How to choose tiles for an apron in the kitchen?

Finishing the kitchen is a rather complicated process, because you need to correctly select not only materials for walls, ceilings, floors that can withstand all changes in temperature, humidity, grease and other adverse factors. A kitchen apron is usually called a wall covering in a kitchen room between cabinets and a work table. Tile is a practical and beautiful design option for this site. Today we’ll talk about how to choose tiles for an apron in the kitchen.

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Functions of the tile apron:

  • Protective. Tile protects the wall from contamination.
  • Facilitating cleanliness. It is very easy to look after a tile, and at the same time there are no stains left.
  • Aesthetic. Tiled with taste, beautifully laid by the master or with your own hands will become an adornment of your kitchen.

Now consider all the advantages and disadvantages of different types of tiles for a kitchen apron.


Advantages of ceramic products:

  • Durability. If the tiles are laid down in good quality, then the kitchen set is guaranteed to “survive”.
  • Strength. Ceramics easily forgives the owners not quite accurate handling. Tiles do not crack from high temperatures and shock.
  • A variety of colors, shapes and textures.
  • Ease of care. Such a surface is chemically neutral even to aggressive detergents.


  • Difficult styling. You can mount a wall panel from chipboard or MDF yourself. Working with tiles requires certain skills and labor.
  • Stacking price. Masters value their work quite expensive. In addition, supplies should also be included in your cost estimates - grout, glue, primer and more.
  • The need for wall preparation. If you neglect the alignment and preparatory measures, then in a very short time the decor in the kitchen will become your headache.
  • Repair problems. If the craftsmen worked hard, removing the “obsolete” tile from the walls will be difficult.

Important! Choose glazed tiles for your kitchen. The easiest way to clean them from contamination. Products with a complex texture look richer, but lose much in functionality. Putting this coating in order is laborious enough.


Photo tile

Innovative wall covering. Its benefits include:

  • Beautiful, extravagant design. The kitchen apron with the image printed on it looks original.
  • Rich colors.
  • Individuality, the ability to order any print - nature, cityscape, animal images, even a photograph from a family album.


  • Sophisticated wall preparation, expensive installation. If you add to this the cost of “consumables”, then the pleasure is not the cheapest.
  • More complicated care than ceramic. The photo tile is not resistant to all cleaning products, so you need to choose them with caution.
  • It is more likely that the pattern will fade or crack over time.

Important! The factory image is more durable than custom-made.


Unusual and very beautiful decor. Its advantages include the following factors:

  • Mosaic is easy to fit into the design, composing several shades at once.
  • Possibility of use on curved surfaces (do not confuse them with non-aligned walls!).


  • Cost. Tiled decor would have cost you a lot less.The price of the work of the masters and the purchase of consumables will also be quite expensive.
  • Lots of stitches. Light grout is particularly impractical. Over time, it absorbs fat and water, looks messy.

Important! Pay attention to the quality of the grout. The best option is epoxy grout, so that the seams look neat.

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Right Choice Algorithm

To choose the right tile for the apron in the kitchen, you need to take into account the dimensions of this room, the shade of furniture and walls.

Dimensions of the room and the apron itself

  • You can close the space above the sink and stove with tiles. In this case, the walls will be reliably protected from pollution, and the consumption of materials will be less.
  • If you decide to cover the entire space between the working surface and the lower plane of the cabinets with an apron, it is advisable to use products with digital printing.
  • When deciding how to choose a tile for a kitchen apron, do not forget about the size of the tiles. A large tile in a small kitchen looks somewhat ridiculous. The main thing is that it harmonizes with the dimensions of the room.

Important! “Bricks” 70x100 mm or square coating 100x100 mm will look beautiful. The best sizes for mosaics are 25x25 mm. At the same time, this option is the most expensive.

  • If the height of one tile exceeds 200 mm, then use it under the apron is not worth it. And that's why. Most often, the coating height rarely exceeds 600 mm. Three tiles, placed one on top of the other, in a small kitchen do not give any decorative effect. Even worse, if you have to cut tiles.

Color matching

The impression of the repair made completely depends on the selected shade, so you should try to choose a tile for an apron in the kitchen of a successful color scheme.


This is a universal option, which in any interior looks win-win. However, the white coating quickly gets dirty, and if it is washed carelessly, noticeable stains remain.

Important! A snow-white coating diluted with tiles of a different shade and (or) with a pattern looks beautiful.

Beige, Cream

This is a dim, unobtrusive range that looks contrasting with dark cabinets. The wall and furniture of the same shade look slurred, like a single spot.


Bright shades

It is advisable to focus on any one color, otherwise - you will get variegation. The motley bright mosaic looks organically in a frame made of white or cream-colored tiles.


  • When choosing a tile, pay attention to the marking (A or AA).
  • Make sure that the order is formed from one batch. Otherwise, the shade of individual tiles may vary.
  • Before placing an order or going shopping, carefully take all measurements. Otherwise, you will have to buy the missing tile, with all the ensuing risks.

Important! Do not be too lazy to buy corners and baseboards. The room will look complete.


Which tile is best for an apron in the kitchen - from which manufacturers?

  • The highest quality and most expensive tiles are produced in Spain, Italy and Poland.
  • Domestic companies are a more budget option.
  • Do you want to save some money - the Chinese have fussed for fame.

In any case, it is necessary to check whether the corners are broken off, whether there are roughnesses, roughnesses or cracks.

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Now you have all the information to choose an apron for your kitchen from tiles. We hope that the article was really useful for you!

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