How to choose a mink coat?

A fur coat in a woman’s wardrobe is the foundation of a good mood in winter. And if she is a mink, then this is also an indicator of wealth in the family. Such an expensive thing will not go out of fashion, and even to it all sorts of jackets and down jackets, all inflated from its importance and synthetic winterizer. A good quality fur coat is not afraid of the test of rain, snow or a strong cold wind. And of course, the most important thing for a woman is that in this wardrobe she will always look stylish, feminine, in general, simply gorgeous. Therefore, the desire of women to possess such a product is understandable and understandable. But if you have to choose such a fur coat, then you need to approach it with all responsibility, because when you buy such an expensive thing, you expect that it will serve you for more than one year. How to choose a mink coat? In this article we will reveal all the nuances of a competent purchase.

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Why mink?

There are many types of fur; mink is not the only option. But why is a mink coat causing so many emotions?

Expensive appearance

Well, of course, this is one of the most beautiful furs. If you have a high-quality product, then one of its appearance causes you strictly positive emotions. Moreover, the mink is not only light and black, there are many different shades for every taste.


Such a thing is suitable for any occasion, it can be worn every day, but at the same time it will come in handy for any celebration.

Long service life

With proper care, such a fur coat will last you at least ten years.


Despite the fact that many believe that such a thin fur can not warm, it is not. The reviews of many ladies wearing mink coats are confirmed by the fact that such a fur coat is able to warm its owner even in severe frosts. The main thing here is to choose the right style.


Speaking of styles. Their diversity is simply amazing. You can choose a product for any figure and taste, ranging from classic to trendy models.

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Choose a mink coat

How to choose a mink coat for quality, what to look for, so as not to make a mistake in choosing?


How to choose a mink coat when buying? Of course, first of all, you should pay attention to the quality of the fur. What should be good fur?

  • Good fur should overflow, it should not be dull and lifeless.
  • The pile should be flat, airy and return to its original position if crushed.

Important! Take a little fur with your hand on the model you like: if it returned to its original position, then it is of good quality.

  • Be sure to check if the fur sheds. To do this, pinch it a little, in your hand there should not be any villi left in your hand. Otherwise, by the end of the season, your fur coat will become bald.
  • The reverse side of the skin should be soft, without cracks and other small deformations, should not emit suspicious creaks. Take a closer look at the skin - there should be a fluff on it, it is due to it that it is so warm.
  • The color of the pile should be uniform, without spots of unknown origin. If it is colored, then check the quality of the painting - swipe it with a damp cloth. If there are traces on it, then this is a sign that the paint is of poor quality.

Important! Dark colors are more expensive, although white and blue mink are also much appreciated. When you buy a fur coat, make sure that there are no traces of rust or faded areas on it. And if the fur coat is white, then there should not be a hint of yellowness.

  • Pay attention to how the mink product is made - from solid plates or from small pieces. The best mink coats, of course, are made from solid plates, and you have to pay a lot, but it's worth it.
  • Inspect the seams of the product - there should be no small holes, the seams should be even. There should be no glue on the product. Glue stains indicate that they are trying to sell you a glued mink, the quality of which is poor.

Important! Manufacturers of quality products usually leave at the bottom leave a small stretch of not hemmed lining, so that the client can verify the quality of the seams.

  • If the fur smells weird, don't take it. Well-made fur has a pleasant smell.
  • A high-quality mink is lightweight, so no matter how voluminous a fur coat is, it should be light.
  • The product should not have creases or creases. This usually means that it has been stale for too long or stored in the wrong conditions.



Which mink coats are the best, from which manufacturer is it better to buy a product so as not to miscalculate? The most popular fur coats, as a rule, are Italian, Greek, Russian, Turkish and, oddly enough, Chinese-made.


Of course, everyone chooses the option according to their budget. Just remember that a good quality mink cannot be cheap. If you are offered an exclusive option at a very low price, then this is an occasion to think. Remember that avaricious pays twice.

Place of purchase

It is better to buy a mink in a trusted fur salon or store, there you will also be provided with a certificate for the goods. For a purchase to be successful, you need to know that the probability of meeting a fake is less:

  • In large fur salons, where you can be sure of the quality of the product. Such salons value their reputation and will not get you a product of poor quality. Prices, however, can bite, but they will give you a long-term guarantee on your mink.
  • In stores at the fur factory, the quality of the product will also be on top, but the prices will be much lower, and responsible manufacturers will not leave you without a guarantee.
  • Recently, it has become popular to acquire similar products abroad. Good mink can be bought in Europe, Latin America and China.

Important! You should not buy a fur coat in small little-known stores, as well as from fur dealers in the markets. The chances of buying a quality product there are small.


When choosing a mink product, it is very important to choose the right style for yourself. You should not buy a fur coat simply because it is beautiful, expensive and stylish. It is necessary that it suits you and emphasizes your advantages.

Take note of these tips:

  • Tiny models are suitable for miniature girls.
  • Ladies “in the body” are perfect trapezoidal style.
  • If you plan to wear your fur coat for several years, then do not chase much for fashion: trendy styles quickly turn out to be the line, but the classics are always in price.
  • Women traveling by car are well-suited for models with a fashionable shortened sleeve.


The size

Before trying on, think about what clothes you will wear under a fur coat. If you go in a sweater, then you need to purchase a product a size larger. It’s better, of course, to grab your favorite sweater to try on, so you certainly won’t be mistaken.

When trying on:

  • Arms outstretched and pay attention to whether the coat dressed on you interferes with your movements.
  • Do not buy a fur coat in a fur coat, because small-sized fur coats are not only uncomfortable and restrict movement, but also look scanty. You don’t want to look like an Kazan orphan in an expensive fur coat? In addition, if you buy a product that is small for you, the seams will quickly open and the fur will begin to crumble.

Important! If you doubt your abilities, bring along people whose taste you trust.

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How to determine that this is not a fake?

How to choose a mink coat? Some unscrupulous manufacturers, for the sake of profit, are willing to give out specially milled groundhog, honorik or rabbit fur for mink.In order not to fall for the tricks of such scammers, consider the following nuances:

  • If in some places on the fur coat the fur is longer or shorter, then perhaps this is not a mink. Such an uneven pile has a Mongolian marmot.
  • The rabbit fur coat has no down; its fur is softer and rarer. If you squeeze the mink fur between the fingers, it is palpable, and the rabbit feels like it dissolves.
  • In mink, the fur is uniform in color, and in honorik, the nap at the ends is darker and the lighter ones.
  • If the fur coat is sewn from square pieces, then it is more likely that this is not a mink, but a nutria.
  • But the muskrat’s fur is covered with hexagonal pieces.
  • Another danger is fake fur. Here the main difference is that faux fur is mounted on a woven basis.
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Now you know how to make a profitable investment in your winter look so as not only to look stylish and beautiful, but not to burden yourself with the problems of caring for a low-quality product, to always feel warm and comfortable. Good luck

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