How to choose a fireplace for a fireplace?

Owners of private country houses during the arrangement of their housing often come up with such completely new concepts for them as a “closed fireplace” or “closed fireplace”. In this article we will tell you how such designs differ from ordinary brick appliances, how to choose a firebox for a fireplace yourself. In this device, it is the firebox that is the most important element, which can be made of steel or cast iron. It is equipped with a door, which is equipped, in turn, with ceramic heat-resistant glass. Now, first things first.

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The main advantages of using fireplace inserts

The use of a firebox in modern homes has many advantages compared to open fireplaces. The following can be attributed to them:

  • High efficiency.
  • Open type fireplaces have a weaker efficiency factor, which is only 20%, while in closed structures it is 75-80%. This high efficiency is ensured by restricting the opening of the fireplace and air supply through the door. In addition, the high temperature lasts longer due to the presence of side and rear metal walls.
  • Fairly high level of security.
  • The ability to retain heat indoors during the operation of the hearth.
  • A tightly closed door also prevents sparks from being emitted during operation.
  • A significant reduction in the amount of soot and soot in the room.
  • Lack of strict requirements for the placement of the chimney and fireplace.
  • With a sharp change in weather conditions in open fireplaces, traction deteriorates.
  • Reducing unpleasant odors indoors while using a quality firebox.
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How to choose a fireplace insert yourself?

Before choosing a fireplace insert for a country house, you need to consider the following factors.


Perhaps this is the most important criterion. To determine the optimal value, it is important to know that for heating rooms whose area does not exceed 10 square meters, you need a product with a power of 1.5-3 kW.

Important! This indicator also depends on the frequency of operation and quality features of the insulation of the room.

Chimney diameter

Basically, homeowners are limited to existing structures with brick mines. But in the case of installing a furnace into the shaft, it is necessary to mount a metal pipe.

Important! It also happens that the use of a closed device is simply impossible due to the too small diameter of the chimney.


Modern fire chambers are mainly made of cast iron or steel, they are equipped with ceramic lining from the inside. Here it is necessary to take into account such comparative characteristics:

  • Cast iron models are cheaper than steel, they are more powerful. The second looks more harmonious in appearance, so they fit into any interior.
  • The use of steel allows you to make structures of any size, which can not be said about cast iron.
  • Due to the two-layer design, steel furnaces are more durable, since they are not subject to thermal and mechanical influences. Cast iron is brittle in itself, and this must be taken into account under special conditions of use.


It all depends on the taste and requirements of the buyer. Just keep in mind that corner, through, tunnel models heat the rooms worse due to the fact that they have fewer blind walls.

The dimensions of the device and the room itself must be combined. The price of the device also depends on the value of this parameter. So, the same model of the same manufacturer, having the same characteristics, but in size can vary greatly in price.


Vertical door lift

If you plan to use the fireplace insert in an open way, it is important that the door has a vertical lift. This will ensure comfortable operation. Such a door is completely hidden under the lining.

Important! The only negative of such a product is its high cost.

total weight

The following considerations are of priority:

  • This criterion is most relevant for cast iron structures, because it allows you to determine the level of their reliability.
  • The lighter the device, the thinner the walls, respectively - the work is more efficient.
  • Also, weight matters when calculating the floor load.

Warranty and country of origin

It is advisable to give preference to models of European manufacturers, because such products are necessarily certified, manufactured in strict accordance with state and technological standards. The most popular fire chambers today are from Germany, Italy, the Czech Republic, France, and Poland.

Important! As a rule, factories give a guarantee for a period of five years.

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Features of buying fireplace inserts

What fireplace to choose for the house - we have already figured out, it remains the case for small. It is better to make such acquisitions in reliable, trusted specialized stores. Qualified employees work there, who will be able to answer any of your questions, choose the ideal option for installing and placing the device, taking into account the current needs and characteristics of the room. Also in the cabin you will be able to demonstrate how the equipment works, provide a guarantee.

Choosing another place to buy, you are at great risk of becoming the owner of a low-quality firebox.

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If you take into account all the factors and criteria mentioned above, then you can get a really good device that will last you a dozen years, bring comfort, coziness and warmth to the house.

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