How to choose curtains and tulle for the hall?

Anyway, few use the services of a professional designer. As a rule, people are engaged in interior decoration on their own. Naturally, the question arises: how to choose curtains and tulle for the hall? It is important that the curtain not only looks aesthetically pleasing and blends harmoniously into the interior, but also performs its functions: let in natural light, not interfere with the ventilation of the room, and be fairly easy to clean. Choosing tulle curtains for the living room is a task of particular complexity. The living room is a very special room. Here, the hosts receive guests, hold festive feasts, and simply gather in the evening with the whole family in front of the TV. However, you can successfully cope with the task if you know a number of features and nuances of choice.

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Until relatively recently, the word “tulle” denoted a light, transparent material, almost lace. Currently, tulle is any day curtain, regardless of the material of manufacture. Main fabric requirements:

  • Loose weave.
  • Translucency.
  • Ease.

Important! In addition, the fabric should drape well and lie in beautiful folds. Textile varieties such as kiseen, organza, some types of cotton fabrics and fine silk meet these requirements.

Color nuances

With the classic design of the window, tulle is rarely self-sufficient. Most often, this is a component of the overall composition, a kind of background for more dense curtains, lambrequins and other decorative elements. For this reason, textiles of unobtrusive pastel or neutral shades are most often chosen: white, beige, bluish. Fabrics of these colors can be easily entered into the interior of any style.

Type of fabric

Tulle is also classified by the type of thread from which the fabric is made. Synthetic fiber products are best suited for the living room. The synthetics are unpretentious, easy to care for, and machine washable. Of no small importance is the cost. Natural fiber is an order of magnitude more expensive than synthetics.

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Criterias of choice

Designers have developed a number of criteria for choosing a tulle for the room. If you follow them, then even an inexperienced mistress will be able to make a good choice:

  • The type of fabric used, as well as the design of tulle for the hall, depends on the style in which the interior is designed.
  • If the curtain is multi-layered, the use of contrasting shades is undesirable. It is more advisable to use different shades of the same color.
  • Choose transparent materials! This will make it possible to better use natural light.
  • If the room is not facing the sunny side, choose a light shade of fabric.

When choosing curtains and tulle, mentally imagine how the window should look. It is advisable to draw a sketch, think through the design of tulle in the hall and the tint range.

Based on the drawing, you can easily choose an option acceptable for yourself:

  • If the fabric plays the role of a color accent, you can choose bright textiles. Even embossed pattern is welcome. The embroidery looks beautifully with the decor made of rhinestones or sequins.
  • If you intend to make maximum use of daylight, choose a transparent fabric.
  • As a background design, a fabric of a light shade looks the most beautiful - plain or with a barely noticeable pattern.
  • At the peak of fashion, gradient colors, with a smooth transition from one shade to another.The curtain, assembled from several canvases of different colors, also looks spectacular.
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Tulle and interior decoration

Tulle on the window in the hall and choose depending on the interior. Successfully selected textiles emphasize all the advantages of the room and eliminate the disadvantages. The basic rules are as follows:

  • Light-colored fabric is appropriate in any room. Use a dark cloth with extreme caution. Even a well-lit and spacious room may seem gloomy.
  • A vertically oriented design makes the ceilings visually higher.
  • Lambrequin is a very beautiful design, but it makes the window visually lower. Therefore, it is not suitable for all windows.
  • The wide curtains covering the walls on the sides of the window make the narrow wall visually wider.
  • Make sure that the width of the cornice is greater than the width of the window sill and heating radiator. The curtain will look much more beautiful.

Important! Even if it is a spacious square-shaped room, horizontal striped fabric is not the best solution. Horizontally oriented stripes introduce an imbalance in the interior. Fabrics with large floral prints, shapeless bright spots or too strict geometric patterns look ugly.

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Possible style solutions

  • For a classic-style living room (especially with regard to English design), it is advisable to opt for lace curtains. The light, airy design creates a charming contrast with heavy furniture in dark colors. The atmosphere of stability, luxury and prosperity will not be violated, but there will be notes of lightness and lightness.
  • A gray-metallic or pearlescent fabric, a curtain of individual threads or textiles with a dark abstract pattern will suit the hi-tech or Minimalism style living room. Curtains can be used as a color accent. At the same time, they contrast very well with the general, more than restrained atmosphere.

Important! If tulle is used as a background for a complex design of lambrequins and drapes, it is best to choose a plain organza or delicate light veil for its tailoring. Too lush folds in this case are superfluous. Silk fabric with the addition of synthetics also looks good.

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You have received a lot of useful tips from this article, and now with ease and valuable knowledge you can begin to develop the interior design of the living room.

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