How to choose a teapot?

The tradition of drinking tea came to us from his homeland - from China. The art of brewing tea is determined not only by the taste of the tea itself, but also by properly selected dishes for brewing leaves. Therefore, if you like to drink tea, then the choice of a teapot should be taken seriously, responsibly. Let's talk about how to choose a teapot, because when choosing it you need to be guided not only by its appearance, but also by its other characteristics. So which teapot is better?

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Choose a kettle

First of all, let's look at what materials such products are made of today, when the choice just rolls over.


This is a budget option, which is more suitable for the office. Its main advantage is its low price and pleasant appearance. But such a product does not retain heat for a long time, so your tea will cool faster than brew.

But if you decide to buy a teapot made of glass, then choose a model with the most thick walls - so the temperature of the tea will remain for a longer period.

Important! When buying, tap the product with a pencil. The sound should be voiced.


The product made of ceramics has thicker walls than its glass counterpart; therefore, it brews tea better. And with regular brewing, the walls absorb the aroma of tea, and each time it opens up more and more. Therefore, in such teapots, it is recommended to brew only one grade of tea.

Important! A pleasant bonus when buying will be a very affordable price of the product.

Porcelain and Faience

This is a variety of ceramics, but at the same time, a porcelain product is considered the king among all its “brothers”:

  • As a rule, such dishes have a rich appearance, and with their presence they can decorate a table, which affects its price.
  • Such teapots quickly heat up and cool slowly, which allows you to enjoy the wonderful and rich taste of well-brewed tea.

True, washing such a treasure will be difficult.

Earthenware is no less popular than porcelain, but at the same time its price category is slightly lower than that of its royal relative. It holds the temperature well, pleases with a pleasant appearance and is suitable for brewing all types of tea.



According to Chinese belief, a clay teapot brings longevity. Isn't that an attractive prospect? Therefore, in China, he is particularly popular.

Due to its properties, this material retains heat perfectly, which has a significant effect on the process of brewing tea. Clay absorbs all the aromas, creating a unique drink, while retaining all the benefits of the tea leaf.

Important! In clay products, it is recommended to brew only one grade of tea.


Such a kettle can be purchased only in case of emergency, for example, going on a hike, where you can take only especially unbreakable things. If it falls, it will not deteriorate, but drinking tea from it is not very tasty, since the tea brewed in it has a smack of metal.

Cast iron

Such products are very rare in our time, they hold heat well, but at the same time they have a high cost. It is recommended to brew teas in such products, which must be brewed for a long time, for example, with fruits and berries.

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Other characteristics of the kettle

How to choose a teapot, what other characteristics do you need to pay attention to?


It all depends on the number of people you are counting on. For 3-4 people, a teapot with a volume of 1-1.5 liters will be enough.

Important! Tea needs to be brewed once and immediately drunk. After some time, harmful substances are concentrated in the brewed drink.

The form

A classic of the genre is a round pot-bellied kettle. But at present, such products began to be produced in a wide variety of forms. Among the variety of forms and types of teapots, a cylindrical teapot resembling an ordinary glass can be distinguished. It is called the French press and is a glass flask, inside of which there is a piston with a metal mesh.


Handle material

Most often, the material for making the handle is the same as that of the case. But there are models in which the handles are made of stainless steel, plastic, glass, porcelain, bamboo and other materials.

If you have a copy with a metal handle that can also be set on fire, then pay attention to the presence of a silicone pad that protects your hands.

Important! Select the handle of the product according to the width of the palm. Keep in mind that a kettle with a semicircular handle with an extension in the upper part will be more convenient to hold in your hand.

The presence of a strainer

When the product is equipped with a strainer, it is very convenient, because in this case you will be spared from teas that tend to fall into your cup of tea spill. There are two options:

  • A small stainless steel strainer located at the base of the spout. If you want it comfortable, make sure it is not too small.
  • Some models are equipped with a metal mesh cup for tea, inserted into the product.
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Useful tips when choosing a teapot

How to choose a teapot? Use the following guidelines:

  • If the product has double walls, then such a teapot will retain the temperature for a long time, as well as the aroma and useful properties of tea.
  • The lid of the product should fit snugly and not fly off at every tilt of the dishes.
  • The kettle should not be too heavy, nor should it have any defects, such as chips.
  • The lid of the kettle or the base of its spout should have openings for steam to escape. The holes should be quite large so that the tea leaves do not clog them.
  • You should not buy an oversized teapot for guests or for any other special occasions. It will be inconvenient to use.
  • The pot-bellied round shape of the teapot contributes to a better disclosure of the aroma of tea.

Important! Carry out a small test: turn the kettle upside down and place it on a flat surface. If the neck, handle and nozzle opening are on the same level, such a kettle should be taken.

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Kettle Care

  • Do not leave the tea leaves in the pan until morning, wash it immediately after drinking tea.
  • Do not use detergents, just rinse it with warm water and leave without a lid until it is completely dry.
  • Keep the product away from products with a strong and specific odor.
  • Different varieties of tea require different teapots.
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In this article, we sorted out the whole variety of teapots by various criteria. We hope that now it’s easier for you to decide on suitable dishes, based on your financial capabilities, domestic preferences and goals. Success with the purchase!


