Tattoo Removal 🥝 How to Get Out Without Scars

Fashion is transient. What looks spectacular and stylish today may seem ridiculous or just bored tomorrow. Everything is simple with clothes - you can take it off and throw it away, but what if fashionable details are right on your body? The human figure is changing, respectively - jewelry on the skin takes on a new shape and does not become as attractive as before. And then the thought arises: how to get a tattoo at home? This will be discussed in our article.

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Stuff and withdraw at home or in the cabin?

Tattoos and tattoos are usually applied in the salon, because it is there that professional craftsmen work, who will offer a beautiful drawing and do everything according to sanitary rules. In any case, professionals who know their worth do just that.

Naturally, when you think about how to remove or erase a partak tattoo, you first need to evaluate whether you can go to a salon or clinic. The advantages of this method are obvious:

  • sanitary standards are observed;
  • the procedure is less painful than home remedies;
  • there are certain guarantees that after removal there will be no scars;
  • if the scars still appear, they can be disposed of in the same office;
  • The effect can be achieved faster than at home.

Important! Many are disciplined by the schedule. The fact is that a tattoo is unlikely to be reduced at a time, although there are such methods. At home, you can always find excuses why today you don’t want to smear your hand with iodine, and to evade visiting the salon, if time is set, is much more difficult. The main reason that keeps potential customers from going to the master is the lack of money. Mixing a tattoo is not an expensive pleasure, it can be even more expensive than applying it.

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Pros and cons of home treatments

If you are thinking about how to remove a tattoo, keep in mind that the substances you need are pretty simple, which you can buy at every pharmacy. But what you can’t buy anywhere is patience and endurance.

Important! Absolutely all home methods for removing the tattoo are painful, and the procedure must be completed within a few weeks, or even months. Perhaps the only advantage of such an operation done at home is the cheapness.

But the minuses - more than enough:

  • no method gives an absolute guarantee;
  • When wondering how to get a tattoo at home quickly, honestly answer yourself - no way, because all methods take time;
  • almost all methods leave scars;
  • all options are more or less unpleasant, and even painful;
  • sanitary standards have to be taken care of independently, as well as the dosage of drugs.
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How to get a tattoo at home?

To get rid of the tattoo, you will need one of the following drugs:

  • iodine 5%;
  • potassium permanganate powder;
  • alcohol tincture of celandine;
  • table vinegar;
  • milk.

Important! In the pharmacy you will find several types of iodine. Drugs differ in the concentration indicated on the label. You need exactly 5%.A more concentrated solution will result in chemical burns.

Potassium permanganate is needed the most common, in crystals. She will need a lot. You can still ask the alcohol solution of celandine, but this method is perhaps the most unpleasant and most painful.

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What else will you need?

When deciding how to make a tattoo at home, think about the tools. You will be very useful:

  • cotton buds and tampons;
  • sterile bandage;
  • cream “Actovegin”;
  • disposable syringes.

Important! If you have a tattoo machine at home, the process will go a little faster.

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How to reduce a tattoo at home with iodine?

This is the most popular tattoo removal method, and it is also the most painless. Although this is not to be expected to remove the picture without any unpleasant sensations.

Important! This method is suitable for almost everyone - of course, except for those who have an allergic reaction to this drug.

Procedure Procedure:

  • Stock up on 5% iodine and cotton buds.
  • Wet a cotton swab in solution.
  • Wipe the area of ​​skin with a tattoo (strictly along the lines of the picture).
  • Repeat the procedure 3 times a day.
  • After a few days, the skin begins to itch - do not pay attention.
  • Do not strip off the flakes.

Important! If the itch becomes too strong - start to lubricate the place of the tattoo with an antiseptic moisturizer, for example, Actovegin.

  • Refrain from tanning - in any case, try to cover the part of the body where the tattoo is, even during a short exposure to the sun.
  • If bleeding ulcers appear, discontinue the procedure until it is completely healed.
  • A few months later, a pinkish skin should appear on the site of the tattoo - the same as happens when a person is badly sunburned.

Important! With this method, the tattoo can not be bandaged or covered with a band-aid - a chemical burn may result.

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How to get a tattoo at home if you are allergic to iodine? You can try table salt of medium grinding (of course, not iodized and without any other additives).

You still need:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • laundry soap;
  • a sponge or a clean cloth;
  • sterile bandage or sterile gauze;
  • patch.

