How to choose roller blinds for plastic windows?

In order to beautifully and stylishly design a window, it is not necessary to use the usual curtains, because there are many other rather interesting options. You should pay attention to roller blinds, which are universal - they fit perfectly into any interior and harmonize with plastic windows as well as possible.
Before you go to the store, you need to understand how to choose roller blinds for plastic windows - decide on their size, mounting option, color, type of fabric and other nuances. In this article we will try to deal with all these issues.
to contents ↑Design and principle of operation
The versatility of roller blinds is that they combine the advantages of blinds and standard fabric options. They are able to create a warm, cozy atmosphere in the room, do not take up much space, are easily adjustable, letting in less or more light.
This type of curtain is a piece of fabric of a certain size, which is attached to the roller: just pull the chain and the curtain starts to wind on the shaft - the window opens.
Depending on the design, roller blinds are:
- Open - there is only a shaft and a lower guide. In this embodiment, the most simple control.
- Closed - the box in which the rolled-up fabric roll is located, as well as the side guides, are attached to the roller in the lower guide. With their help, the curtain closes the room as tightly as possible from unwanted light, does not sag when the window sash is tilted or under the wind.
- Mini-curtains - similar to open-type curtains, but they are only attached to the window sash. This option is great if you choose roller blinds on plastic windows, as it provides for installation without drilling.
- Separately, it should be noted curtains of the "lovolight" type, which are characterized by huge sizes and are controlled using the remote control.
to contents ↑Important! Roll-up curtains of the “day-night” type will be an ideal option if necessary to create lighting at different times of the day in a room of different intensity. This curtain consists of two types of fabric with varying degrees of light transmission.
The size
Before deciding on the design, it is necessary to choose the size of the curtain, which will largely depend on the place of attachment:
- If the window is located in the recess, then the width of the roller blind should be 8-10 cm larger than the window opening. That is, there should be 4-5 cm allowances at the edges. As a rule, the height is equal to the height of the window opening, plus 8-10 cm.
Important! With the curtain as high as possible, the window should fully open.
- If the window is located in the same plane with the wall, then you should choose fasteners so that the curtain is at a certain distance from the wall, and the handle does not protrude. It is necessary that the width of the curtain is 20 cm more than the width of the opening, and the height - as in the previous version.
- During installation of the curtains on the window, it is necessary that its width be equal to the width of the transparent part, plus another 3 cm.
To choose the right roller blinds, you should know the options for attaching them, they come in two types:
- Without drilling - this option is great for plastic windows, since there is no need to violate their integrity by attaching to the sash.During installation, a double-sided tape is used, with which the brackets are fixed to the window, a shaft with a curtain is inserted into them, and then decorative elements are installed. All this is very easy to do with your own hands.
- With drilling - self-tapping screws are used here, with the help of which the bracket is fixed to the surface of the ceiling, wall and less often to the window frame. Mounting is more reliable and durable, but violates the integrity. This option is not very suitable if there is a need to install curtains directly on the window.
Every little thing in the interior of the room plays a special role, and the color of the roller blinds can give the room a special mood and hide minor flaws. It is important to choose roller blinds so that they look harmoniously in the interior both in color and in pattern.
Important! When choosing a color, you must take into account the orientation of the room relative to the cardinal points. For example, if the windows face south, it is better to choose cold shades that can compensate for the excess of sunlight and make the room visually cooler.
When choosing, do not forget that each individual color corresponds to a certain effect on the psyche and perception of the room:
- White - is considered universal and will fit almost any room, especially for southern rooms. This color can visually expand the space, while attracting a minimum of attention.
- Beige - has almost the same properties as white. It goes well with any other shades and is considered one of the most popular colors when choosing roller blinds.
- Yellow - able to bring an atmosphere of energy and positive into the room. This color contributes to increased efficiency, adds bright colors to dark rooms and is more appropriate in small rooms.
- Orange - good for northern, dark rooms. He distracts attention. Better to use in rooms with neutral colors. Not suitable for bedrooms.
- Pink - makes it possible to create a dreamy and romantic atmosphere. It combines wonderfully with light pastel shades.
- Blue - more tunes in to rest, has a calming effect, brings the atmosphere of carelessness and lightness to the room. Such curtains are appropriate for nurseries and bedrooms.
- Green - characterized by the ability to inspire, energize, so this color is best used in the kitchen, in the living room, in the nursery and office.
- Brown - can ennoble any interior. It brings a sense of stability and peace. Suitable for any room.
- Black is the color of sophistication and mystery. It is used extremely rarely, but with the right combination, this color can introduce elements of intimacy and mystery into the interior.
Important! Try to combine cold shades with cold, and warm with warm.
- You can combine the color of walls and curtains according to the rules of the color wheel, according to which shades that are close to each other, for example, blue and blue, as well as nearby in the color palette - blue and green or green and purple harmoniously harmonize.
Important! The color and pattern of roller blinds can correct some of the shortcomings of space:
- You can visually expand the space of a small room by choosing curtains of light shades.
- Products with a vertical strip can visually make the ceilings a little higher.
When choosing a color for curtains, you should also pay attention to its combination with other elements of the room - wallpaper, furniture, textiles. It is necessary to take into account not only color, but also drawing, so as not to overload the space with all kinds of patterns and ornaments.
In order to get a harmonious and tastefully decorated room, you must adhere to the following rules:
- If the room has plain wallpaper, then the curtains may have a drawing or ornament - this will make the interior more interesting.
- If there are wallpaper rolls, it is better to choose plain colors.
- A very interesting effect is obtained when the curtains are made of the same material as the textiles in the room, for example, a bedspread or tablecloth. This is an easy way to make the room stylish and tastefully decorated.
- If it is difficult to choose a harmonious combination, then beige or white color is always appropriate.
to contents ↑Important! There is a golden rule for designers: if you are at a loss with the selection of compatible colors, you can choose curtains in the same color as the walls, but two shades darker or lighter.
Fabric density
Choosing the right roller blinds, you will get not only a decorative element, but also a sunscreen, so when choosing them, you must also pay attention to the density of the fabric.
Depending on the type of room and its purpose, different requirements are put forward to the fabric, for example:
- If this is a kitchen, then the curtains can be made of the most transparent fabric, so that even when closed, let in light, but at the same time they could hide the room from prying eyes.
- But for the bedrooms it is better to choose denser options - to ensure a comfortable stay at any time of the day. In such rooms rolled day-night blinds are great.
- For children, you can choose medium-density curtains.
- For living rooms, where the owners often install a home theater, the most dense curtains will be appropriate - this will prevent glare from appearing while watching your favorite movies.
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Roller blinds are a wonderful decoration and addition of plastic windows. Their versatility lies in the fact that they fit perfectly into any interior option, can be used for windows of any size, differ in color and type of fabric, a variety of mounting methods, they are easy to operate and compact. We hope our article will help you choose roller blinds that will be the highlight of your interior.
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