How to choose boxing gloves?

High-quality and comfortable boxing gloves are a guarantee of successful training, as well as career sports growth. What must be considered in order to choose the right gloves for boxing? How does the material of external and internal filling, type and weight of fixation? In this article we will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

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Criteria for choosing boxing gloves

For a novice athlete or just a boxing enthusiast, quality and convenience are extremely important for successful training. However, making a choice is not as easy as it might seem initially. To choose the right sports equipment for boxing, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • The purpose of the equipment.
  • Size and weight category.
  • Color and type of fixation.
  • Filler and outer material.
  • Manufacturer and quality.

Important! Manufacturers of sports equipment reiterate with one voice about the effectiveness of their products. But the recommendations and advice of trainers will be able to fully understand the really best option.

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The purpose of sports equipment

There are three types of boxing gloves:

  • Combat - designed for competitions. The shape of the equipment provides an enhanced blow without causing damage to their own hands. In such models, the bend of the thumb is similar to the inclination of the finger in the fist. For full fixation lacing is made.
  • Training is a great option for practicing in the gym. Fixing is done with a wide elastic or Velcro, which makes it possible to quickly put on and take off gloves without outside help. They are well suited for sparring, but it is undesirable to use them in training with bags or paws, as they harden at an accelerated pace, begin to tear and can scratch a partner during sparring.
  • Shell - their form repeats the anatomy of the fist. Similar models are used for training with shells (punching bag, bags or paw). A prerequisite is the density of fixation, as well as immobility on the arm. In addition, such gloves are characterized by reduced weight and thinner walls.

Important! In order not to be injured, it is not recommended to use gloves below 12 ounces.

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How to choose the right size and weight category?

As a rule, the dimension is provided on standard boxing gloves. There are well-known European standards S, L, M, XL. In order to pick up boxing gloves, pay attention to weight.

Important! The weight category is measured in ounces based on the assumption that one ounce (or oz) equals 28.35 g. You also need to know that the weight range limit varies from 4 to 20 ounces.

For training, use the following gradation:

  • 4 ounces - for children under 7 years.
  • 6 ounces - for children 7-9 years old.
  • 8 ounces - for women and children 9-13 years old.
  • 10 ounces - for women and teens.
  • 12 ounces - for the weight category of 50-60 kg.
  • 14 ounces - for the weight category of 60-70 kg.
  • 16 ounces - for the weight category of 70-90 kg.
  • 18-20 ounces - for the weight category above 90 kg.

Important! For boxing training it is advisable to use gloves of 12-16 ounces. They perfectly dampen the power of the blow and prevent injury to the athlete.In addition, choosing heavier models, you can quickly strengthen the shoulder girdle, and also accelerate the time for a blow and its strength.

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Type of fixation

To choose gloves for boxing, you should consider the type of fixation:

  • Lacing is a great option for fixing on your wrist. Often the lacing is from the palm to the wrist. Usually used by professional athletes.

Important! It is practically impossible to wear such a glove comfortably and correctly without assistance.

  • Velcro is the most popular type of fixation. Moreover, this option is recommended by the International Amateur Boxing Association AIBA. It makes it easy to put on and take off the equipment yourself. The quality of the fixation will depend on the width of the cuff - the wider they are, the more confidently the glove is fixed.
  • Elastic band is another practical option, but often this option of fixation is used by children or women. This species has not received wide distribution.
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Filling and Material

There are two options for the material of the outer performance of gloves for boxing:

  • Leather - the best option, which gives a guarantee of a long service life. However, the cost of such equipment is also considerable.
  • Faux leather is a more affordable option. But their hands sweat more, and in terms of life they are noticeably behind the analogues of genuine leather.

Important! Of course, it is better to choose boxing gloves made of genuine leather - the high cost will pay off for years of training.

The following materials are used for filling:

  • Modern types of materials, for example, foam rubber, polyurethane foam - are distinguished by a long service life, resistance to shock. Gloves with such a filler perfectly spring and hold their shape well. The weight of such models practically does not affect their size.
  • Horse hair - there are few drawbacks, but such a filler has not received popularity.
  • Vata is the cheapest type of filler. The form is quickly lost. lumps form, so it is undesirable to use.

Important! Try to buy gloves with a water-repellent lining - it will help get rid of excess moisture, further protecting your skin.

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Manufacturer and quality

A large number of different brands for the manufacture of equipment for boxing greatly complicates the choice. Today, the best brands are Everlast, Grant, Ringside, Lonsdale and Adidas.

Important! Along with the high quality products of these brands, prices are also considerable, so there is a huge number of fakes. Accordingly - when choosing gloves for boxing in a store, you need to be extremely careful.

A separate category of boxing equipment is considered to be the products of companies from Pakistan. Top Hill brand stands out in them - at a price they are quite affordable and the quality is not bad.

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Bandages for any boxer are simply a must, as they protect the hands from dislocations, bruises and sprains. Hands must be bandaged under gloves so that the gauze absorbs moisture and the gloves remain dry. Thanks to this, their service life was extended.

Boxing bandages are from 2.5 to 4.5 meters. They are made of pure cotton or with the addition of elastic. However, it is better to give preference to products made of pure cotton when choosing bandages - they do not pull hands and absorb moisture much better.

The length of the bandage must be selected depending on the age of the athlete:

  • products up to 3 meters long will be appropriate for children and adolescents;
  • over 3 m - for adults.
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To choose the right boxing gloves, you need to measure them. This should be done taking into account some nuances:

  • Gloves should be measured by pre-wrapping hands with a cotton boxing bandage.
  • It is advisable to try on several models in order to choose the most optimal option.
  • If you measure gloves without bandages, then choose equipment one size larger so that the hands wrapped in a bandage can feel comfortable, nothing constrains the movements.

Important! When choosing equipment, pay attention to the protection of the thumb. This protection is a fabric constriction between the glove and thumb. This makes it possible to reduce the injury risk of the thumb during training and fighting.

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Boxing Glove Care Tips

To ensure that the equipment lasts as long as possible, it is not enough just to pick up gloves for boxing. You also need to know how to properly care for them:

  • After training, you should not leave gloves in a sports bag, because they will be wet and sweaty inside. This attitude to the equipment will lead to the appearance and propagation of an unpleasant odor and even fungus inside the gloves. Therefore, after each workout, it is necessary to remove the gloves and dry them well by hanging them on a hook.
  • You can also use special sprays and deodorants for care, which should be injected inside after each use. These funds destroy the fungus, eliminate unpleasant odors, and also extend the life of the equipment.
  • The glove should be worn exclusively with bandages or special helium pads - they will protect the hands and joints of the hands from injuries. In addition, moisture will not collect on the inside of the gloves during training.
  • Do not dry gloves on radiators, batteries, or other heating devices, because this has a negative effect on the material of the equipment.
  • If training takes place daily, it is advisable to have two pairs of gloves per shift.
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In conclusion, I would like to say that when choosing gloves for boxing, it is better to give preference to proven equipment after all, even if it will cost a little more. Here it is necessary to remember that only high-quality and correctly selected gloves can minimize the risk of injury during fights and training.

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