How to choose a bike by height and weight?

Many try to choose a bike on their own, but to do it without the help of professionals is quite difficult, since this is a whole science. That is why we created this article, in which we will consider in detail all the selection criteria, paying special attention to how to choose a bike by height and weight. All these factors will help you decide on the choice of a bicycle, of which there are so many on the world market of sports goods. Today you will find out what you need to pay special attention to when choosing a bicycle for men, women and children. Before making a purchase, you must have information on the technical features of such a complex design. You will learn more about this and much more. We assure you that it will be very informative!

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How to choose a bike by height and weight?

So, how do you choose a bike by height? To do this, you need to answer three simple questions:

  • Who is this vehicle for?
  • For what purposes will it be used (how much and where do you want to ride)?
  • How much are you willing to give to buy a bike?

We continue to understand further. Note that in this context it is not the weight of the structure itself, but the weight of its owner. This question should concern only those people whose weight exceeds the mark - 100 kg.

We have developed basic recommendations for people with a large physique that will help you choose the right bike:

  • The design should be equipped with reinforced rims, high-quality cushioning, a fork, a reliable frame and transmission. When buying, you must not forget to pay attention to the carriage, as it also receives a load when driving.

Important! If in more detail, then for this weight category of people, we recommend choosing the model of the bike that will be equipped with a front shock absorber, a cassette sleeve, double rims and a steel or aluminum frame (not carbon).

  • Do not think that the heavier the structure, the stronger and more durable it is. It's not like that at all. Moving in bulky and heavy vehicles will not be easy, but much harder. You will not be able to reach maximum speed on your massive two-wheeled friend. Therefore, if you still choose a heavy bike, then you need to forget about speed, since it will be simply impossible.
  • Pay attention to the location of the frame. The supporting part, which is located on the backward reduction system, can cause inconvenience and physical activity for people with a sufficiently large weight.

Important! Overweight almost does not affect the design of the bicycle, but we want to note that the denser the cyclist, the greater the load gets his body - joints and tendons. This becomes dangerous when a person often uses such a vehicle.

  • In this case, a mountain bike will be the best option, since it is these models that are equipped with good shock absorption, brakes, wide tires and strong wheels. For men, different seat positions are provided, which makes the mountain bike very comfortable and versatile.
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Selection of a bicycle by height and weight depending on the size of the frame and the diameter of the wheels

An important role in choosing a bicycle is landing. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller to demonstrate all possible saddle heights about the technique for adjusting it.In the store, do not hesitate to take the wheel in the saddle, place your feet on the pedals and feel whether you are comfortable in this vehicle or not. If you are allowed, then you can make a small test drive to make sure the structure is solid. If this is not possible, then you can sit on the bike and turn the pedals in one or the other direction, thereby simulating a trip. These manipulations will give you a little idea of ​​the comfort of riding a bicycle.

Men's bikes

Ease of landing depends not only on the shape and material of the saddle, but also on the size of the frame of the sports vehicle itself. Below are the ratios of adult height with a suitable frame diameter:

  • Height 140-155 - 13 cm frame.
  • Growth from 150-165 - frame 38 cm.
  • Height from 160-175 - 44 cm frame.
  • Growth from 170-185 - frame 48 cm.
  • Growth from 180-195 - frame 54 cm.
  • Over 90 cm - frame over 58 cm.


Women's bicycles

Girls need to choose a bicycle by height, as well as men, starting from the size of frames. If a girl often wears skirts, then in this case you need to stay on an understated frame. The bicycle wheel should be narrow, not quite straight, equipped with comfortable thin handles.

A true lady is well suited for a cruiser bike, the design of which is thought out to the smallest detail: an attractive frame with smooth bends, comfortable luggage racks and baskets, a wide saddle decorated with bright patterns.

Children's bicycles

Never buy a children's bike for growth. Acting so very wrong, because if the design does not match the growth of the baby, such a design can even be dangerous. Your child may not reach the pedals, or it may be difficult for him to apply the brake, as a result of which he may fall from the saddle and hit the frame, and then fall onto the asphalt. You must admit that this is very unpleasant, so these unpleasant moments must be completely eliminated.

