How to pull a piece of glass from a leg 🥝 what to do, how to take out

In life, quite unpleasant situations often happen when there is a need to provide first aid to oneself. Of course, not everyone has such skills, but this knowledge will not hurt anyone. For example, glass is the most common cause of cuts; its fragments are quite dangerous. Let's figure out how to get a small piece of glass out of your leg if the wound is minor or you just don't want to go to the doctor.

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How to move a splinter to the surface of the skin?

How to take out a piece of glass if it hit your leg? Naturally, first you need to make sure that the stuck glass comes as close to the surface of the skin as possible, then getting it easier and less painful.

There are several ways to do this:

  • Press on the area. Outside, grab the leg and squeeze as much as possible, push in the direction of the location of the splinter. Thus, you will slowly advance it to the surface.
  • Use of Epsom salts and hot water. Fill a small bowl with hot water, add a cup of salt to it, mix thoroughly. It is important that the salt is completely dissolved. Then lower your foot into the water for 30 minutes. Due to the effect of heat, the shard will move closer, and salt can simply push it out.
  • Castor oil. Dampen gauze or cotton swab with oil, attach to the wound. Leave the compress on your leg so that the oil is completely absorbed.
  • PVA glue. Put glue on the place where the splinter is. Wait until it dries, peel it off, hooking it on the edges. As a rule, glass is glued to the glue and with it comes out. It may not work out completely, but it will move closer to the surface of the skin.
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How to get a splinter out of a leg yourself?

Before you remove the glass from the heel or other part of the leg, you need to check how deep it is stuck. If you do not see it, then you can first put a napkin with tar or Vishnevsky ointment directly on the wound so that it comes out. Or use one of the options proposed above. There are several proven, no less effective methods for extracting fragments.

Baking Soda Method

It is mainly used for invisible tiny fragments. It is enough to cook pasta from water and a quarter of a teaspoon of soda, then apply it to a bandage and stick to a wound.

After a day, you can remove the bandage, the splinter should be visible from the skin:

  • If so, just pull it out with tweezers.
  • If it is poorly visible, rinse the affected area with water. Repeat the method again, but with a new paste, the dressing should also be kept for a day until the splinter comes out.

Adhesive Bandage Method

This is perhaps the easiest way to extract the shard, since you just need to glue the adhesive plaster with the adhesive side on the wound, then pull it gently in the opposite direction to eliminate the splinter.

Tweezers method

If you are still looking for a way to get the glass out of your legs at home, then this option will definitely suit you, because many people have known it since childhood. It is quite effective, but it is important that the splinter is visible and sticks out above the surface of the skin.

Then proceed as follows:

  1. Sterilize the tip of the tweezers with alcohol.
  2. Find a splinter, do it in a well-lit room.
  3. Using tweezers, grab the tip of the shard, pull it in the direction under which it entered the skin.

Important! If he goes a little at an angle, then he shouldn’t pull up, otherwise he will break.


Method with a blade or nail clippers

This method is ideal in cases where the splinter does not sit too deep, under not very sensitive and thick skin, for example, in a fingertip or heel.

Now more about how to remove the glass from the finger:

  1. Sterilize the edges of the nippers with alcohol.
  2. Directly over the splinter, bite off the nippers or cut off the excess skin with a blade. The main thing - it should not be painful.
  3. Carefully open the incision to see the splinter.
  4. Pull out the tip with tweezers. If it doesn’t work, use the needle to easily push it.

Potato method

This may seem strange to some, but in practice many have already been able to verify it. Therefore, trust the experience of others and boldly get down to business using this instruction:

  1. Cut a slice of potato.
  2. Put it directly on the splinter, i.e. down on the yellow side.
  3. Hold the splinter for a while.
  4. Remove it with tweezers or wire cutters.

Important! Remember that many small fragments come out on their own within a few days or even weeks. In some cases, it is better to wait so as not to harm yourself and let your body heal itself. The main thing in case of waiting is to carefully monitor the slightest signs of infection. It is recommended to dry the place with a splinter with alcohol, but not with peroxide.

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Using one of the above methods, how to remove the glass from the leg if it is not visible, you can definitely get rid of it. If you do not have much flexibility, then you will need someone else's help.

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