How to choose a pillow for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, the expectant mother has a hard time. The body is rebuilt, toxicosis appears. At the last stages of pregnancy, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position - a grown stomach does not allow sleep on either the stomach or the back, and often the baby signals with jerks that something is bothering him. Where it is normal to sleep in such conditions. Experts recommend using four pillows: one under the head, the second under the stomach, the third between the knees, and the fourth under the lower back. But progress does not stand still, now all these pillows can be successfully replaced with one large and comfortable one. It is designed specifically for expectant mothers. Putting such a pillow, you can easily relax, relieve tension from the spine, improve blood circulation. But the problem arises of how to choose a pillow for pregnant women, because they come in different shapes, designs and sizes, different materials are used as filler. And if some factors can be selected based on their tastes and preferences, then the choice of others is important for the health of mothers and babies. So which pillow for pregnant women is better to choose?
to contents ↑What is a special pillow for?
To begin, let's look at the tasks that the pillow performs:
- It allows a pregnant woman to find a comfortable sleeping position.
- It reduces the load on the body, which is very important, especially in the third trimester, when it increases as much as possible.
- It can be placed under the stomach - it will not put pressure on it.
- Distributes the load on the spine correctly.
- Suitable for any period of pregnancy.
- It will also be useful after the birth of the baby, since it is convenient to feed the baby on it.
- It can serve as a kind of playpen for the baby so that he does not fall out of bed.
Cushion selection criteria:
- The very first criterion is safety for mom and baby. Of course, the pillow itself is completely safe, here we will focus on the materials from which it is made. It is very important that the cover is made of natural materials, such as cotton or calico. They are hypoallergenic, easy to care for. The filler can be artificial, it must be resilient and keep its shape well. A good pillow is soft, able to take a comfortable shape, because its purpose is to alleviate the condition of the future mother and increase her comfort.
- The second important criterion is universality. Some pillow models can change shape, due to which they serve their mistress after the birth of the baby. They can be used for convenient feeding and sharing sleep with your baby.
- Another selection criterion is size. Usually a pillow is chosen, focusing on their height. The average size of the product is 160-170 cm. For tall women, you can choose a pillow 250-320 cm. But there is a high probability that it will not fit on the bed. There are pillows about a meter long; they are usually used for feeding.
Such selection criteria as form and filler we will consider separately and in more detail.
to contents ↑Shaped Pillows
Many pillows of various shapes appeared on sale, we will consider the most popular ones.
U-shaped pillow.
This is one of the most popular forms in the form of a long horseshoe. It envelops like a cocoon, it is comfortable and cozy. It perfectly supports the growing stomach, back, and at the same time, it completely surrounds you, so you do not need to shift it from one side to the other if you roll over to the other side.For a day's rest, it is also useful.
In addition, the pillow is easily transformed into a comfortable chair in which it is convenient to feed the baby.
Important! The only drawback is the large size, so it is suitable for those who have a wide bed.
If you do not have a very wide bed, then you can choose a pillow in the form of a bagel, which is not as large as the previous model, and is quite suitable for a not very wide bed. At the same time, it completely embraces the body and is comfortable for the back and abdomen.
G-shaped pillow
This is a new model, similar to a bagel, but in a more advanced form. It takes into account the bends of the body and allows you to take any form in a dream. You can put it under your stomach, grab it with your feet or lean on it with your back.
C-shaped pillow
Compact model, not taking up much space. Supports back and stomach. Convenient for the road. But when buying, you need to consider that, turning on the other side, you will have to shift it to the other side each time.
L shaped pillow
It looks like a long roller with a rounded tail. Compact, great for narrow beds. But you have to roll over with her.
I-shaped pillow
Another name is “banana”, produced in the form of a long roller without any bends. It can reach a length of 2.5 m. It unloads the spine, but does not support the stomach.
to contents ↑Important! Manufacturers offer other forms of pillows for pregnant women, for example, in the form of a boomerang or bagel. Each of them is good in its own way and is able to facilitate the period of pregnancy, which form is better - you decide.
Material and composition of the filler
Now let's talk about what material for the cover and filler is better to choose for a pillow for pregnant women. Of course, the material for the cover should be natural. The classic version is cotton, calico, satin, linen or bamboo. Natural silk is sometimes used, but it is capricious in leaving and not so practical.
Important! When buying, please note that the kit includes additional pillowcases. Although, of course, covers can be purchased separately.
Another important element is the filler. Most often, the following fillers are found.
This inexpensive and practical material is very popular and consists of spiral fibers, which have the ability to immediately restore shape. It is easy to wash, hypoallergenic, not susceptible to fungi and ticks.
Outwardly resembles holofiber, but less durable. The material does not absorb odors, keeps its shape well, is easy to care for and is easy to wash.
Polystyrene balls
Small balls with a diameter of about 1 mm. A product with such a filler retains its shape well and partially absorbs moisture. But there are two significant drawbacks:
- the filler must not be washed;
- when using balls rustling.
Thinsulate or artificial swan fluff
This filler is particularly soft and weightless. These are the thinnest siliconized fibers that do not clump, do not cause allergies and are not affected by fungi and other microorganisms.
Natural fillers
These include cotton wool, grass, buckwheat husk, wool, swan fluff. Despite the fact that natural materials are considered more beneficial for health, they do not justify themselves as a filler. They can cause allergies, and also become a shelter for ticks.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Now you can fully understand the entire range of products and decide which pillow for pregnant women is best for you. This means that sleep and rest will be more comfortable, and you will feel less tired, even almost before childbirth.
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