The list of ratios of the age of the child to the diameter of the wheels of the bicycle:

  • For children under 2 years old - wheel diameter 12 cm.
  • For children 2-4 years old - diameter 12 cm.
  • For children 3-6 years old - wheel diameter 16 cm.
  • For children 5-8 years old - wheel diameter of 20 cm.
  • For children 7-13 years old - wheel diameter 24 cm.
  • For children over 14 years old - the diameter of the wheels is more than 26 cm.
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Types and purpose of bicycles

Before you pick up a bike by weight, you need to familiarize yourself with its varieties. Now we will look at the main types of adult bicycles, and you already decide which vehicle suits you best. So what kind of bicycles are.


The main advantage of such a vehicle is that it is very convenient and practical for everyday use. Its equipment includes all the necessary elements: trunk, chain guard, taillight and headlight, and even wings for safe driving on wet roads.

In Europe, every second person uses an urban bike. You can quickly go about your business, saving money on travel and doing a little physical workout.

Important! This type of transport is suitable for riding on a flat road, but not at all suitable for riding on sand and mud.


If you like a comfortable and leisurely ride, then this type of bike is just for you. It has the most beautiful and original frame, long wheels, wide tires and a huge curved steering wheel. Earlier we said that such a vehicle should especially appeal to girls. Yes, such a cruiser is slowly gaining speed, but when it accelerates, it travels pretty quickly.

Important! When stopping at a traffic light, you do not need to jump from the cruiser, but you can only put your foot, as they do on a motorcycle.


This bike is very versatile and copes well with all types of roads. Such models are always equipped with a reliable depreciation system - the bike will easily pass along rough roads, whether it be a forest, field or mountain elevation. These features provide wide tires, a sturdy frame and a sturdy steering wheel.

Important! This type of bike can be used for daily use by complete people and those who love extreme sports.



Such bikes are not equipped with cushioning, but they are very light and fast, which is important for those who prefer a fast ride. But they have significant disadvantages:

  • they can only be driven on perfectly flat roads;
  • are expensive;
  • not quite practical.


Their purpose is to perform jumps, tricks and other difficult exercises. Such bicycles are completely lacking in practicality, since at any moment they can simply fall apart. The design provides for the rotation of the wheels, the steering wheel along its entire axis. It is on an extreme bike that professional athletes train.

Folding bicycle

It can be easily folded, put in the trunk or transported by public transport. With this transport, you can easily enter the elevator, the store or the office. A small warm-up with such a bike is useful for people with inactive work. But due to the low cross-country ability of small wheels, it will be difficult for you to overcome a high curb, road pits, especially large rubble.

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General tips:

  • Do not choose a cheap bike with a complex and incomprehensible frame when fully equipped. Often such strange specimens are made from the cheapest materials - they are very heavy, therefore completely uncomfortable and short-lived. Do not pay twice - save your money.
  • As mentioned earlier, the main criterion for choosing a bicycle is growth. You can use our tables or use another option for the right selection. To do this, you need to stand close to the bike and see where the top of the frame will be. It is desirable that it is located 10-15 cm below the saddle (under the buttocks).

Attention! This method only works with the male (classic) frame. In female and unisex models, this method does not work.

  • To ease the load on the spine, lower back and knees, opt for a model with a small frame. This design of the basis of the bike is very convenient for older people who are contraindicated in a large load on worn joints.
  • If you want to buy a bike for more than one year, then pay particular attention to the design of this type of transport. In this case, the manufacturing material, which is different, plays a special role. The cheapest bikes are made of steel, which makes them traumatic and very heavy. The lightest and highest quality bikes made of aluminum, fiberglass and other component materials using carbon fiber or Kevlar.

Important! When choosing and adjusting the height of the saddle, remember that the leg should fully reach the pedal in an unbent form, and the toe of the shoe should easily reach the ground so that you can adjust the balance of the body.

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The process of cycling should be fun. That is why it is extremely important to choose a bike on which you will feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. As you already understood, the selection of a bicycle by weight and height is exactly what you need to pay attention to in the first place, and you already know how to do it. Apply all our recommendations in the case, so that your two-wheeled friend will serve you faithfully.


