further emphasize the "roundness".
  • The square shape requires a wig that emphasizes the cheekbones and slightly changes the too “direct” proportions of the body.
  • A heart-shaped person will look best in a wig with large or light curls. A form with curls bending to the chin will also look advantageous.
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The size

Whatever wig you choose, the main thing is that it reliably “sits” on your head, does not hang out and do not sting. As a rule, silicone strips or rubber bands are provided for fixing it inside the cap.

When buying, you should ask in which country the accessory was made, since in our markets there are now a lot of models of Asian origin. For Europeans and Asians, the head structure is somewhat different, so a product from China can often be small for our consumer.

Important! In any case, you can’t buy a wig without trying on. During it, bend over and actively shake your head. You should measure it immediately with a net under which you will hide your hair.

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How to wear and care?

To “spare” hair served for a long time, you should properly care for them:

  • Before putting on a wig, it is necessary to shake it and comb it slightly with your hand to make it look more natural.
  • You need to purchase a special brush with soft bristles for regular combing of the product.
  • Remember that an accessory made of synthetic hair should not be exposed to temperature - curling iron, hair dryer, various stylers for such wigs are strictly contraindicated.
  • After each use, the hairs must be carefully straightened by hand.
  • Washing should take place with special care. First, the wig is dried on a towel, and then on a special “blank”, which maximally repeats the shape of your head.

Important! Wet products are strictly forbidden to comb. This can only be done after the wig has completely dried.

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So, to choose a wig should be guided by the following characteristics - color, face shape, naturalness of the product, as well as its price.Choosing an accessory made of natural hair, you will get a better and more durable wig that will be as similar to a real hairstyle as possible. But you can also choose a good option from synthetic material, which, with proper care, will also please you for a rather long time.

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