How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the armpits?

Everyone knows the smell of sweat. He appears during the transitional period and pursues us throughout our life. It is not so easy to get rid of him. Often, even the best developments in the field of deodorants are not able to completely solve this problem. The stench eats into clothes and causes a lot of trouble to its owners. But we can offer you some simple and effective ways to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under your armpits.
to contents ↑How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes?
The easiest way to solve this delicate problem is, of course, washing. It will be manual or machine - it does not matter. Although in recent years, few people erase it manually, except for very delicate things.
You just need to clean things correctly, for this:
- Study before washing clothing label. Usually manufacturers indicate their recommendations on it. You will find all the information on the possible temperature, washing mode, the possibility of using bleach and subsequent ironing there.
- Keep in mind that fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones. Therefore, the sooner you wash the soiled thing, the more chances there are for it to quickly return to the system.
- Sweaty clothes should be washed separately from other things, as the smell of sweat is very pungent and will be transferred to other things. Or it can be soaked for half an hour before washing in a basin or other container.
- The concentration of the powder and the washing mode must be set to the maximum permissible for this product, since sweat is difficult to wash off from clothes, especially from synthetics.
- Be sure to use fabric softener.
- Drying such things is best in the fresh air, for example, on the balcony.
But sometimes the smell of sweat on clothes remains after washing. What to do in such cases? Folk methods will come to our aid.
to contents ↑Important! In order not to constantly have to solve such a problem, make sure that everything is in order with your health and that you properly monitor your hygiene. Read our articles:
Traditional methods of dealing with sweat
There are several simple ways to get rid of bad smell with the help of improvised means.
Laundry soap
This is the easiest and most universal way:
- Moisten all the problem areas of your clothes and soap them thoroughly with laundry soap.
- Leave on for 10 minutes.
- Rinse with water and wash the product as usual.
- Dry your clothes in the fresh air.
Important! This household chemical product is effective in a variety of situations. You may be interested to know why this soap is able to remove a variety of stains. About this all the detailed information, see the link “What is laundry soap made of?”.
Potassium permanganate
Manganese will help you get rid of a problem smell:
- Make a strong solution of potassium permanganate. To do this, dissolve it in a small amount of water.
- Moisten a tissue in this solution and treat problem areas.
- Leave on for 20 minutes.
- Wash normally.
Lemon acid
Citric acid is also able to deal with a corrosive aroma:
- Dissolve two teaspoons of citric acid in 100 ml of water.
- Apply to problem areas and leave for half an hour.
- For greater efficiency, you can treat the thing affected by the unpleasant aroma with acetic solution. To do this, mix vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Put the product in this solution for an hour.
- Wash in the machine as usual and air dry.
Important! Citric acid should be in the arsenal of every housewife, because this remedy is effective and universal. Find out how else you can apply it at home from the following publications:
How else can you remove the smell of sweat from clothes under your armpits? Will help you ammonia:
- In 100 ml of water, dilute three tablespoons of ammonia and add one tablespoon of salt.
- Stir the solution thoroughly.
- Treat all problem areas on clothing with this solution.
- Wash your item as usual.
How to get rid of the smell of sweat from clothes without washing?
There are times when there is no time for washing. In this case, express methods will help you to help correct the situation without resorting to washing. How to remove the smell of sweat from clothes under the armpits without washing?
Soda and hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide and soda will help you get rid of stains and remove the smell of sweat from your clothes:
- Apply hydrogen peroxide to problem areas and leave for a while.
- Rinse with warm water.
- Sprinkle these areas with soda and leave for 1-2 hours.
- Then the remains of soda can simply be shaken off.
Important! Hydrogen peroxide has a brightening effect, so be careful with dark things. In this case, it must be washed off almost immediately after application.
Since bacteria cause the smell of sweat, you can get rid of it in a simple way - by putting the product in the freezer for several hours or hanging it in the cold.
Important! Before you put it in the freezer, do not forget to pack it in polyethylene.
The spots under the armpits can be treated with alcohol or vodka and left for 1-2 hours, and then ironed with a hot iron.
Salt will help you, but only if your item is sewn from natural fabrics, for synthetics you need more effective methods:
- In 200 ml of warm water, dilute one tablespoon of salt.
- Soak a cotton pad in this solution and treat problem areas.
- Rinse with warm water and dry.
Salt and ammonia
For bright things, you can use a mixture of salt and ammonia:
- In a saline solution, add one teaspoon of ammonia.
- Treat problem areas with this solution.
- Rinse thoroughly with water and ventilate in fresh air.
You can get rid of the smell of sweat with ordinary table vinegar. It can be applied using a cotton pad or use a spray bottle. True, then you will have to get rid of the smell of vinegar, but it is much easier.
Dishwashing Detergent
In such a difficult matter, all means are good. A dishwashing detergent is also great for such a thing. You can also use shampoo:
- Apply a small amount of the selected product to the problem area.
- Leave on for a few minutes.
- Rinse off the rest of the product with water and dry your clothes.
Important! Every housewife uses detergents in her kitchen. But not all of them are sometimes effective, so you most often have to choose the right one experimentally. To facilitate your task and protect your loved ones from the harmful effects of chemistry, browse our rating of the best dishwashing detergents.
Baking soda
Each housewife has baking soda in the kitchen - this universal remedy will help you in this case:
- Apply soda evenly to the problem area and rub a little into the dirt.
- Leave on for 15-20 minutes.
- Shake off the rest of the product.
Gasoline with ammonia
This tool should not be abused, especially since the smell of gasoline is also difficult to get rid of. Gasoline for such a thing needs to be taken refined - a conventional engine will not work here:
- Treat the surface with gasoline.
- Apply ammonia solution.
- Leave for a while and rinse with water.
- Ventilate things properly in the fresh air.
How to refresh outerwear?
Outerwear sometimes suffers from the smell of sweat, for example, if we go to a store, subway or other warm room in a warm jacket. Traces and the smell of sweat may remain on the inner lining.
How to clean a down jacket from the smell of sweat?
- Try to air your outer clothing more often, especially in cold weather.
- Regular newspapers perfectly absorb all unpleasant odors. If your jacket smells of sweat, stuff it inside with newspapers and leave it like this for a few days.
- Make a mixture of water, salt and ammonia, treat it with problem areas. In this case, ammonia is mixed with warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10. The lining can be treated with a cotton pad or a soft cloth moistened with this solution.
- You can use the products of the chemical industry. In stores, special products are sold in the form of sprays or aerosols.
Useful Tips
Any problem is easier to prevent than to solve, so use our helpful tips:
- Do not neglect personal hygiene.
- If you sweat a lot, wash your clothes after the first wear.
- Try to wear clothing made from natural, breathable fabrics.
- Use high-quality, non-marking deodorants.
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Of course, the problem of stinking clothes is unpleasant, but even it can be solved if we approach its solution with a clear understanding. Good luck, and let all your things always have only a pleasant fresh aroma!
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