Important! Why is salt of medium grinding needed? This is the best option. Too small is less effective, and large makes the procedure very painful.

9343327485_3ba2543d1f_kProcedure Procedure:

  1. If there is hair in the desired area, shave it.
  2. Wash the tattoo area with laundry soap.
  3. Rinse with clean running water.
  4. Treat with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Dry with a sterile cloth.
  6. Prepare a very concentrated solution of sodium chloride - it should be a slurry.
  7. Apply the composition to the tattoo.
  8. Rub it with a foam sponge or a clean cloth for about 20 minutes.
  9. Rinse the gruel with room temperature water.
  10. Bandage the tattoo with a bandage (you can apply a gauze napkin, securing it with a band-aid).
  11. Repeat the procedure every day.
  12. After a few days, the tattoo will begin to fade.

Important! Rub salt gruel every time you can no more than half an hour.

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Removing a tattoo at home using celandine is a very painful procedure. In addition, a scar remains after it.

If you are prepared for such consequences, be careful and the following rules:

  1. Moisten a cotton swab with alcohol tincture of celandine.
  2. Wipe the area of ​​the skin where the tattoo is located along the outline of the drawing, trying not to get to healthy places.
  3. Apply a sterile bandage or gauze.
  4. Repeat the procedure every day for 8 weeks.

Important! After the second or third procedure, a burn will appear at the site of the tattoo (for some, even after the first time). It is washed with peroxide and lubricated with an antiseptic.

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Vinegar essence

You can reduce the tattoo and vinegar. Unfortunately, a scar cannot be dispensed with in this case. The method is certainly effective, but very painful and very risky. You can get a pain shock, not to mention a severe burn.Better to work with gloves.

Option 1:

  1. Dip a cotton swab in vinegar essence.
  2. Apply vinegar to the skin area with the tattoo.
  3. Wait 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool boiled water.
  5. Fill the tattoo with hydrogen peroxide to avoid infection.
  6. Apply a sterile dressing.
  7. Repeat the procedure every day for a week.
  8. Take a break of 2 weeks so that the skin rests and heals.
  9. Repeat the series of procedures.
  10. Again, take a two-week break after a week.

Important! Continue the course for two to three months at intervals.

Option 2:

The method is also very painful, and it is better to ask the assistant to carry out this procedure:

  1. Fill the tattoo machine with vinegar essence.
  2. “Knock out” the tattoo exactly along the contours of the one you want to reduce.
  3. Repeat the procedure every day until the tattoo comes off.

Important! Do not forget to disinfect burns.

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How to get a tattoo with potassium permanganate?

Potassium permanganate can be bought in the pharmacy in the form of a powder, although today not in every one. There are two options for mixing the tattoo with this substance.

Option 1

For this method, you will need, in addition to potassium permanganate:

  • sterile bandage;
  • gauze napkin;
  • antiseptic ointment;
  • plastic bag.


The procedure for removing a tattoo with potassium permanganate:

  1. Make a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate - it should be almost black.
  2. Wet a cotton swab and wipe the outline of the pattern.
  3. Cover the tattoo with a napkin.
  4. Put a plastic bag on top (you can fix it with a band-aid - it is important that air does not get under it).
  5. Hold for 2 hours.
  6. Remove the bandage.
  7. Treat the burn with peroxide.
  8. Apply an antiseptic ointment.
  9. Apply a sterile dressing.

Option 2:

The method is for the strong and hardy, because severe burns remain that heal, forming ugly scars. In addition, the skin under the tattoo darkens:

  1. Fill the tattoo with potassium permanganate powder.
  2. Cover with a damp cloth.
  3. Apply and fix the polyethylene layer on top.
  4. Leave the dressing for 2 hours.
  5. Remove the dressing, rinse the burn with peroxide, lubricate with an antiseptic and apply a sterile dressing.
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What else should be considered?

Each person has their own skin type and pain threshold. Therefore, the results will be different. They depend on:

  • from how long the tattoo was applied;
  • from the area occupied by the drawing;
  • from what part of the body it is on.
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Therefore, do not be surprised if a neighbor brought the tattoo with vinegar essence in a few days, and even after the second cycle of these painful procedures you have a very modest result. It should be remembered that, starting to reduce the tattoo in one way, do not switch to another. It is also necessary to carefully consider the concentration of drugs and the time of their exposure. And do not forget - all surgical operations must be done only with clean hands. And even better - do not experiment with your health, but turn to specialists!


