How to choose a swimsuit size?

Guessing when choosing the main beach outfit is quite risky. A perfect choice can please you only if you know exactly how to choose the size of a swimsuit. This is especially important when buying in online stores, when there is no way to try it on and make sure that the model really suits you. Yes, and in ordinary stores, knowledge of what you need is absolutely not superfluous. Despite the huge selection of manufacturers and models of beachwear, fashion is subject to a single “measurement system". And if you follow it exactly, then you can even buy a model suitable for you remotely.
to contents ↑How to choose the size of a swimsuit?
First of all, you must honestly evaluate your parameters and under no circumstances be cunning. The temptation to buy a smaller model is always there, however, to our great regret, it will not make you slimmer, but only emphasize the shortcomings of your figure. Properly selected swimsuit should fit the figure, like “second skin”.
Important! The most popular today are three types of labeling models - Russian, European and international, which are used by Chinese and American brands. In all systems, the rules set three main parameters - the volume of the chest, waist and hips.
Swimsuit Size S, M, L
To date, the most universal is the marking system, where the sizes of swimsuits are marked with the letters S, M and L. In a letter translation from English:
- S is small;
- M is medium;
- L is big.
to contents ↑Important! Compliance with the usual Russian or European standards with such a marking system should be selected as carefully as possible.
Take measurements for a swimsuit
Even if you are sure that you know exactly the value of your own volumes, re-measuring them will not be superfluous. Especially if you regularly worked out in the gym or on a diet before your vacation. Perhaps the results will pleasantly surprise you.
To choose a swimsuit by size, you need to take measurements correctly - for this you need only a centimeter tape and a little time. If there is someone nearby who is ready to help you in this matter, then be sure to use his help.
So, we take measurements correctly:
- Put on comfortable underwear, stand in front of the mirror and straighten up.
- Thigh volume should be measured at the most prominent points of the buttocks, holding the measuring tape strictly horizontally.
Important! It does not need to be pulled, but holding too loose is also not worth it.
- Also, strictly horizontally measure the volume of the waist along its natural line. Although this measurement may seem superfluous if you choose a separate model, but only at first glance. Even when creating such swimsuits, designers take into account the proportion ratio and the shape of the figure, in which the waist volume plays an important role.
- To accurately determine your breast volume, you will need two measurements. The first is the volume under the chest, the second - according to the most prominent points, it will make it possible to accurately determine the "completeness" of the cup of the bodice. In this case, “guide” the tape over the most prominent points of the chest, and on the back, lift it a little higher and pass over the shoulder blades. Divide the difference between the circumference under the chest and the circumference of the chest by 6 - this will give you the “fullness” value.In all systems, it is indicated by the letters of the English alphabet. This parameter is extremely important when choosing the size of a swimsuit, both a closed model, and open with underwire or with a push-up bodice.
How to find out the size of a one-piece swimsuit?
As you know, perfectly proportional figures do not exist. Even the top fashion models cannot boast of an absolute coincidence of the volume of the hips and chest. Therefore, it is not worth looking for, and even more upset due to the fact that your own parameters do not coincide with high fashion standards.
- If, as a result of measurements of the waist, the number is 73 cm, and the hips are 100, then following the size tables, a merged model of the 46th Russian size will be suitable for purchase. In the product labeling, as a rule, there is also growth, which is indicated by two options: 158-164 or 170-176.
- If the purchase is made in a European online store, then the required value is easy to calculate, taking six units from the Russian one. For example, if 46 is the female size, then in Europe it will correspond to 40. However, buying a closed swimsuit in this way, it should be remembered that Europeans produce clothes that are 158-165 cm tall, so tall girls should choose a larger model.
- The English numbering system is somewhat more complicated, since it is based on measurements with an inch tape. But the calculation formula is still there: the Russian value is 38 or, in our example, 46-38 = 6.
to contents ↑Important! International marking (S, M, L) can either be memorized or viewed in a special size chart. For example, the Russian 46th will correspond to the letter M.
Determine the size of a separate swimsuit
In order to choose a swimsuit by size, if we talk about a separate version or bikini, you should find out the circumference of the waist and hips (for underpants), as well as the circumference of the bust and underneath (for the bodice):
- If the waist is 70 cm, and the hips 95 cm, then on the label you need to look for the number 44.
- If, for example, the chest volume is 87 cm, and the girth under the chest is 69 cm, you should buy a bra with a cup C. The product should be marked “70C”, where 70 is the rounded up measurement result of the girth under the breast, which considered the size of a bra.
The bodice size can also be calculated independently using a simple formula: breast volume - volume under the breast = full cup. The difference of 12-14 cm will correspond to the letter A, 13-15 cm to the letter B, 15-17 cm to the letter C, and 18-20 cm to the letter D.
So, if the girth of the chest is 87 cm, and the girth under the breast is 69 cm, then 87-69 = 18 cm or the fullness of the cup D. The full designation in this case will look like 70 D.
to contents ↑Important! If the measurement result was on the border between two of the sizes of the swimsuit, then it is advisable to stop at a larger version so that the seams do not dig into the body, emphasizing all the flaws and imperfections of the figure.
To choose the right swimsuit by size, you should also consider the fabric from which it is sewn and the style. Modern materials from which women’s swimwear are sewn today resemble cotton or silk to the touch, however, unlike these fabrics, they withstand bathing in salt water and do not fade when exposed to sunlight:
- The most popular fabrics for the manufacture of swimwear are microfiber, polyamide and tactile.
- Inexpensive models are often sewn from polyester - they dry for a long time, but they last no more than one season.
to contents ↑Important! Examine the product label: it must contain lycra (at least 20%), which guarantees the elasticity of the product and its ability to stretch and take on body shapes.
Tips for choosing according to the type of figure
Going out for a purchase, evaluate all the shortcomings and advantages of your figure, determine its type:
- If you want to visually reduce the magnificent breasts, then pay attention to separate swimwear with dark underwired bodices and wide straps.
- For small breasts, the best option would be a model with cups on the bones or strapless. At the same time, it is desirable that the panties be darker than the top, and the pareo can be tied with a knot on the chest.
- If you have wide hips, then you need to focus on the upper part. It is better that the bra was colorful, bright or with some kind of decoration - drapery, ruffles, and the bottom - plain.
- Wide shoulders can be hidden with straps that are tied around the neck.
- Young ladies with magnificent forms are better to buy one-piece swimsuits with comfortable cups and wide apart shoulder straps.
to contents ↑Important! In the store, if possible, try on several different models, look at your mirror image, sit down, bend down and make sure that the panties do not slip, the straps do not fall, the seams do not press, you are comfortable and convenient.
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We hope that our tips will help you choose the right swimsuit size, because this well-chosen thing can emphasize the exquisite style, good taste, femininity and even character traits.
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