How to get bedbugs out of the apartment forever at home?

Every modern person seeks to equip his home extremely comfortable, cozy, good, for this we have all the possibilities today. But what kind of comfort can we talk about even with the most expensive finishes and furnishings, if the parasites constantly scurry around the apartment or from time to time manifest themselves in a very unpleasant way? When an unexpected “neighbor” is discovered in the form of insects, many are looking for a way to get bed bugs out of the apartment forever at home. This task is not easy, you will have to work hard to get rid of them. So be tuned in to a solid fight. Possible methods we will consider in this article.

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Folk remedies

If you wondered how to get bedbugs out of the apartment yourself using folk remedies, pay attention to the following folk remedies:

  • Wormwood or tansy. Bed bugs do not tolerate their smell, so put the plants in places where parasites are found. However, this method has several disadvantages: pungent odor, low efficiency, difficulty getting plants in the city, and the possibility of an allergic reaction.
  • Steam treatment is carried out with a steam mop or iron. High temperature leads to the death of such individuals.
  • Ammonia also repels bloodsucking parasites. It is enough to place an open bottle in the room.
  • A mixture of naphthalene and dried chamomile. It is necessary to mix 100 g of each component and apply the product to the habitats of insects.

Important! Suitable for the case when you need to get rid of bed bugs in furniture.

  • Kerosene + naphthalene + cresol. The mixture is applied with the help of an ear stick to the required places.

Important! It is forbidden to use kerosene for the treatment of clothes and fabric items, since it is not amenable to washing.

  • Freezing bugs. This method is suitable for cold regions. You can destroy insects by putting the furniture in the frost for several hours.
  • High temperatures. Pour boiling water over the places where parasites accumulate.
  • Vinegar repels uninvited parasites with a pungent odor, but does not destroy them. To know how to remove bedbugs at home quickly with vinegar, you must place the insect directly in the solution. This will lead to his death.
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Chemical industrial products

Chemicals will also help to cope with the task of how to get bedbugs out of the apartment forever. They are quite simple to use and have a long shelf life.


The most effective in this category are aerosols. The most common types are:

  • "Raid". Locally affects bed bugs of their nests. A rather pungent odor quickly disappears.
  • The Raptor. Well-known drug with good reviews. It has a paralytic effect and is recommended for topical use.
  • “Combat”. A budget tool, which comes with a set of nozzles for hard-to-reach spots. It also has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of parasites.
  • Microphos. A professional drug with a persistent smell.


Powders, crayons

The next category of control agents is crayons and insecticidal powders.

Important! Before you bring bugs out of the apartment yourself at home, make sure that the drugs purchased contain contact poison, and not intestinal poison.Bed bugs, unlike cockroaches, feed on blood and will not eat crayons and powders.

Requested funds:

  • "Masha." Perhaps the most popular and universal tool. It is easy to apply and use. Suitable for the initial stage of the appearance of unexpected guests, in the neglected case, it is ineffective.
  • “Chlorophos”. When used, diluted with water. Provides a 100% result, however, is toxic to humans.
  • "Neopin." “Knows” how to get bed bugs out of furniture. To do this, it is applied to the desired surface using irrigation and left for 2-3 hours. After that, the remnants of the product are washed off.

Important! Repeat this procedure daily for 20 days.

Liquid solutions

Liquid products are not widely used, but also have a place in the Russian market. They are difficult to use, since additionally you need to use specialized tools and protective equipment.

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Precautionary measures

Knowing how to get bedbugs out of the apartment at home quickly, you need to follow safety precautions. Namely:

  • work procedures to be carried out exclusively with rubber gloves, a respirator and glasses, since vapors of insecticidal substances are toxic to humans;
  • during the procedures, it is necessary to open the doors and windows;
  • exclude all sources of fire, as some of the insecticides are highly flammable;
  • Rinse surfaces thoroughly with detergents after completing procedures.
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We derive bugs from clothes

If parasites are found on clothing, get rid of them as soon as possible. The most popular way to get bedbugs out of clothing is through heat treatment. There are several ways:

  • washing at the maximum permissible temperature;
  • ironing things using the steam function;
  • use dry cleaning services;
  • steam your clothes.

Important! If bedbugs flooded your closet, all clothes should be treated at the same time. It is enough to put all the things in a bag, adding an insecticide there. After that, a closed bag is left for several hours. In conclusion, do not forget to wash clothes.

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We bring bugs out of furniture

When parasites appear in furniture, it is necessary to disinfect the entire room. If you only process the place where they were found, they are more likely to move to something else. At the end of the treatment procedure, thoroughly rinse the furniture.

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As you can see, the means and methods in order to get bugs out of the apartment forever and quickly are enough. Which one of them to give your preference - decide for yourself, based on the area of ​​infection, the characteristics of your family and life.

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