How to pump up the press at home 🥝 fast, effective training program for beginners

Sometimes, even thin people can have an ugly “tummy,” which in the medical language sounds like visceral fat on the stomach, most often happens in men. A small amount of such fat is necessary for us, because it provides depreciation around the organs. However, if there is too much of it, then there is a huge risk of earning high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity of the liver, and even some types of cancer, including colon and breast cancer.
According to doctors, fat is not just there. This is the active part of our body, which in excess can cause a lot of trouble, and we need to get rid of it. In this article we will talk about how to dry the press at home.
to contents ↑Excess Visceral Fat Test
The most accurate way to find out how much visceral fat you have is CT (computed tomography) or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
However, there is a simpler and cheaper way to determine this:
- It is necessary to take a sewing measuring tape.
- To stand straight, wrap it around the waist at the navel level.
- Fix the girth in centimeters.
If you are a girl and your waist is less than 90 cm, everything is fine! For representatives of the strong half of humanity, this figure should be no more than 102 cm.
to contents ↑What is drying?
How to dry the stomach and body to cubes? In order for the body to acquire harmony and beautiful relief during the drying process, it is necessary:
- Refuse almost completely from carbohydrates (the main fuel of our body).
- Perform strength training regularly.
Important! Many do not quite correctly understand the concept of "Drying the body." Sometimes people think that this is the elimination of fluid from the body. However, in fact, this is an exception to the daily diet of carbohydrates to stimulate fat burning.
Proper drying leads to a rapid decrease in visceral fat and an increase in lean muscle mass. The body becomes “dry”, embossed, muscles are clearly drawn. This is where the name came from.
Despite all the difficulties of drying, nevertheless, it is the most effective way to get rid of the fat layer, including on the stomach. In this case, we are interested in the question of how to dry the press at home? And is it possible, in principle, to dry out one part of the body, independently of the rest?
Many experts answer categorically: drying the abdominal muscles is impossible separately from all other muscles, since it is impossible to lose weight only in one part of the body. The human body is a single whole that changes everywhere proportionally, regardless of whether we are losing weight or getting fat. However, as it turned out, this rule does not apply to the abdomen. It is he who can violate it, starting to bulge out first with excess weight and the first to lose weight with proper drying.
to contents ↑How to carry out the drying of the abdomen?
In order to quickly dry the press at home, the first thing to do is to increase the blood circulation in this zone. With accelerated metabolism, this process alone will help destroy fatty tissue.
Important! Here we should recall the school biology course: why is fat used in the body? It turns out that, if necessary, fat is transformed into glycogen, which is used to power the body.
Based on this, if we train the abs muscles, then the fat is converted to glycogen and begins to burn in the heat of physical exertion. But this is not so simple. To start this process:
- you need to intensively engage in at least forty minutes with minimal breaks for rest;
- need a full concentration on the exercises performed, that is, do everything with the most conscious effectiveness.
But there is one more difficulty: since we need to achieve maximum blood circulation, not all abdominal exercises will go for weight loss in the abdomen. Let's take a closer look at this process.
to contents ↑Brief instructions for weight loss in the abdomen
In order to quickly dry the press at home, you need to do the following:
- Twisting on the press - 3 repetitions of 30 times.
- Raising straight legs 45 degrees while lying on the stomach - 3 repetitions 25 times, or raising legs, hanging on the horizontal bar.
- Exercise “book” - 3 repetitions of 25 times.
Important! All exercises must be done with maximum efficiency.
Effective diluted exercises for drying the press are cardio exercises (exercise bike or jump rope). They should be alternated with exercises for the press, for example, in the morning - “cardio”, in the evening - the press. Duration of "cardio" - 4-5 times a week for 40 minutes.
to contents ↑Diet
In order to dry the press and sides at home, the training process will not be enough. An important condition for eliminating fat from the abdomen is a proper diet. Here it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules:
- You should reduce your intake of basic energy sources, i.e. carbohydrates and fats.
- When drying the press you need to adhere to the formula. According to it, the daily calorie intake is in the following proportions: protein - up to 30-45%, carbohydrates - 40-50%, fat - 10-15%.
- You should not eat fats for dinner before bedtime, and the amount of carbohydrates should be minimized. Weighing 90 kg +/- 5 kg per day, you should consume about 2500 calories, which is 250 g of carbohydrates, 270 g of protein and 40 g of fat.
- Meals must be regular. If there is no food for a long time, the body begins to produce a stress hormone called cortisol, which helps to start the process of fat accumulation.
- Food should be natural and of high quality. Fast carbohydrates found in white bread, cookies, chocolate, ice cream should be removed from the diet.
Important! Half a meal can be replaced with protein shakes. But if you have a feeling that you don’t have enough strength to train in the gym, then you can increase the amount of carbohydrates, only exclusively before the workout.
- Alcohol, a variety of desserts, semi-finished products, fatty foods - sausages, pastes and sausages, should be completely excluded from the diet. You should eat egg whites, tender cottage cheese, fresh vegetables, fruits and fish, but low-fat varieties, such as carp or cod, meat - beef or chicken.
- You can help the body maintain a high level of metabolism with the help of special additives. Given the low-calorie diet, they will contribute to weight loss.
Important! Such additives include carnitine. They not only accelerate the process of burning fat and support muscles, but also increase testosterone levels. Achieve a good result will allow green tea or its extract.
- Fish should always be in the diet. Fish oil contains unique omega-3 fats that help reduce weight. Such fats also contains linseed oil.
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This is not to say that drying the press at home is an easy process. In order to remove fat from the abdomen, of course, you need to have a lot of physical strength and great desire.But if you want to have a perfect body, then start drying right now, how to do it competently - you now know, thanks to our article.
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